The Lonely Mutation of Baxter Stockman

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In his lonley office, Stockman kept working, until his master had entered.
"Baxter Stockman!"
Stockman gasped to Shredders sudden entrance
"I ordered you to build me a mutant army, and you give me this?" He three papers at him. Baxter lifted the paper
"No, no.Don't you see? It swims, flies, and know tae Kwon do.It's a triple threat." Shredder cut it apart "And it quacks?"
"Can it, stinkman.This is the last time you mess up." Rahzar got in his face
"Mess up? But look at you, Rahzar.You're twice the dog.Uh, man you were before."
Chris snarled at Baxter.
"No, Bradford.I have a more suitable fate in mind.You have failed me too many times." Shredder got ready to mutate him.
"No! I mean, please, master Shredder.I've got plans, huge plans.Mutant pigs and rhinos." He begged
"And rhinos."
Shredder held up the button
"What are you doing? No! The mutagen? You can't.I wouldn't be of any use to you as a mutant.Please, don't."
The mutagane collar started to beep.
"I am not a man of idle threats." Shredder said while walking out
"Heh, bet you'll end up.A bigger freak than me, stinkman." Said Bradford. For a moment the collar stoped beeping.
"Yes.Yes! Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you." Yet it broke splashing the mutageon all over him.

"Is it just me or has Simona been acting really sus lately." Urte said as she put her guitar down.
"Huh?" Mari looked up from her T-phone
"Sim. Acting sus. Lately." Urte crossed her arms and pouted.
"Ohhh! Hmm.. what?"
"Ugh! Can't you see she's been acting even wierder then usual!" Urte said
"Who is?" Iveta walked in
"UM, care to knock before you eneter my room?"
"Actually, this is my room." Iveta said decently calmly yet shakily.
"Oh.." Urte got emberassed remembering she wasn't in her room, Mari chuckled
"Sorry, I'm still getting used to being my own person... I didn't mean to pull a Raph on you.." Urte apologized. Iveta smiled "It's fine, I know you're trying." She said and sat down on her bed "So what is this all about?"
"Simona acting sus, least that is what Urte says." Mari explained while laying upside down.
"Well why is she sus?" Iveta turned to Urte.
"I'm not sure, just...her behavior seems slightly off...well more then off... Haven't you guys noticed?"
"Nope" Mari said as Iveta shook her head.
"Well maybe, then it's just me." Urte sighed.

In the lab Donnie, April and Simona were working on the retro mutageon.
"Almost got it.Almost got it." Donnie said as he poured from one glass to another.
"Are we done yet, Donnie? We've been up for, like, a million hours." April yawned while laying her head in on top of the desk.
"Oh, no, no no worries, April. This time, it's gonna work. We'll finally be able to turn your dad human again." Donnie said making April smiled tirdly. Simona patted Fluffy's head.
"Now I'm adding a sample of your DNA. So brace yourself.For the scientific breakthrough of the century! Retromutagen!" Donnie smiled, but April was already asleep.
"...Do you think it worked?" Simona looked at Don
"I hope so..." Donnie said and got ready to look at it through the microscope "Okay, mutant cells.Please turn normal.Please turn normal.Oh." but then they turned normal making Donnie gasp "Eureka.I did it! I really did it! Whoohoohoohoohoo!"
"You did it? You really did it?" April stood up.
Simona frowned and mummbled to Fluffy  "I...more like we..." she layed her haid down while Fluffy hoped over to nuzzle her

"Did what?" Leo said as the rest walked in
"Invent pizza that doesn't get soggy in milk?" Mikey said and ran in
"I finally made it.Retromutagen, you guys! The key to turning Mr.o'Neil human again." Donnie said and then turned to Splinter who had just walked in "And you too, Sensei."
"Human once more? Save April's father first, and then I will consider it." Sensai said and walked out.
Iveta and Leo frowned.
"Ooh, what if I turned myself human again? I wonder what I'd look like." Mikey said snatcinh the vile  "What up?"
"We were never human to begin with, genius.We'd just turn back into turtles." Raph said
"Give me that.I've only got enough for two doses, one for April's dad.And one for Master Splinter." Donnie said as he took the glass away from Mikey
"Can you make more of the stuff?" Leo asked.
"Yeah, but it takes Ten canisters of mutagen.To refine just one tiny dose of Retromutagen, and I don't have any left.But at least we can find your dad.And change him back." Donnie smiled at April
"Oh, I'm just speechless.Thank you.Thank you so much, Donnie.You're the best.Muah!" She grabbed him over the table and kissed his check, Donnie all dazed fell over. Simona rolled her eyes once again until she was suddenly dragged out.  Everyone watched as Urte pulled her out and away from the lab.

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