Into Dimension X!

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Alarms blared as he ran. He panted as he ran out of this torture of a place. Making his way out of the lair and hiding in the crystal forest. He took a few deep breaths and turned to the kraang communication orb he had stolen
"Turtles! The Kraang have perfected the mutagen.They're about to..." Leatherhead spoke before he was approached by a swarm of kraang.
"Halt, that which is referred to as "intruder."" Said Kranng before attacking Leatherhead.He tried fighting back, but it was no use. There were too many kraang. He roared as the kraang put him down and took him away. He dropped the communication orb, yet to his luck part of the message went through,
"Turtles! The Kraang have perfected they're about to-"

Back in the turtle's dimension, Simona made her way over to Iveta's and Mari's room. She knocked on the door.
"Come in." It was her older sister. Taking a deep breath Simona walked inside. "Hey."
"Hi." Iveta looked up from the floor, pain scattered everywhere. Not in a messy way though, nothing was spilled or dirty, yet Iveta had open watercolor all over the floor. Simona knelt beside her.
"Paint?" She smiled.
"Of course."
"I see Aria is painting too." Simona looked over at Iveta's parrot who was happily flopping around with the acrylic paints. Aria held a paint brush in her mouth as she swirled random colors of paint onto the canvas Iveta had placed for her.
"Yes, she is a very very smart animal." Iveta smiled.
"You are so kind for even bringing her home."
"Well you did the exact same with Fluffy, as Mari did with Mice."
"I guess so." Simona paused for a moment. "May I speak to you?"
"Of course!" Iveta set her work aside and looked at her sister. "What is it?"

Simona took a deep breath in again, she didn't know why, but the topic made her uneasy. "You remember a few days ago, when I was out with Casey?"
"Yes, I do. Why did something happen?" Iveta worried. Simona quickly shook her head.
"No no, well, not with him. When I was waiting to grab his things after we finished ice skating, Cadence visited me."
"Oh... well you must be learning something?" Iveta gave a slight grin. Simona blushed.
"No! Well... yeah, but..but that's not the point." Simona shook herself back, approaching the topic that was bugging her. "She spoke to me about the day before, you know about that Ho Chan guy..."
"Yes?" Iveta raised a brow.
"Well, when April jumped grabbing the dagger...she only succeeded because I used my magic to make him throw it higher...I was going to grab it and do what April did but I guess April I had to be the hero-"
"Simona, you used your magic, not in training?" Iveta was shocked.
"Yes and I am sorry, Cadence already gave me a lecture on-"
"But nothing only worked in favor...." Iveta was taken back.
"Yes...exactly...but Cadence said I can't use it..but this time when talking about why we can't use out powers, she added to the reasons. She said 'the line between our worlds thinns. She has a better chance of tracking you all down.' Who is...she? What line thinns?"

Simona questioned as she watched her sister get lost in thought. Few moments later Iveta turned back to her.
"Honestly, I have no idea. Quite literally. Luna has never mentioned anything about a she to me. Perhaps Celestia or Twilight Mari and Urte."
"Maybe, but from what we learned from Cadence and Luna so far is that Celestia and Twilight tend to play by the rules. They don't break them or go against them. I doubt they would have mentioned anything to Mari and Urte." Simona explained.
"That is strange...Did Cadence say anything else?"
"No...she disappeared right after...well to her luck Casey came back, but I could tell in her eyes she was looking for a cover up...I feel like she shared too much and she knew she did."

Iveta thought for a little bit sitting silently before Simona broke the silence. "We barely know anything about ourselves. All we know is that some three magical beings from another world told us that we are the lost princesses of the universe. I mean who in their right mind would believe that....we are witches of some sort at best." Simona was irritated.
"Well, the books they give us to read aren't like any other books we've ever seen. It isn't something we can look up on the internet ."
"Yes, but what do we know about us? I mean Mari can talk to the dead. That is pretty creepy if you ask me."
"It is, but that's what her powers are-"
"That gives me more reason to believe we are witches in training."

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