Never Say Xever

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In the evil lair of darkness...
"Hamato Yoshi's disciples are turtles? And yet they managed to defeat you?" Shredder was furiuos
"Not just turtles.Man-sized turtles.Trained in ninjutsu." Chris aegued
"And I almost had them.Till you lead us into their trap.If you'd let me take them down when I wanted" Xever argued
"Then we'd never find Hamato." Chris talked back
"Silence.You were such a promising student.I expected much more from you." Shredder held jis blades against Chris's throut
"Sensei, give me another chance.I will not fail you again." Chris said
"No, you won't. Xever, you are in charge." Shredder said
"I won't take orders from this gutter trash." Chris said
"Is that so?" Shredder said
"Unless you want me to, master." Chris said as Xever smirked
"I've already put the word out on the street to watch for the turtles.And when I find them, I'll peel them out of their shells and drop them at your feet." Xever said before he and Chris left...

"You guys want to speed it up a little?" April asked
"Are you saying turtles are slow?" Donnieasked
"That's a hurtful stereotype." Mikey said
"Trust us, April.We are better off keeping a low profile.We find people treat us better when they don't know we exist." Leo stated
"Sorry.I'm just so excited to get you out of the sewer for a change." April said
"What are you talking about? We go out all the time." Raph said
"Yeah but tonight you're going to do something besides hitting people." April smiled
"Aww." Raph was dissapointed
"Oh come on now, Raph.. you'll get to try something new for once" Iveta said
"Nobody askes you" Raph awesnerd
"Wow! Okay Raph don' t you think that's a little harsh to say to you'r little sister?" April asked
"Um no?" Raph asked
"Don't bother April... me and Raph never get along.." Iveta awenserd
"And never will" Raph added
"Oh will you just shut up?!?!" Leo argued
"Stop defending her!" Raph argued back
"Or I have a better idea!" Urte said, they both looked at her
"How about you two shut the heck up and leave her alone? Sound good?" Urte smiled
"Since when do you defend the losers?" Raph asked
"Since when don't you listen to me?" Urte's words finally shut Raph up, then it was silence
"Soooo how dangeruos is this place?" Martyna looked at April
"Don't worry.You're going to love this noodle place I found." April said
"And you're sure we'll be welcome?" Donnie asked
" Oh, yeah.Mr.Murakami doesn't care what you look like.In fact, he won't even know what you look like.He's blind." April said
"Awesome." Mikey smiled, Raph smacked him "I mean, for us obviously."
"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Simona smiled, when they made it to the place they heard glass shattering
"Oh, no." April said
"Who are those creeps?" D asked
"The Purple Dragons.They think they own the streets around here." April said
"So much for not hitting people tonight." Leo smirekd
"Oh, well." Raph smiled
"Booyakasha!" Mikey screamed as they broke in
"Huh?" They guy looked up
"All right, let him go.You don't want any trouble." Leo said
"We, on the other hand, do." Raph said
"Whoa, those guys were serious.There really are giant turtles." The guy said "You've heard of us? Dudes, we're famous." Mikey got exited
"That's bad." Donnie said
"Whatever you are, this neighborhood is ours.So why don't you slither back to the ocean you came from?" The dude said
"Actually, we're freshwater turtles.I suspect that we're derived from the diamondback terrapin but it's possible we're a common box..." Donnie got all smart
"Get 'em!" The guy screamed
The turtles and the purpule dragons started fighting, the turtles kicked there butts. Mikey got distacted by the food and one of the guys was about to hit him April threw a pot at his head "Thanks, April." Mikey smiled
"You're welcome" She smilled back
Iveta and April helped the old man out "Duck!" Iveta shouted as a pot flew obove there heads. Leo was about to beat the guy, but when he saw fear in his eyes he let him go
"Get out of here." Leo said as he let go of the guy, the guy smirked and walked passes Leo
"Come on.Let's go.This ain't over, greeny." The guy and his buddies left
""Greeny"? Really? I wonder how many brain cells he put to work on that." Donnie asked, Simona gigled
"Doesn't look like he has more then two braim cells" Donnie giggled at her comment
"You just let him go? What the heck was that? " Raph attacked Leo
"They weren't exactly a threat.They'd had enough." Leo awenserd
"Dude! They were beating up a blind guy.There's no "enough".Now they'll think we're wimps and we don't have the guts to finish the job." Raph screamed, leaving Leo in thought
"Shut up Raph! What Leo did was generuos" Iveta said
"What he did was stupid and you know that. Stop defending him!" Raph was angry
"You need to stopd getting in Leo's face!" Iveta argued
"And you need to stop getting in my face!" Raph argued
"Come on, Raphael cool off" Urte said
"Didn't you hear?!" He looked at her
"Yes I did." Urte walked up to Iveta
"Listen, how about you get out of my brothers face?"
"Your brothers?! He's my brother too!" Iveta looked at Urte confused
"Sure, whatever" Urte rolled her eyes
"Raph is my brother just as much as Leo is yours" Iveta said
"Leo is no brother to me, he's just a dork from my family" Iveta gasped at Urte's words
"You did not just say that!"
"Yes I did."
"That's my girl" Raph smirked
"Oh would you just stop promoting this mean to the family thing, Raph?" Leo got mad
"OKAY! Will you four cut it out already?!" Simona said
"Yeah, you have been on top of each others throuts since you where kids!" Donnie backed her up, soon the four shut up
"Wow.That was great, you guys." Apirl came back with Murakami to ligthen the mood
"Thanks, April.Did you see when I caught the one guy and flipped him onto the counter? Did it look cool? I bet it looked cool." Donnie asked
"The coolest." April awkwardy smiled
"You didn't see it, did you?" Donnie asked
"No, I did not." She awenserd
"My friends, I'm indebted to you.Please, allow me to make you a meal.Free of charge." Murakami said
"I think we can allow that." Raph said
"What is your favorite dish?" He asked
"Pizza!" They all screamed, Murakami got to cooking and he was amazing
"Murakami-san, that was awesome!" Donnie said
"You're like a ninja but for food." Mikey said
"Pizza gyoza." He handed them the food
"Pizza gyoza?" They asked as they tasked the food it was amazing! They ate it fast
"Wow.Delish!" Mikey said
"It's like I got a one-way ticket to Flavorville." Donnie said
"This is really good too, you know." April pointed to her soup
"Murakami you are amazing!" Simona smiled as she ate her meal
"This is where heven is at!" Martyna smiled, Murakami did too
"Uh, Murakami-san, do the Purple Dragons come around a lot?" Leo asked Murakami sighed
"Yes.They demand protection money but I refuse to pay.They will surely return."
"Well, they wouldn't if somebody hadn't wimped out." Raph looked at Leo, who looked upset, Iveta wanted to defend him, but before she could say a word Leo saked his head no.

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