Pizza Face

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Author's Note at the end!

"So what do you say, April? Let's check out a movie.Dusk of the zombies 4 is playing at the Argosy." Irma suggested as she nd her friend walked sown the street.

"Uh, sounds cool, Irma, but..." her phone buzzed "Oh, man, I'm already late for, um ....My date with Casey."
"You expect me to believe that? This is getting a little insulting.What are you talking about? I know you're really gonna hang out.With those "secret friends" you won't tell me about.So what's the deal?" Irma asked

Suddenly, a boy knocked them over, passing by with his motercycle. He fell off.
"Help! I'm being attacked!" He said
"Uh, there's no one here." April looked around
"Oh, yes, there is." He got back on the motercyle leaving a pizza box behind

"So that just happened." Irma crossed her arms
"Hey, you dropped your..Well, at least we got a free pizza. I should take it to the ...On my date with Casey." April said
"That's garbage pizza delivered from crazy town.I'd sooner eat a jar of toxic waste.Filled with onions and tomatoes and...." Irma contiuned
"Oh, I'm late.See you, Irma." April said before running off
"Great to spend some quality time with you, April." She was sarcastic

"Man, the guys are gonna love this. Free pizza" she sniffed it "Hmm.It smells fine, but Maybe Irma was right." April tossed the pizza and contiuned on walking.
"Eat me."
April looked around "Hello? Who's there?"
"Eat me."
"The pizza? Weird." She said and opened the dumbster and looked in. The pizza cane alive and screamed "Eat me!" Before attacking her.

"Oh, yeah! Did you see that last explosion? " Raph smiled and looked to Urte. At the lair they were enjoynging a cartoon.

"Ah! I've been trying to reach April for hours." Donnie walked back and forth looking at his T-phone "Hope nothing's wrong."
"Something sure is wrong, bro." Mikey said making everybody turn to him.
"There isn't a single pizza shop in town that's picking up!"
Everybody grumbled.
"I'm serious, Mikey." Donnie rolled his eyes
"You think I'd joke about the pizza? You know me a little better than that, Donnie, to joke about the pizza."
"The pizza is not the same as-" D started
"OR MAYBE, just maybe..." Simona said loudly, making everyone turn to her from the TV "She just doesn't want to talk to you." She looked Don dead in the eyes. "Because your constant calling must get hella annoying." She got up and left. Donnie frowned, it hurt to hear her say that. Raph's eyes looked side to side. "She's got a point tho..."  Urte lightly punched him.
"Shut it."
"Okay, guys...the pizza?" Mikey said
"You're the culinary expert. Why don't you just make your own?" Leo asked, the words echoed in Mikey's head.
"Yes! I will make the ultimate pizza!" He smiled and ran to the kitchen.

Mikey happily went to the kitchen and started making his pizza. He made the base and added the sauce. "Now, what would be in the best pizza ever?" He asked himself and looked around.       "Duh! Hot sauce! I love a little hot sauce on my pizza I love a little hot sauce, yes, I do but hot sauce isn't hot without sardines, son it just tastes like a pile of sticky goo! Some protein from a pile of worms some garlic, chives, and marshmallows too but wait a second, boo if you please I'm missing the most important part cheese!" He smilled and went over to the fridge and sang    "A cheesesicle I need my cheesesicle Ice cream kitty, give me a cheesesicle! Come on! Meow! Kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty! Kitty, kitty, kitty! Ice cream kitty, give me a cheesesicle!"

"Are they ever gonna stop singing? It sickens me." Raph said while leaning his head in his hand. Leo took a sniff and in the air and instantly was disguisted. "Whoa! Ugh! What is that repulsive smell?"

"If by repulsive you mean delicious, I agree. Dig in!" Mikey held out his pizza, making his sibblings scream. It looked horrible.  "Doesn't it look sublime?" Mikey asked. 
"Wow." Martyna was surprised. 
"No." Urte shook her hair.
"On a diet." Donnie stated.                  
"None for me." Raph shook his head. 
"Your loss." Mikey said and started munching down on his pizza.
"Where are you gonna get better, huh?"
His siblings gagged. "He can eat anything." Mari sighed. 
"You take disgusting to a whole new level, bro." Raph crossed his arms. They all turned to the new commercial that had just come on TV.  "Other pizzerias letting you down?Try Antonio's pizzeria, now under new management. But don't take our word for it. "The commercial then showed people. 
"Antonio's pizza is so good, you'll want to obey its every command." 
"It's my new delicious master. Obey the flavor."
"Okay. That was crazy." Leo said looking at the TV" 
"Right? Why eat Antonio's when you can have homemade?" Mikey said, the brothers rolled their eyes, Leo took his T-phone out and dialed a number.
"Hello, Antonio's? Order for delivery."
"You ate the whole thing already?" Donnie turned to Mikey. 
"No." he said before throwing the last bits of food in his mouth. 
"Yep." then he burped straight into Raph's face. "Ugh!"                                                          
"Whew! Made a little room in there." Mike smiled. 
"Just go wait for the pizza guy, Mikey.
And don't eat it!" Raph yelled. 
"Ugh! Fine! I'm going."
"I repeat do not eat it!"
The pizza guy stopped in the dark alleyway and looked around. "Hello? Is this the address?"
"Psst! Down here." Mikey said and reached out from the sewer drain taking the pizza. "How much?" 
"At Antonio's, the first one's free." The pizza boy answered.
"Whoa. How many times can you order the first one?" Mikey asked, but the guy was already on his way. "Hello? Pizza dude?"

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