The Gauntlet

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April was just walking by, why suddenly she heard a noise, it was a giant pigeon! He chased April, she screamed and ran into the bank, the pigeon saw her and flew to her but bumpes into the glass, April walked out as the pigeom flew away
"My life has gotten really weird." April said as she hugged herself

Leo and Raph where fighting in the dojo when Donnie walked out
"Check it out, guys.We are about to take our ninjutsu to a whole new level." He said
"Cool." Leo said as he kicked Raph down
"Last night, I figured out how to make ninja smoke bombs!" He said as he threw one and teleported to the other side of the room
"Whoa." Leo said
"Now, to make 'em, I carefully drill two holes in an eggshell without cracking it, slowly blow out the contents, wait for the inside to dry, then pour in flash powder and seal both holes with wax." Donnie explained
"Blah, blah, science, blah.Do it again!" Raph smiled
"What I'm trying to tell you guys is, they take a long time to make, so use them sparingly." Donnie stated

"I'm making breakfast!" They heard "Who wants omelets?" Mikey shouted
"Omelets? Mikey, don't!" Donnie shouted
"Uh, I think that was a rotten egg." Mikey said as a smoke bomb exploded in his face
"Those aren't eggs, Mikey.They're ninja smoke bombs." Donnie said
"Shut up. This is the best day of my life!" Mikey said and started trowing smoke bombs
"Mikey, stop!" Donnie yelled
"I love you, man." Mikey kissed Donnie's cheek "Seriously." Mikey said

Outside the Girls where peeking in
"He probably wish that kiss was from April,not from Mikey" Simona crossed her arms, the girls looked at her judingly
"What?!" Simona said
"You realise that your jealousy isn't gonna get anywhere" Urte said
"Can't you see, after April we don't even hang out with our brothers anymore, like we used too!" Simona snapped
"Um... we are spyning on them like we always did" Iveta said, Simona rolled her eyes
"These smoke bombs are so cool! It's like we can teleport!" Martyna smiled
"Yeah!" Iveta smiled
"It's like I could go anywhere I wanted!" Martyna smiled
"Yeah but with the smoke bombs you still have to run" Simona stated as Martyna dissspeared
"Did...did you girls see that?" Iveta asked
"Uh..." Urte looked around, then Martyna apered again
"What kind of smoke bomb did you give her?" Urte turned to Simona
"None!" She awenserd
"Guys... I think it was me..." Martyna said
"How?" Simona asked, then Martyna started teleporting everywhere
"OMG! This is the best day of my life!" Martyna smiled
"How can she teleport?!?" Iveta asked
"I have no idea..." Urte kept looking at Martyna
"Okay! Keep this between us four until I figure out what's wrong with her" Simona grabbed Martyna
"Clear.." Martyna awkwardly smiled

"Guys! Guys, you'll never believe what happened to me." April ram into the lair as there brothers walked out "All right, April, calm down.Are you okay?" Donnie kneeled to her
"I am being hunted by a giant pigeon!" April grabbed Donnie
Raph started lauhing until Leo crossed his arms and looked at him
"I can't be the only one who finds that funny." He said
"You aren't" Simona snickered
"It's not funny, guys.There's a creature out there trying to hurt my April." Everyone looked at Donnie
"Our April April." Donnie said
"This is serious.-I'd better get Splinter." Mikey said before throwing a smoke bomb
"We don't really need..." Iveta started, then Splinter apeared
"Michelangelo said you wanted to see me?" Sensai said
"His talons were razor sharp.He would have torn me to pieces if he hadn't slammed into the glass." April said
Raph and Simona lauged again
"Really? Just us?" Raph said
"Raphael! Simona! Clearly April is upset." Sensai said
"Yeah, dude, that's so insensitive. Do you need a tissue?" Mikey said
"I think I'm okay." April awenserd
"I'll get you a tissue." Mikey threw a smoke bomb
"We don't have any tissues. Can I make you some soup?" Mikey asked
"Stop it! Don't worry, April, we won't let anything happen to you." Donnie said
"Donny's right.We're gonna set a trap for this pigeon-man and make sure he never bothers you again." Donnie said
"Well, I know what we can use as bait." Donnie said
"Bread crumbs! Pigeons eat bread crumbs." Mikey said
"I meant April." Donnie said
"You're gonna let him eat April? I thought you liked her!" Mikey defendended April
"Yeah!" She said
"Well good! Let him eat her!" Simona said then suddenly everyone turned to her
"You seriuosly need to stop" Urte said
"I was joking.. haha...ha.." Simona looked away
"Don't sweat it. We've got your back." Donnie said
"All right, mighty mutants, let's do this." Leo said
""Mighty mutants"? What, "dancing dorks" was already taken?" Raph asked as they all started to run out
"Wait! We do not yet know what you are facing.Perhaps you should study your enemy before confronting him." Sensai stoped them
"With all due respect, sensei, it's a pigeon." Leo said
"What you know is dangerous to your enemy.What you think you know is dangerous to you.I fear you are all becoming overconfident." Sensai said
"Sensei, in the past few months, we've taken down giant spiders, plant creatures, alien robots, and an army of ninjas." Leo said
"Yeah, boy." Mikey smiled
"Maybe we're not overconfident.Maybe we're just that good." Leo said before they all ran out

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