A Foot Too Big

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It was a stormy night, lightning and thunder type of night. Despite the loud noises, everyone was asleep. Everyone but Simona. She looked at the ceiling. She was so close to it she could almost touch it while laying down. The feeling of only being separated by a roof from the outside made her feel prickly. She had never experienced a thunderstorm before. She was used to living underground, back in the city.

Simona's gaze landed on her bunny, who was soundly asleep under many blankets at the foot of her bed. The storm didn't bother him. Turning over to her side she looked at Mari and her cat, sleeping soundly. Not to mention Mari had headphones on and she's gotten baby headphones for Mice too. She was silly like that. They were both knocked out cold. Simona bent over the edge of the bed, looking down at her two other sisters. Both asleep. Even Aria was dead asleep at the foot of Iv's bed.

With a soft sigh Simona carefully made her way out of her top bunk and then down from the attic. Silently she walked around the house, making her way downstairs. She didn't have to worry about waking anyone up though, the thunder was so loud and constant. It was doubtful that anyone would hear her. Without much thought she walked into the kitchen and looked out the window.

The outside was rather horrid, so much wind and harsh rain. Sighing, she went over to the cupboard and got out a glass, pouring some water into it before drinking some of it. Simona walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. She was surprised to see a light coming from the living room. Carefully she walked inside, interested in who was up.
"Simona!" The boy smiled at her.
"Casey! You're up too?" She was surprised.
"Yeah...can't sleep. You?"
"I can't close my eyes because of the storm." She said and walked over to the coffee table, placing her glass down before sitting beside Casey.
"Are you scared of the storm?" He asked, smirking slightly.
"I'm not scared of-" Lightning stuck outside, making Simona squeal and jump into Casey's embrace. He laughed and hugged her. She pulled away and gave him a gentle punch. "Not funny!" Caseys still laughed while Simona sat there with a 'really' face.

"I'm sorry, it's just funny and cute. Have you never experienced a storm before?"
"No, I grew up in the sewers. What'd you expect?" Simona crossed her arms.
"Nothing nothing..." He turned back to the TV. Simona sat there for a moment quietly thinking.
"Are you scared of the storm too?" She finally asked. Casey chuckled.
"No, I just can't sleep, you know? It's just one of those nights where my body just won't give in to sleep."
"I see.." Simona hugged her legs as the two sat quietly for a few more moments before Casey broke the ice again.

"How is everything with Don? You guys cool?"
"Oh...yeah...I..I think we are. I don't know, Casey. It's complicated. I fear that I broke the bond we used to have and now...I'll never get it back. I care for him and love him very much, but we've barely had any conversations without getting into an argument...least for the past week." She frowned. Casey looked at her and gently placed his hand on her knee.
"Hey...tomorrow's a new day. Maybe you guys won't fuss at each other." He smiled, making her smile too.
"How are things with April?" Her gaze tracked down. Casey removed his hand from her leg.
"Um...good. We're cool."

Simona felt so stupid for asking, why couldn't she just keep her mouth shut for once? Why did she have to bring up April. It was silent once more. "Gosh why Simona, why the heck would you do that?" Anger ran through her body. She was mad at herself
"Are we cool?" Casey asked.
"What? Of course we are! Why would you even ask that?"
"I don't know...I am just glad that you didn't give me a cold shoulder." He looked at her and smiled.
"Don't be silly Casey." Simona said as she scooched over to him. "How could I give a cold shoulder to the guy who listened to me talk about 'Catcher In The Rye' non stop for hours. And not only once. I mean nobody has ever done that for me." She placed a hand on his shoulder. Casey smirked slightly and put a hand on hers.
"Not even Donnie?"
"Not even Donnie." She blushed and smiled at him.

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