The Invasion 2

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"Invasion! That's right, folks.The aliens are back! Robots are emerging from portals! UFOs are everywhere! A giant alien brain is stomping through the east village!" The news reporter guy spoke.
"Yeah, I'd say we're basically doomed." Don gulped.
"This is all my fault. If I hadn't brought Irma to the lair..." April frowned.
"You can't blame yourself, April." Donnie looked at her.
"Yeah, we can do that for you." Mikey said before Donnie lightly hit him.
"I'm gonna fix this. I'm gonna find your brothers and Casey." April said and stood up.
"You can't go out there, April! You have to stay with me. I'm scared." Kirby walked beside her. Just then Mikey's phone buzzed.
"Whoa! Raph just sent me a text."On our way, being chased by Kraang Prime.Frowny face." Oh, guess they'll be a few minutes late." he shrugged.
"By Kraang Prime?" Simona walked over and looked at the message. "This can not be good." She looked up. Mari squealed and ran beside Donnie, hugging his arm.
"Aww,'s going to be okay." He calmly said before hugging her. She pressed her body to his, she was so scared for everyone's sake.

"You cannot run, earthlings! Your entire planet will transform!" Kraang Prime chased them through out the entire city.
"Raph, what is going on?" Casey asked as they ran.
"The Kraang perfected the mutagen! They want to turn Earth into dimension X!" Raph explained on the run.
"Wicked!" Casey smiled.
"Wicked? Are you crazy?!" Raph was shocked.
"Boys! Keep your heads in the game!" Urte sped ahead. They followed her. It was not long until Kraang Prime had them down. It threw a car towards them, thankfully it landed on two other cars, preventing the three from getting squashed. They all crawled out from under and looked up.
"Goodbye, lower lifeforms. Aah!" It screamed as it was shot in its side. "What?"
"Earth Protection Force, move! Get into formation. Flanking maneuver. Go, go, go! Team two, cover quad four! Hut, hut, hut!"
"Pathetic humans."

"Now's our chance!" Raph said as he helped Urte up. "Run!"
"But it was just getting awesome." Casey said as he ran after them.

"Stop hiding behind your Footbots! Face me, Shredder!" Leo screamed from down bellow.
"You are beneath me, turtle." Shredder's eyes narrowed.
"You should let me finish him, Master." Razhar said.
"Not yet.I want to see him suffer."

Tiger Claw looked down at the turtle boy, fighting the foot bots with everything he had in him. For the first time. He wanted to help. But he knew he couldn't, he'd risk putting Leonardo in more danger as well as himself. Yet he worried. He worried for Iveta. He knew Leonardo being gone would break her.

"Leonardo." Sensei had finally found traces of Leonardo in the sewer.
"It is the rodent known as "Splinter".Exterminate. Exterminate." Kraang came over and started attacking Splinter, soon Leatherhead came to his rescue.
"Kraang!" He kept destroying them every bit.
"That is enough! Enough!" Sensei shouted before getting him out of his trans. " Leatherhead, my thanks." "Great Splinter, where are your sons?" Leatherhead asked.
"Lost in this madness.Will you help me find them?"
"Anything for my friends."
"Then let us hurry!"

Back in the city, in that cursed pit of doom. Shredder watched his footbots weaken Leonardo to his last. "Now you may finish him." he said as his henchmen jumped down, hurting him. Tiger Claw giving him the lightest hit. Even though Leo was on the floor he was not giving up. He was so full of rage he destroyed all three of shredder's greatest henchmen. Once he was done he barely caught his breath, before Shredder struck him, making him fall to the ground. Still. Tiger Claw walked over to him and carefully picked him up, but not noticeably. He took his phone and looked at the missed calls and messages.
"They wait for him in the girl's home."
"Bait them out and destroy them." Shredder ordered before his men ran off. Shredder climbed out of that pit, only to find Splinter examining Leonardo's sword that was stuck in a foot bots body.
"Where is my son?" Splinter stood up.
"I take him like I took your child so many years ago." Shredder grinded before attacking him.

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