The Mutation Situation

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"Whoo-hoo! Unh! Yeah! Yah! Ha ha! We are awesome! Yah,Whoo-hoo!" The joys of young teenagers echoed through out the streets.

"And then I took my sai and shortened that Kraangdroid's skull.Wham!" Raph showed off
"So cool!" Urte said
"Sure Raph, but I used my uncanny scientific knowledge to bring down an interdimensional portal.Equally as awesome!" Donnie bragged
"Of course!" Simona smiled
"What about Master Splinter? Wish I could've seen him take out the Shredder." Leo said jumping down
"And let's not forget cottage cheese demon.If we didn't stuff him in that microwave, the Earth would be drowned in living cheese!" Mikey said
"For the 22nd time, Mikey, there was no cottage cheese demon, ever!" Raph shouted
"Did you see him?" Mikey asked
"No!" Raph said
"Then how do you know, huh?" Mikey asked
"What?.... I that doesn't even make.." Raph sighed "Sure, man.Cheese demon.Whatever you say." Raph smiled
"We are awesome!" Donnie said
"Yes we are!" Martyna said
"Yeah, boy! High three!" Mikey smiled
"Unh, yes! Month long Kraang/Shredder mega-defeat celebration rules!" Martyna smiled

They all kept running and laughing
"So are we gonna stop by April's?" Donnie said stoping, Making everyone else stop "We are 1.3 blocks and six no, no seven meters away from her apartment." Donnie said
"Yeah that's not weird or anything, Donnie." Raph turned to him

As there brothers jumped ahead, Martyna stoped and looked around
"You guys ever feel like we are being followed?" She asked
"No?" Urte turned to her
"You okay?" Iveta came up next to Martyna
"I feel cold, and shaky, and I feel like I'm being watched." Martyna said with a snezze. Simona walked up to Martyna cheecking her tempature
"I think you may just be sick." Simona said
"Well let's go" Urte said

They cought up to there brothers.
"You 4 good?" Raph asked
"Fine, Mari here got the flu" Urte pointed at her
"I'm fine" Martyna said with a snezze
"Huh" Leo put a hand on Martyna's head "Your head is burning" Leo said
"Really? Because I'm freezing" Martyna said falling into Leo's arms. Leo picked her up and held her close her.
"Handsome-gram for April o'Neil!" Donnie knocked on her windoe
"Ugh." Simona rolled her eyes
"Did you really just say that?" Raph asked
"Guys! Um, great to see you!" April opened the window, they started walking twards her
"Yeah, uh, you mind staying on the fire escape?" April said
"Seems like you've been avoiding us lately, April." Leo turned to her, still holding Mari
"It's not my fault.Dad's alien abduction nightmares are getting worse.He's so freaked out, he won't let me out at night." April explained
"I'm sorry, April.It's just what if the Kraang are still out there? Waiting? Lurking? I'll do anything to protect you." Her dad came
"Dad." April sighed "I can take care of myself now.And and I'll be with the guys! I couldn't be more safe!"
"Trust us, Mr.o'Neil.Shredder and those little squishy brain-freaks are long gone." Mikey said
"Speaking of, do you have a blanket we could borrow?" Leo asked
"Sure" April said handing it to Donnie who handed it to Leo, who wraped it around Mari
"Is she okay?" April asked
"She's sick" Leo said "Just a flew" Martyna snezzed again
"We can make her some tea" Kirby offered
"No need Mr.O'Neil, we'll have her home and fix her up. Thank you for the offer" Leo said before they left.

"Greetings, one who is called Shredder." Kraang spoke
"Do you have my shipment?" Shredder asked
"The shipment that is secret will soon be transported to the one called Shredder."
"And how will you deal with any complications?"
"Kraang complicates the complication with greater complications."

"I'm sure you will be better in no time!" Iveta said putting a 10th blanket in Martyna
"I'm still freazing" Martyna said shaking
"Seriuosly? You are literally wearing leggings with pj's on top, not to mention 4 pairs of socks, fluffly slippers and a blanked wraped just around your feet!" Urte said putting a cup of tea next to Mari. Mice curled up next to Martyna
"It's odd that you are still cold" Iveta said putting another scarf around Martyna "We even put pillows near the wall so you wouldn't have to feel the cold wall" Iveta sat beside her
"Donnie even turned up the heat" Urte said "And it's summer!"
"Well I'm sorry" Martyna said
Simona walked in with a heater, a hat and a blanket. She turned on the heater and pointed the air twards Mari. She walked up wraping the blanket around Mari's shoulder's and putting the hat on her head. Mari snezzed.
"It's so odd you are sick." Simona cheecked her tempature "I'll go see if Donnie and I can find you some medecine" Simona stood up "Does your throut hurt? Does it feel dry? Is it sore? Are your mucles aching? Coughing? Feeling weak? And very very cold?" Simona asked
"Um...not really. A bit. A tiny bit. Yes. Nope. Yeah. Very very cold!" Martya awenserd
"Does she have fever?" Simona turned to Iveta
"Yes, 44C" Iveta awenserd
"Okay, got it" Simona awenserd and walked out
"I'll go see what the guys are up to" Urte said walking out after Simona amd closing the door
"Aren't you going to go with her?" Mari asked
"No, I'll watch over you" Iveta smiled, Mari smiled back.

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