Return To New York

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"Crognard, Megalord Zarrik's soldiers guard the entrance to the fortress of the Ragnaroid."
"You will never get through the Gates of eternal stagnation, Crognard."
"Eh, Spooch Spooch! It's impossible, Crognard! What are we going to spooch?"
" Crognard must think. Spooch will storm the walls and distract the Zarrik army."

The cartoon was interrupted by breaking news.
"Ever since the invasion that is known as the invasion of New York, humans want to know what is going on. Everything is fine. No human is allowed in or out of the city until Kraang Uh, the military allows it. This is Carlos Kraang O'Brien K-Gambe." The man finished.
"Hmm, did the news guy seem a little Kraangy to you?" Mikey asked as everyone was huddled to the TV.
"A little? What, are you on the pepperoni?" Raph smacked him.
"The Kraang may have the rest of the world fooled, but not us." April spoke confidently. "What's the plan, Leo?"
"Step one is, storm the castle walls. Donnie?"
"It's not as heavily armored as the Shellraiser, but it's more maneuverable, has more weapons, and gets better gas mileage." Donnie set down a blueprint.
"Then let's stop jabbering and build this sucka!" Casey pushed aside looking at the blueprint.

And so they all began working on the new vehicle. It took them some time, but it was a lot easier since they were all working together.
"The new and improved party wagon!" Donnie said as they all finished the project.
"It's so awesome!" Raph smiled.
"All right, team. Let's do this!" Leo smirked before they all high-fived.

It was the next day when they were preparing to leave the farmhouse. Iveta sat on the floor as she packed the last of her things. She picked up the music box, that they had discovered, the one that Simona and Donnie had fixed, the one that belonged to the man who knew of their dimension. She looked at it for a moment, maybe now they would finally be able to find out more about him. She wrapped the item in a shirt and carefully placed it into her bag. "Maybe the evidence wasn't destroyed." She thought to herself as she stood up and took the bag. Heading towards the ladder she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She and her sisters were now back in their old clothes, their ninja gear. It was odd and in some ways felt even scary. After a moment of looking she turned away and continued downstairs.

Simona was carrying out the rest of Donnie's equipment to the partywagon. Lost in her thought she stumbled, quickly catching herself and the box in mind air. She sighed in relief, not breaking any of her brother's equipment.
"Let me help you with that." It was the one person she'd like to speak to the least. Casey walked over and put his hands on the box. Simona quickly snatched it back and walked passed him. She didn't even look at him.
"Why don't you help April instead." She said and walked away. Casey's eyebrows furrowed. He had no idea what she meant. Yet, he turned back to tie the car he and Don fixed, to the partyweagon.

"Come on, Ice Cream Kitty. We're going home." Mikey said to his pet. Mari walked over to them with Mice in her hands and smiled.

"Arrivederci, Dr. Cluckingsworth." Donnie knelt to the chicken before nuzzling him. Raph walked passed the two.
"You both sicken me."
"Goodbye, old farmhouse." April took one last glance at her old home.
"Hello, New York City!" Mikey cheered before they drove off into the sunset. Iveta quickly took out her phone, she debated for a moment. She couldn't let the enemy know, but she had to see him. Yet, she pushed the feelings down and set her T-phone aside.

It was only later into the night when they drove up to the gates of New York.
"All right, team. First, we track down Master Splinter. Then we hunt for Karai and free the city." Leo explained.
"So what's the plan, fearless leader? Ninjay or allout attack?" Raph qouestioned.
"Ninjay. We park at the gate and sneak in. Then we split up and search for Master Splinter."
"And my father." April said before Casey stopped in front of the gate as big light shone on them.
"Okay, not good." Urte gulped.
"Oh, man! They got us, dudes! The jig is up, homeslice!" Mikey shook Raph who grabbed him and shut him up lowering them both. The boys all lowered themselves. The girls quickly followed.
"Citizen!" One of the military men walked to the vecihle. "This is EPF quarantine sector 7B. Roll down your window." Casey did as told. "Authorized personnel only. No one goes in or out of New York City."
"Whatever you say, army dude." Casey smiled before the guy turned to walk away.
"You see that? It's a Kraang mind control device." April focused her eyes on the guy's back.
"I bet they all have them." Raph said.
"They're all controlled? Like "Invasion of the brain suckers?"" Mikey freaked. The army men started powering up their weapons as Casey lowered his mask.
"What are you doing, Casey?"
"Stop!" One of the men screamed, but Casey hit the accelerator, making the girls and boys fly backwards in the back. He drove past them and rammed through the gate. They were in the cit.
"What were you thinking, man?" Raph pushed himself near the front seats. "You got any brains behind that hockey mask?" He said and lightly hit the back of Casey's head.
"I had no choice, Raph. They were powering up their blasters."
"Um, guys? Where are all the people?" Simona looked around.
"You-you think the Kraang mutated everyone?" Mari asked as she clutched onto Mice.
"No way, not possible." Leo said. April focused her mind outside of the car. "It's completely possible. I only sense a few hundred people left in the entire city. They're gone. Millions of people just gone!" April freaked.
"One good thing. We haven't run into any Kraa." Mikey stopped himself as they turned a corner and drove right up to kraang. "Oh, no! Why did I have to open my big mouth?"
"It is the humans known as Casey Jones and April o'Neil. Kraang! Eliminate for Kraang!"

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