The Good, The Bad, and Casey Jones

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~~The night before the fright~~

Martyna and Mary were walking along the big castile hollway. Martyna had been here numoruose times now and she was used to the old royal family memember apearing through the walls or walking by, the screams from the dungeons wheren't anything new either, but Martyna's favoriute thing was the moving paintings. She loved the days when there'd be a full moon and she'd be able to see the paintings in the old gallery move. Each one would tell a diffrent story and Mari loved it.
However this particular day was a bit diffrent, like some days Mari would join Mary in her royal studies.

They entered the giant library where Mary's teacher would usally wait for her. Mary walked in first and looked around for her teacher. The library was empty, the only thing making noise was the librarian. Mary walked over to her again and taped on her shoulder.
"Oh! Your highness!" The lady turned
"Where are my our teachers?" Mary asked sadly
"Well, Princess, yet again the lessons were canceled due to the party tonight." The lady explained, Mary frowned once more
"What party?" Mari was confused, Mary turned to her friend than back at the librarian.
"Is that so soon?"
The lady noded
"Well, thanl you for reminding me." Mary said and walked out with Mari following behinde.

"What's the ocasion?" Mari remembered to ask
"I completly forgot to mention to you, there is this party tonight. Of Lord Henry and his son Herobrine coming here. Worth shall be weded to him. It's the first time a big thing like this is happening." Mari smiled "And you are invited, come I'll borrow you one of my dresses. Atleast now I will have somenody to spend the boring evening with."
"Aren't Greg and Slendy invited?"
"Well of course they are!" Mari smiled

Mary and Mari continiued to Mary's room. When inside Mari ran and jumped on Mary's bed,while she walked over to her closet. She opened it and started looking through.
"So who is this...prince Herobrine?" Mari asked
"You know, mincraft creepypasta. Futrue dark lord. But our parents thought the horros of both worlds should be as one, in peace." Mary pulled a dress
"Well yes, but have you ever spoken to him?" Mari asked
"I.. I have bumped into him." Mary said handing Mari a dress "But it's Worth's wedding, she is soon to become queen after all."
"So we have bumped into him?" Mari smirked, Mary couldn't help but blush.
"Mary, what aren't you telling me?" Martyna wondered, Mary stayed quite for a moment, then let out a sigh and awensered her friend
"When I bumped into him, we had the most amazing conversation. It's like he understood me perfectly... like you and Slendy and Greg. Perfectly, but in a way diffrently. Being around him just.. it just felt special." Mary smiled, but frowned again "But he and Worth are getting married and I should be avoiding him at all costs.."
Martyna frowned for her friend. She knew Mary had a big heart, unlike her sister, she was much more worthy to be queen.

In the evening when guests have arrived Martyna was waiting beside the queen of fallen blood. She was looking for the prince. Her focus was quickly over when Mary and Worth came into view. Martyna smiled at them
"Mary, what is your mortal friend doing here?" Worth asked, before the young princess could awener, her mother awenserd for her.
"I invited her. Now if you please come here, we must talk. Mary go and find your friends with Martyna." The queen said. They all obaied her.

Walking twards Slendy and Greg Mari could tell Mary was nervuos. They made it to their friends.
"Hello hello mon cherry" Greg smiled at Mary "Why are we so blue?"
"Yes! Just my thought!" Martyna pointed out.
"It's nothing, jusy that-" Mary was interupted

"Ladies and Gentelman!" The announcer called out
"The king of Minecraft, Lord Henry! And his wife Angelica!" They walked out "And their son, Herobrine!"

Mary's eyes fixed onto him as she sighed. Slendy presued to move his hand up and down across her face, but she was dazed. Her gaze followed the young prince as he walked to her sister.

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