A Chinatown Ghost Story

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"So how we gonna break into the museum, Fong?" Sid asked as they all stood behind a building.
"You want to steal, steal a key." Fong smirked as the purple dragons broke into the museum.

Up top, Simona and April were running from rooftop to rooftop. April stopped and took out her binoculars and looked around the area. Simona jumped onto the rooftop entrance to get a better view of the city. "No sign of her." April stood up and walked towards Sim.
"Yeah..." Simona frowned and jumped down beside April.
"Hopefully we don't run into the foot as we search."
"You and I both." Simona looked at her before both of them turned to the direction their fellow teammates' voices were coming from.

"That is not true. I've gone through years of intense physical training. Ninjas are some of the most skilled athletes on the planet. You're just, like, limping around, dude." Donnie said as he swiftly made his way over to the rooftop Simona and April were on. He landed smoothly and turned around smirking at April.
"Now, this is how Casey Jones crosses rooftops." Casey said before he crossed to the rooftop, landing on his skates. He got on one knee as his skates helped him roll to April.
April sighed. "Lame." Donnie said aloud as he crossed his.
"Oh.Will you two keep it down? We're supposed to be looking for Karai." April stated and crossed her arms.
"Sorry, April.I-I didn't mean to-" Donnie walked over to April putting a hand on her shoulder. Soon he was interrupted by Casey.
"My bad, red. Casey Jones apologizes. Peace hug?" Casey said before pulling April into a hug, making Don react in shock and instantly trying to spead them apart. April rolled her eyes at Don's and Casey's actions. Simona rolled her eyes as she walked to the edge and looked over.

As her eyes scanned the street she noticed the purple dragons sneaking into the museum. She squinted her eyes making sure she was seeing things clearly. She was. It was the purple dragons.
"Guys!" She called out to the rest. "I just spotted the purple dragons. I am sure they are up to no good." Simona said and started making her way down.
"The Purple Dragons...Yes. Peace hug's over." Donnie said and grabbed April's hand before running after Simona. "Let's go!"

"Wow. Steranko's gonna pay through the roof." Fong smiled as they walked up to an ancient artifact. "We hit the mother lode!"
"Yeah? Well, you're about to get hit by a mother lode of Casey Jones." Casey interrupted him.
"And a mother lode of Donnie too." Don added.
"What the..." Tsoi looked at them.
"and April." Donnie smirked, making April smirk back at him. Casey looked at them both. Simona frowned for a moment before Casey spoke.
"So what, Simona's a dead spot?"
"I was about to say AND Simona, Casey. Before you oh so rudely-" Donnie turned to him.
"Look out!" Simona shouted as the purple dragons attacked and they all started fighting. Simona was pleasantly surprised by Casey, but quite hurt by Donnie. However, what was she expecting. She deserved this.
They continued fighting. Casey kicked down Sid before running to help Don.
"I had him. Why'd you do that?" Donnie said to Casey.
"I saved you from a kick in the head."
"Oh, you were just trying to impress April, and I-"
"Nice job, guys.Great.You let them get away." April interrupted the two with an angry tone.

"Oh, man. We got nothing!" Sid said as he and his buddies escaped.
"That's 'cause you two are losers, yo. Check it out." Fong said as he held up the ancient knife. Without thought he tucked the knife out of its casing as a spirit appeared.
"Greetings, Purple Dragons. You may now bow before your new master, Ho Chan."
"I said bow!" The spirit said, using his magic to make them bow.

Simona, Donnie, Casey and April finally made their way back and met up with the rest of their group.
"You guys have any luck?" Leo asked.
"Eh, no sign of Karai, but we just had a crazy run-in with the Purple Dragon gang." Donnie explained.
"Oh, man, you beat 'em up without me? What kind of friends are you?" Raph said, taking out his sai.
"We almost had them, until these two goofballs let 'em get away." April pointed to Casey and Donnie.
"Ah, it's no big deal, April. Those guys are like a level-one boss battle.Who cares about the Purple Dragons anyway?" Mikey said, relaxed.
"They stole from a museum, yet we didn't manage to stop them." Sim crossed her arms.
"So what? The police will find them and get the item back. Big deal." Urte leaned onto her twin. Simona nudged her off.
"The point is Urte, they did a crime."
"And you have a crush on Casey..." Urte whispered, making everyone but Sim whose cheeks flushed up, raise a brow.
"Urte, if you're going to say something...might as well say it to everyone?" Leo tilted her head.
"Yes yes of course. I was just saying that-"

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