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"Another day, another Kraang hunt." Mikey said annoyed
"Hey, Raph! Fire the weapons!"
"I don't think so." Raph awenserd
"See, that's your problem.If I was in charge of weapons, I'd be firing at things all the time.That mailbox, blam.That newsstand, boom.That port-a-potty, splat." Mikey said
"And that's why you're not in charge of the weapons.Now get back to your station and tell me which way to go." Leo said
"Hmm.Okay.Uh, you should turn right three blocks ago." Mikey said

"This must be the hidden Kraang lab." Simona said
"Let's trash the place!" Raph said
"Hold on, Raph.This is a recon mission.We go in there, find out what the Kraang are up to, and then trash the place." Leo said
"Fine.Wake me when we get to the trashing part." Raph said, Urte patted his back

They entered the lab
"Oh, man.Someone beat us to it." Raph said
"It looks like one of their mutagen experiments got away from them." Simona said
"Seems they were doing experiments on arthropods." Donnie looked around
"Weird." Simona walked up next to him
"Yoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-ha!" Mikey spun around on a wheel chair
"Hey, this equipment's still good." Donnie said
"Nice centrifuge." He smiled
"Where?!" Simona ran beside him exaitedly
"If I ever get that excited about a centrifuge, just put me out of my misery." Raph said
"Hmm?" Martyna saw something
"Hey, Donnie, how big do you think one of those arthropods might be?" Mari asked
"Well, a bee is about 4 millimeters, and a wasp would be 6." Donnie awenserd
"Then what the heck is that?" Mari screamed and pointed to a huge wasp
"What the heck?!" Urte ran behinde Raph

The wasp jumped on Mikey
"Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!" He screamed, his brothers pushed it off
"We need a plan, and fast." Leo said
"I know.I'll catch him with my kusarigama chain." Mikey said
"That wasp is too strong.How about this? Mikey, you get it to chase you and we'll ambush it." Leo said
"Why don't we ever do my plans?" Mikey asked
"Because they're your plans.Now go!" Leo said

"Hey, wasp! Come and get it! Whoa!" Mikey started screaming and running when the wasp started chasing him
"He's really turned running away screaming into an art form." Simona said
"Well, at least he's good at something, right?" Donnie said
"Good-ish." Urte said
"On my mark.Now!" Leo said, they jumped but the wasp was grabbed by someone
"Ha.How you like me now?" Mikey said
"A lot less than I did a few seconds ago." Raph said, the wasp fell to the floor
"See? My plan worked.I tired it out" Mikey said 
"You didn't tire it out.The wasp died because it lost its stinger." Simona shouted at him
"Yeah, in me." Leo walked up with the stinger in him, Raph almost threw up
"Leo!" Iveta gasped and ran to him
"Thanks a lot, Mikey." Leo said
"Heh, sorry, dude." Mikey said
"Let me see that." Donnie said pulling the stinger out
"Are you okay?" Iveta asked Leo "Pretty sore, but I think I'll be fine." Leo awenserd
"Mutations are generally anthropomorphic.I've never seen mutagen create giants like this before." Donnie said
"Yeah, real fascinating, Donnie." Urte said
"We really care" Raph added, Donnie Rolled his eyes
"Whoa.Look." Leo knelled down and lifted the newspaper
"It's some kind of egg." Simona looked at it
"Stand back.I'll handle this." Mikey said
"I'm betting on the egg." Raph looked at Urte who giggled
"Wait! We're not hurting it." Leo pushed Mikey off
"We came here to find out what the Kraang are up to, and this egg is our only clue.We should take it back to the lab and let Donnie analyze it." Leo said
"Great idea.Let's take the mutant wasp egg into our home where we live.What's the worst that could happen?" Raph said
"It's not safe leaving this around.It'll be fine, I'll just keep an eye on it." Leo said
"I'll get it." Mikey daid
"Hands off!" Leo pushed Mikey off again
"Dude, are you all right? 'Cause unmotivated bursts of anger are kind of my thing." Raph said
"It's just that the egg could be fragile.Michelangelo cannot be trusted with it.I'll carry it myself." Leo said and walked  out
"I'm beginning to think he likes that egg more than me." Mikey frowned
"Well, the egg talks less than you, so there's that." Raph hugged Mikey with one arm. Donnie and Simona looked at each other in worry.

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