Cockroach Terminator

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"Let's go, Leo, I'm starving!" Mikey said as Leo handed him the food
"Yea, boi! Ramen." Mikey started eating
"Leo, 10/10" Martyna smiled
"Thanks" he smiled back
"Guys, were is Iveta?" Urte looked up from her bowl
"I'm here!" She sat down next to Leo
"Let me get you a bowl" Leo said
"No no no, I ate like an hour ago" she faked a smile, Leo raised a brow
"Oh come on eat up, you don't want to starve" she said as she started drawing. Soon enough a cockroach came along. When it got to Raph he screamed like a little girl
"Roach! Roach!" He said as she started trying to smash it with his sais

"Stop! Stop, you'll smash him!" Simona ran out, Donnie carrying his laptop behinde her
"That's the idea!" Raph said going at the roach, Simona picked the little guy up holding him away from Raph
"You can't smash this roach, ok? He's special.Really speciaaaaal" Simona smiled
"Okay, I'm going to regret this, but why is he special, Simona?" Leo asked
"Because I outfitted him with a remote-controlled camera helmet!" She smiled
"And she did it all by herself" Donnie said putting a hand on her shoulder
"Awe, stop it Donnie, you know you helped a lot" She smiled
"Wow, that explains why you're special" Leo smiled at her
"We can send him into TCRI and spy on the Kraang." Simona presented
"The camera allows us to see whatever the cockroach sees." Donnie explained as he showed the vidoe fottage
"That is awesome." Urte said
"Big, tough Raph is scared of cockroaches." Mikey pointed
"I am not." He awemsered
"Oh, really? Let's go to the video" Mikey said, he paused at the moment where Raph freaks out
"This is my favorite part, right here.Donnie, can I get this on a t-shirt?" Mikey asked
"Want to see my favorite part?" Raph said fliping Mikey over a table
"We're going to spy on the Kraang with a cockroach!" Simona smiled holding the little guy up who squied hapily
"Don't you think you are forgeting fluffy?" Raph crossed his arms
"You're kidding? He get's along perfectly with Mr. Spy baby" She smiled
"Mr. Spy baby?" Raph raised a brow
"Ok, Raph don't start with this." Donnie said taking Simona and walking out
"Donnie wait! I need that video!" Martyna said running after them, Iveta and Urte giggled as they walked out
"Girls wait!" Mikey said as he ran after

"So what else can you play?" Mikey asked Urte
"I don't know.." Urte said " I can play a lot of Ed Sheeran however" she smiled
"Ed Sheeran?" Mikey asked
"He is a famouse british musician" she smiled
"Oh!" Mikey smiled, Urte's gaze turned to Iveta
"What are you drawing over there?" Urte asked, as Mikey also turned to Iveta
"A very special bond, I hope never breaks" she said turning her sketchbook, It was a drawing of Donnie and Simona, hugging
"Wow! You are so talented!" Mikey smiled
"I'm really not... but thanks" she blushed

"Come on, roach number one.Make papa and mama proud." Donnie smiled as he controled the cockroach as it sneaked to the kraang lair, Simona was right beside Donnie.

"Kraang has been on a diet known as "gluten-free".Kraang has already lost 13 Kraang units of weight."they walked to other kraang

"Wait, what are those guys talking about? Can you get closer?" Leo asked
"That which's known as the next phase of the Kraang invasion to the planet known as Earth will soon begin."
"Next phase? That doesn't sound good" Simona said
"That which is the laser drill will drill a hole in the planet known as Earth.That is a hole that is 30 miles deep in the Earth."
"They are going to pour a hole into Earth?" Martyna said
"I'm guessing that's bad.Unless you think the city needs a giant lava fountain." Simona stated
"Yep, that's bad." Iveta said as she hugged Leo's arm
"Goodbye, harsh winters" Martyna said
"Lava surfing rules." Mikey smiled
"It definitely doesn't, Mikey." Simona looked at him
"We have to stop this!" Leo said
"To execute the plan, Kraang needs to possess that which is known as the diamond lens to make work the drilling of the laser drill."
"What does that mean?" Raph asked
"They need a diamond lens to make their laser drill shhh!" Donnie said
"Kraang is already on the way to that which is called the laboratory that is having the lens that is needed by Kraang."
"What?" Raph asked
"One of them is going to a lab to get it" Donnie awensered
"Which lab?" Raph asked
"Maybe, if we listen, they'll tell us!" Donnir said moving his arms, the controler hit the metal wall, losing signal with the roach.

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