Vision Quest

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Leo was outside in the woods, hunting. He spotted a deer and attempted to shoot it. Before Leo could shoot it, the deer moved, hoping away. Leo sighed and jumped down from the tree he was hiding in, hurting his leg. None the less he got up, picking up his bow. Soon he turned around to find the deer watching him, he grabbed his bow and arrow. He aimed at the animal, but it somehow looked different, something felt off. He let his arrow down and admired the animal, but soon it attacked Leo, giving him a few hard hits, before running off.

Back at the farm house Raph was training April and Casey.

"All right, team. If you can clobber Kraang, you can crack logs. Watch and learn." Raph smiled.
"Aw, yeah. Time for some ninja training, farmhouse style." Mikey smiled, Raph smirked and broke all the logs Donnie and Mikey threw at him. He landed and turned back to April, smirking.
"You like that? Your turn, April."
"Sure you don't want me to soften it up for you, red?" Casey asked as he held up the log for April.
"Just hold it straight. Wouldn't want to miss and accidentally kick that smug grin off your face." She said and backed up.
"Oh, snap." Mikey snapped his fingers.
"Remember, it's not just physical strength that breaks the wood. It's also inner strength." Donnie explained.
"I got this. Heeya!" She said and kicked the log Casey was holding. She didn't break it, but she had sent Casey flying.
"Ooh, I wish I could see that in instant replay." Donnie bent over to Casey. "How's that mud taste, Casey?" Donnie laughed as Casey spat out the dirt. Urte snickers as Simona shook her head. Mikey gasped as they all heard grunting.

"Leo?' Donnie asked as Iveta ran to Leo who had just collapsed to the ground.
"Dude, what happened to you?" Mikey asked, running over to help.
"I had a realization in the woods." Leo said, Raph came and took the weight off of Iveta by helping Leo up.
"Going off alone with a bum leg was a bad idea?"
"No, it's just what I need. What we all need. We're so caught up in T-phones and junk food and TV that we've become at odds with nature. A true ninja must become one with it to master himself." Leo explained.
"Hey, man. You leave TV out of this." Mikey looked at Leo.
"Even Master Splinter did it. He said only when you become one with nature can you make peace with yourself." Donnie thought out loud.
"Make peace? What are we, hippies? We're ninjas!" Raph was a bit annoyed.
"We'll do three days of meditation and practiced awareness in the wilderness, only eating what we can forage." Leo said.
"Three days? We're gonna live like animals." Mikey worried.

"Aah! I think Leo might've taken one too many kicks to the head." Casey whispered to April.
"No, Leo's right. Camping's a great idea. I'm tired of being stuck at the farmhouse." April walked closer to the others.
"I'm sorry, April. This trip is ninjas only." Leo stated.
"But I'm almost a Kunoichi." April argued as Raph laughed while helping Leo walk back to the farm house.
"Yeah, almost."

April growled as Casey came and put an arm around her. "Cool. Looks like we'll be stuck in the farmhouse. Together."
"No." Donnie said quietly as Simona looked at Casey in disbelief.

As Raph and Iveta sat Leo down, he looked at her. "I know I said ninjas only, but you girls aren't coming either." Leo's words caused Urte to run into the room. "What? What do you mean?! You think we aren't able to take care of ourselves?"
"No, it's not that. Iveta's in a condition that she shouldn't even be out of the house." His words caused Iveta to frown. "Simona needs to stay in case Iv needs medical attention, Mari wouldn't go out into the woods to live."
"How does that saying can take a girl out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the girl." Raph explained.
"Mari grew up in the sewers! Iveta and Simona can stay...but we are coming."
"No, Urte. I'm sorry. You aren't old enough."
"I am only two years younger!"
"And you are staying here and that is my final word." Leo said firmly, causing Urte to groan and storm out of the room. Leo turned back to Iveta who was still standing with a frown. Leo frowned.
"I'm sorry Iveta." He said softly. Raph walked over to her and side hugged her.
"We can't let anything happen to you, we don't want the four of you to get hurt by accident."

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