The Pulverizer Returns!

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The turtles and the girls were fighting the foot.
"I could do this all night." Raph smirked as he finished fighting the last few soilders
"Aw, man."
"Raph, if you keep breaking your toys, we're not gonna buy you new ones." Leo smiled
"Dude, it's like we just cleared a video game on "easy."" Mikey said
"Mikey, if Master Splinter has taught us anything, it's that real combat is not like a video game." Leo said
"Hey, coins!" Donnie knelled down
"Don't you think they'd send more foot soilders?" Simona asked
"I don't think they'd expect us to be that good" Raph smirked
"Well we aren't that good as you guys" Martyna frowned
"Hey, you play video games with me all the time, I'm sure you will be our level good in no time" Mikey smiled and hugged her
"Well possibly, but I do prefer to play with my pendulum" Mari smiled
"You know those things are dangeruos" Donnie grumbled her, Mari just rolled her eyes
"We aren't that bad" Urte smirked "We could deal with the foot just as well as our brothers do"
"Um hello? We are right here" Raph waved his arms
"The Foot soldiers haven't been much of a challenge lately.Wonder why." Leo said
"Well, maybe we're just that awesome." Raph smirked
"That sounds right." Leo smirked back
"You know who I'd hate to be? The guy who has to tell Shredder about this." Donnie smiled

Shredder beat Dogpound up
"You promised me an army of the best, most lethal ninjas in the world.But the turtles have decimated them.The ones left are hardly worthy of wearing the emblem of the Foot." Shredder was in rage
"I can find more soldiers.Just give me time." Bradford pleaded
"No more time.I need more soldiers, I need better soldiers, and I need them now."
"But that's impossible."
"Hmm.Perhaps not.Perhaps there is a method for building an army of Foot soldiers powerful enough to destroy those turtles once and for all, a method we shall steal from the Kraang." Shredder looked at the kraang

"All right, guys.Let's pack it in.Nothing's happening." Leo said
"I was afraid this day would come.We've run out of butts to kick." Raph stood up  and kicked Mikey's bouncy ball down
"Hey!" He said angirly
"Guys can I ask you something?" Mari stood up
"What is it?" Leo turned to her
"Do you guys think we are bad kunoichis?" Mari asked shyly
"No if course not!" Leo said
"Why would we think that?" Mikey asked
"Well we aren't as good as Karai" Urte stood up
"We don't really use deception for that matter, neither do we attempt to use our female abbilities to get close to Shredders henchman" Simona said
"Awe that's because you are two sweet" Donnie patted her soulder
"Besides, my sisters dating one of Shredders goons, even for spying, pff over my dead body" Raph crossed his arms
"Really? Even Iveta?" Urte smirked
"Okay that was just plane rude" Mikey said, Urte rolled her eyes
"Look, she's such a wallflower, she is the one I'd be most worried for" Raph said
"Well that's new" Leo crossed his arms
"Guys!" Iveta shouted quietly "Foot clan." She pointed down
"I don't get it.Just one guy?" Raph said
"Maybe they only need one guy." Martyna said
"Maybe this guy is the meanest, baddest, most deadly ninja we've ever seen." Mikey said. The guy was struggling to get into TCRI
"Oh." Urte said unamussed
"Or not." Simona smiled shylu
"Anybody else find this dude kind of adorable?" Mikey asked
"Well, he's not much, but he's all we've got.Let's go." Leo said as they jumped down they were surrouned by foot
"Ambush!" Leo shouted

"All right!" Mari said the foot ran off
"Everything okay? I heard Whoa!" The one soiler left was fliped by Donnie's staff. Simona recognized that voice
"Wait!" She ran to Donnie
"Wait, Donnie, it's me!" The guy spoke
"What? The Pulverizer?" Donnie removed his mask
"Hey, guys.How awesome is this? Bet you guys were wondering when you'd see me again." Timothy smiled
"No." Raph said
Tim chuckled "Raphael, still the jokester, I see. Good one."
Raph cracked his knuckles
"Ow" Tim turned to Simona
"Hey dolly" he winked, Simona blushed, her sisters giggled
"Hey! Watch it or next time your head won't be the only think cracking!" Raph pointed, Urte and Mari started laughing
"Hey, what do you guys think of my new threads? I'm a ninja now." Tim smiled
"How in what are you doing with the Foot?" Donnie asked
"Well, last time, you told me I needed to practice.So I joined a Bradford dojo to hone my craft.I wowed 'em with my smooth moves.And boom! They liked me so much, they asked me if I wanted to join the Foot clan." Timothy told
"Wow, they must really be hurting for dudes." Mikey looked over at Mari who nodded
"I've only been with 'em a few days, and I've already made the rank of ashigaru-sha." Tim smiled widley
"Do you know what "ashigaru-sha" means?" Donnie asked
"No." Tim awensered
"It means "cannon fodder."" Donnie awenserd
"Oh, ho, ho.Wow." Tim smiled
"Do you know what that means?" D asked again
"No." Tim awenserd
"Simona?" Donnie  turned to Simona who walked up to Tim, she cleared her throat
"In traditional japanese warfare, the ashigaru-sha were the expendable soldiers who were sent in first to waste the enemy's ammunition and set off traps before the real soldiers arrived." Simona smiled "And that Leo is why I read" she turned to Leo, who rolled his eyes
"Nah.Nah, the Foot wouldn't do that. We're the good guys." Tim said
"Why would you think that?" Urte crossed her arms
"We're out there fighting the Kraang just like you.I-I mean, I-I do check for traps, and I-I do get shot at a lot.And and now that you mention it, they they do keep calling me expendable." Tim frowned
"Why are the Foot fighting the Kraang?" Leo asked his sibblings
"I can totally find that out for you.I could be a spy!" Tim smiled
"Pulverizer, do yourself a favor and quit the Foot." Donnie three the mask down
"Hmm.Oh, sure."I'll quit the Foot."" Tim started winking
"No, I'm serious." Donnie said
"Of course you're "serious."" Tim smilled
"I am.Stop winking!" Donnie shouted
"Right.I'll recon intel and, uh, send you a text.I'm in ninja stealth mode." He ran, they heard a car crash and horn honks

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