Turtle Temper

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There sat our 4 heros and there little sister on the roof tops waiting for the krang.

Mikey kept poking Raph's head to annoy him. Raph annoyingly would twist Mikey finger.

"Guys with ninjas are on surveillance there supposed to be quiet!" Leo quietly screamed

"Sorry Leo" Mikey responed "I'll scream quieter" he said as he was about to poke Raph's head again and so he did and giggled when Raph grabbed his finger and trew Mikey over him, he then jumped up and went to him

"Say it!" Raph said as he started to strangle Mikey

"Raph! Be quiet!" Leo got angry
"Not until Mikey says it!" Raph argued
"Raphel is all wise and powerfull" Mikey rolled his eyes

"Raph is dumb as heck" Martyna wishperd to herself

"And!" Raph strangled more
"And he is better than me in every possible way" Mikey said as his head was twisted. Raph smaked him to the ground
"And I am a lonley warm beneath his feet who doesn't desirve to live on the same planet he does because he's so amazing and cool and I'm a dirt clawd"
Raph licked his finger and pointed it at Mikey's forhead
"And?" He said playfully yet angrly
"And in the history of the universe there's never been.." Mikey almost cried
"Okay enough!" Leo said, Raph got up, Mikey sighed

"NO! My free show!" Urte screamed
"We're waisting our time the krang are never gonna show up" Raph said
"Have a little patiance, will ya" Leo responed
"Trust me guys there gonna show up at that lab tonight! I have realible intell" Donnie said
"Intell? You mean April told you?" Raph smirked
"You mean your girrrlllfrieend?" Martyna and Mikeu awed.
Before Donnie could scream Simona inturupted
"SHE'S NOT HIS GIRLFIREND!" Everyone looked at her in shock
"She's a girl whose a friend, whose dad got kiddnaped by the krang and where gonna stop them!" She finished
"Or we'll sit out on a cold roof for no reason" Urte said

"What the hecks going on up here?" a man's voice came from the side
"What, are you playing dress up?" He asked
"No, sir, we were just" Iveta tried to calm the situation down
"Which one of you slimy green ham shanks busted my satellite dish?" The man got mad
"I don't even know what that means" Donnie thought to himself
"Me neither.But I don't like it" Raph got ready to fight
"Let's go" Leo stoped him

"That's right, you spineless cream puff! Listen to your mommy"
"Hey! Watch it, buddy" Raph got ready to fight again
"Uh... guys can we please not right now" Simona said as she turned back to her brother
"Oh, no.I didn't know you had salad tong" The man arggued
"Salad tongs? I'm not gonna take this from some greasy, pit-stained slob with a comb-over!" Raph screamed
"You calling me ugly? Seen a mirror lately, circus freak?" Said the man "Raph, don't!" Iveta screamed

"You want a piece of me? When I'm done, a piece of you is all that's gonna be left!" Raph screamed
"Kraangdroids!" Simona screamed "Holy Toledo!" The man yelled
"Way to blow our position, Raph" Leo said

"Holy cow. They're some kinda Kung fu frogs" The man started to record
The krang started shooting

"Hiya! Yah!" They fought

"Keep going, kung fu frogs.This is pure gold" The man smirekd
"We're not frogs, you idiot!"Raph said
"Yeah, and it's not kung fu.It's an ancient Japanese battle art" Donnie said
"Guys, he got us on video!" Leo screamed
"Not for long, he doesn't" Raph said and doged at the door, which he smacked his face in

"I'm gonna make a fortune off of this!"  The man smiled and ran off

"Fire truck's en route." Simona said " We got 30 seconds to run!" Donnie atempet to be with his sister
"Let's move" Leo ordered as the siernes got louder
"Wait! We have to find that guy and break his phone, and his face!" Raph was angry

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