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 Here it started with the turtles fighting the krang once again

"Yaah!" Raph growled
"Keep moving .Don't let them surround you. Failure is not an option." Leo stated as he ran "Technically, failure is always an option." Donnie said
"You know what else is an option? Slapping you!" Raph ran next to Donnie
As they ran they heard laser guns "Whoa!" Simona ran to the other side and noticed Mikey
"Mikey! On the right!" She yelled
"Your right or my right?"Mikey avoided the laser gun
"Waah! Aah!" Donnie hit the krang [metal
"Are you kidding me? I hate this thing"
"Hiyaah! Nice work.When we're done here, there's a marching band that needs a majorette" Raph insulted Donnie
Leo jumped and sliced through the krang, Raph did too
"Kraang, the present is being a positive time to be the testing of the energy cannon" Said the krang "Waah!" Martyna emoted
"Everyone stand your ground!" Leo said as they saw the powerfull krang machine
"On second thought, run!" Leo said as the lasers started shooting all where screaming
"Yikes! Yaah!"
"Oh, come on!" The laster destroyed Donnie's bo-staff
"Dude, your weapon just exploded!" Mikey pointed
"Huh? Whoa!" Donnie ran to a corner "How am I supposed to fight advanced alien technology with a stupid stick? Aah!" He ran back to his brothers and sisters who where now cornered
"Kraang, destroy those who call themselves the turtles when that which is the signal is the signal that is given by me!" Krang said as Leo noticed a worker cart and trew a throwimg star at it so it would turn on. It drove right into the krang mechine and blew it up
They all got out safley
"Dumb luck" Raph said
"Wasn't luck, my friend.And dumb had nothing to do with it" Leo stated
As they heared grunting and noticed Donnie trying to carry something out
"Hey. Give me a hand with this" Donnie asked
"A hand with what?" Leo was confused, Donnie eyed  at what he was holding
"We're carrying this thing because why?" Raph asked as he helped Donnie carry it
"Don't you want to understand how these things work?" Donnie asked
"I know how they work. You hit them till the brainy toy surprise pops out" Raph stated
"That's your problem, Raph.You never think things through" Donnie droped the krang to the sewer but it didn't fit
"Was that supposed to fit?" Raph asked

Back at the lair
"This technology is light-years ahead of anything I've ever seen!" Donnie kept looking at the krang body
"Do you know what this is?" He showed April
"No" She awenserd
"Neither do I! But I can't wait to find out!"
"Look, spike. Donnie got another stick to break." Raph said as he held his pet turtle while Sensei walked im with a new bo-staff
"With all due respect, sensei, I can't keep fighting alien technology with a 6-foot staff." Donnie said
"I was hoping to upgrade my weapon" he finished
"Mmm. A 7-foot staff. Interesting" Sensei said
"No, I meant using modern technology" Donnie said
"Aah, a solar-powered staff" Sensei said
"I'm serious, sensei" Donnie got a tad bit angry
"I know. And yes, you may upgrade your weapon"
"That's totally unfair! You can't just" Donnie didn't realize what sensei said
"Wait, did you say yes?"
"Ninjas have improved their arsenal for centuries. We are masters of adaptation." Sensei said
"That is great! 'Cause with this technology, I will be invincible! What should I make? Electric sais? Multi-shot shuriken? Plasma swords!" Donnie giggled
"I just gave myself goosebumps" he  kneeld down "You wanna feel? Eh?" He offred to April
"Pass" She said, Simona rolled her eyes in annoyance
"But remember, technology is a means, not an end.It is you who must prevail in battle, not your weapon. Combat is not a video game" Sensei said
"That's it! I'll turn combat into a video game! Thanks, sensei." Donnie slamed the door as he walked into his lab.
"Awe don't be jealuos" Urte whisperd to Simona, Simona raised a brow as she slamed her book shut
"I am not jealuos!" She stated
"Sureee" Urte's gaze followed to April
"Ugh!" Simona said and left to the lab.
She turned over to Donnie's side of the lab and saw him working on something, she turned to her side of the lab and headed to her table.
"It isn't that I'm jealuos, just worried. You are my beloved older brother" She looked over to Donnie again
"I beg your forgivnes for these thoughts, but you're just a mutant" She sat down
"Could  a soul like her's love a soul like your's. What if she's just foolish"  She sighed and put her head on the table.
She felt a hand on her shoulder and saw Donnie smiling shyly as he was hoping for something
"Do you want to help me?" He smiled
"....yes" she smiled and got a note book and walked with Donnie as they started working on it.

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