The Deadly Venom

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"Bzzzz, Karai. I'm going to help you. Juzzzt like I finally turned you human again. Bzzzz." Stockman flew to Karai. She was tied up, in his lab, struggling to get free. 
"Stockman, if you don't let me go, I'll tear your wings off and stuff them down both your mouths." She threatened. Stockman buzzed angrily, before holding up the brain worm to her ear and letting it in. 
"No!" Karai screamed in pain and fear. 

"Did it work? I demand proof." Shredder walked to them.
"Yezzz, Mazzzter. The parazzite hazzz bent her mind to be totally obedient to you and you alone." He buzzed, releasing Karai.  She stood up, motionlessly. 
"Karai, attack Ivan Steranko." Saki ordered.
"Ha! Snake lady no troubles for Rocksteady. Let us do this like the Brutus, eh?" Steranko said, but he was quickly attacked by Karai. 
"Big mistake," He grunted. "Now Rocksteady dropping the hammer." To his surprise, Karai hurt him easily. She was about to finish him off when Shredder ordered her. 
"Stop." He handed his fly scientists a choco bar. "You have done well, Stockman. But the true test remains. Karai. Destroy Splinter, the Turtles, their sisters, and their pathetic human allies. Eliminate them." He said firmly. 
"Yes, father." She bowed to him. 

In the dojo, Leonardo was training with Splinter. It was mere moments later when Leo had pushed Splinter, his injury caused him to kneel. Leonardo stopped and looked at his father. 
"You had me at a disadvantage, but did not attack." Sensei panted. "Why?"
"No reason, sensei." Leo spoke softly.
"Then stop holding back and attack." He ordered. Leo's eyes narrowed as he did what his father told him to do. Behind the dojo doors, Raph and Donnie were peaking in, along with Urte, Sim and Iv in front of them. Mari was happily watching from behind Raph, as she managed to climb up onto his shell. 
"'Sup my ninjas? Any of you guys seen my stuffed iguana?" Mikey popped up. 
"Shh!" Both of his older brothers turned to him. 
"The one with the top hat."
"Shh!" The sisters now shushed him too. 
"Hmm. My ninja senses are saying you want me to be quiet." Mikey stated before Raph slapped him across the face. 
"Man, they're really going at it." Donnie whispered while they watched the two fight. 
"Sensei still hasn't fully recovered."Sim frowned. 
"Slash messed him up pretty bad. It's gonna take a while before he gets all his strength back." Raph added.  Suddenly from behind them Mikey squealed. 
"Found him! Go ninja go ninja go!"
"Shh!" His brothers quickly turned to him, angrily shushing him. Raph's quick turn caused Mari to fall off. She squeaked. 
"Oh gosh!" Sim acknowledged her sister falling. Urte quickly grabbed her before she could fall into the sewer water and pulled her up. 
"I'm sorry, Mari," Raph frowned before turning to Mikey. "Look what you did."
Iveta quietly turned away from her siblings and continued watching. 

Leo and Sensei were still fighting, with a few swift moves, Leonardo finally beat him.
"You succeeded." Splinter looked up at Leonardo.
"Only because you're still recovering, Sensei." He responded. Splinter sat down. 
"Very true," He concentrated and repeated words while doing hand movements. "Rin. Pyo. Toh. Sha. Kai. Jin. Retsu. Zai. Zen." His hands glew and he placed them on his knee. 
"Master Splinter? What did you just do? And how did you do that?" Leo was shocked. 
"It is an ancient technique known as the healing hands. Would you like to know its secrets?" Splinter asked. Leo sat down in front of him and bowed his head. "Together with me," Sensei started. "Rin. Pyo. Toh. Sha. Rin. Pyo. Toh." They repeated. 

Later that evening Simona and Mari got ready to go to the store for food supplies. They walked out in casual clothing. 
"Alright, has everyone put in their food requests?" Simona asked. 
"Yeah, think so." Raph responded.
"U! Uu!" Mikey stood up. "Can you please get me some spicy gummy worms? Please?" Simona looked at him tirdly. Mari smiled. 
"Will do!"
"Okay...we'll be back in a few." Simona said and turned to the exit, Mari following her. 
"Be careful you two!" Leo shouted after them.
"We will!" Mari shouted back.
"Send an s.o.s on your T-phone-" Leo was interrupted. 
"OKAY! We will, don't worry!" Mari shouted back for the last time, causing Leo to sigh softly. 

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