Baxter's Gambit

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[Warning:Long Part]

Our heroes were once again spying on the kraang
"Whoa.That's a sub-spatial endoparticle disrupter." Donnie said looking through the telescope
"Gonna have to explain if that's "oh, no" or "yay."" Leo said
"In the hands of the Kraang, it's a definite "oh, no."" Simona explained
"Why? What does it do?" Martyna asked
"The disrupter can de-synchronize subatomic resonances, which invert polymolecular structures, causing them to implode." Simona explained, Mikey and Martyna still didn't get it
"It makes things go "boom."" Raph explained
"Technically, it makes things go zwee-chooooo! Pop!" Donnie stated, everyone looked at him
"It's important to be accurate." Donnie smiled
"Aha, right" Urte smirked

From a nother roof top
"With that endoparticle disrupter in our arsenal, we'll be unstoppable.All right, men, we move on my signal." said Baxter
"Your signal?" Dogpound was mad
"Please, don't hurt me." Baxter feared
"You do what we say, and then you thank us for letting you live.Got it, Stinkman?" Dogpound stated
"Stockman.It's Stockman."
"What was that?" Xever asked
"Nothing.Thank you for letting me live." Baxter said
"Screw this up, I'll finish you myself.Remember that." Xever said
"Just you wait, freaks." Baxter whispered
"Okay, guys.Get in position." Leo said
"On my mark." Dogpound said
"Ready" Leo said
"Set" Dogpound said
"Let's just do this." Raph said
"Enough talk." Xever said

They a jumped down at the same time
"Kraang and Fishface and Dogpound? I must be dreaming.Pinch me." Martyna pinched Raph, he jit her head gently
"You said Ah!"

"Whaa Oh, you gotta be kidding." Urte said

They all started to fight.
"I belive you and I have unfinished buissnes?" Xever came up to Urte
"Oh do we?" She flirted back
"No you don't!" Raph said jumping and kicking Fishface
Urte fought the foot
The kraang used the gun to shoot
"Donnie, you totally called it, bro." Mikey said
"Guys, we gotta move.Raph, now." Leo said
"Yes, run along now, boy." Xever said
"This isn't over, Fishface." Raph said as he ran off
"Hello? Anyone? I'm kind of stuck up here.Hello?" Baxter was stuck on a roof top

Back at the lair they were training
"Aw, man." Donnie said as Sensai hit his head
"Just so we're clear, Sensei, you are planning on swinging, ri..." Mikey said before he got hit, Raph also failed, Leo however manage to move out of the way
"Yes!" He smiled
"What is the point of this, anyway?" Raph asked
"Evading a sword you cannot see demonstrates an ability to sense your enemy's intention." Sensai stated
"I already know my enemy's intention, Sensei to take me down." Raph awensered
"Knowing that your enemy will strike is a given.But sensing when he will strike can mean the difference between victory and defeat." Sensai said
"Hai, Sensei." Raph awensered

"I can't believe this.." Urte said putting a pillow on her face
"Belive what?" Martyna asked
"Ugh! Fishface and Dogpound"
"What's the matter with them?" Martyna asked
"Nothing, I'm just stressed.." She said laying back down
"It annoys you that our brothers concider them as enemys?" Martyna asked
"Yes! Exactly!" Urte said

"We had the alien technology in our grasp, master.Unfortunately, Stockman's plan was flawed." Dogpound said
"Is this true?" Shredder asked
"Well, um, yes.They're right.It was my fault.I'm sorry.And I'd like to make amends.That is, if you'd allow me.You see, I've designed a trap for the turtles a foolproof trap.But I'd need the help of my good friends here to lure them into it." Baxter explained
"Very well.Consider those two at your disposal." Shredder said

"Hup, hup, hup!" Martyna said as they jumped
"I got eyes on one giant dog and fish.6:00." Donnie said
"Where? Aw, man.It's just Fishface and Dogpound." Mikey said
"What are they doing out in the open like this?" Raph asked
"I think we should proceed with caution, guys.Guys?" Leo said as they all ran off and started fighting, exept Iveta who staid beside Leo
"Oh, man. Why are you the only one that listens to me?" He asked, she shurged
"My little angel, now let's move" Leo said as they jumped down

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