The Croaking

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In the barn house, Simona was doing her best to attempt to fix the music box. The truth was, she wasn't the best at building things. Yes she could sketch or code or work with chemicals, but building would take her a lot longer than any of those things. Nonetheless, she was determined to fix it. After all, it was one of the last things that Iveta managed to save from the lair before the destruction. Simona was focusing on the box, but to her shock a few pieces went flying out. She sighed and went over to find them all. While she was looking, Donnie walked into the lab. He watched his sister crawl around the floor before walking over to her.
"What are you doing?"
"I lost a few scrap pieces of the music box that is on the table..." She said and continued looking. Donnie looked over at the music box and walked over to pick it up. He examined it for a moment.
"If you want, I can help you fix it." He offered.
"'d do that?" She smiled softly.
"Of course! Come, I'll teach you a few things." He said before sitting down. Simona found the last scraps and went over to sit with her brother. How could she have forgotten. Just days ago Donnie made a music box for April. Surely he knew how one should be fixed.

Back at the farmhouse, Iveta was rereading the letter that was in the same box that the music box was in. It was supposed to be a gift, on the box it read 'To my princess'. Iveta wondered who Henry was addressing. Perhaps a lover? Maybe a family member or even a friend. She wasn't sure. Once again she reread the letter that was inside the box.
"My dear, though the world divides us, nothing can divide our bond. Now you will always have a melody to accompany you and share your special song with the little ones. I await the day I finally get to meet them. And if all else fails, you'll always have a small piece of me with you.
Love Henry"

The letter confused her. It seemed to be addressed to a lover, but at the same time it seemed to be addressed to a close friend or a sibling. She was puzzled by everything. None of it made sense to her. Who was the woman he was addressing? Who are the little ones and what does he mean if all else fails. Her thoughts were broken by Urte sitting beside her.
"You are still analyzing that letter?"
"Urte, we need to know...Henry is the only link in this dimension to our dimension." Iveta explained. Urte sat silent and thought for a moment.
"You know, sometimes I think we should drop the search or at least tell our brothers..."
"You know very well we can't do that."
"But what if this is some sort of a trick...I can shake this odd feeling." Urte frowned. Iveta put a hand on her sister's shoulder.
"I have faith that this is all real. I don't think the princesses would be so quick to teach us and protect us if this wasn't important...for some reason."

"Where did you even get this music box from?" Donnie asked as he was fixing it. Simona thought for a second.
"Mari found it in the dumpster...for some reason she brought it here and asked me to fix it."
"Mm...okay..that should do it." Donnie put his tools down and picked up the music box to wind it up. He placed it down as the two of them stared at it. The tune that started to play froze Simona. She began to zone out as she watched the two little figurines turn in a circle. They appeared to be a prince and a princess, dancing in a never ending dance. The tune, familiar as ever. It was "Once Upon A December". The lullaby that Leo used to sing for them, when they were little girls. But how could it be the exact same tune? Leo said that he made the song up, from stories that Splinter had told them and the few books he read for the girls. How was the same lullaby or song playing?

The tune took her further away into her mind. She felt warm and sleepy. The music box sounded so familiar, it gave her a sense of nostalgia, but it didn't come from Leo singing it, no. This was something else. She couldn't explain it, but she longed for something. She missed something or someone. She had no idea who. As the music box stopped it's tune, she zoned back in.
"Simona? Sim...Sim!" Donnie was shaking her.
"What?!" She jolted slightly
"Are you okay? You zoned out completely..."
"Yeah...yeah I'm fine." She shook her head clear. "I reminded me of Leo's lullaby." she explained. Donnie looked over at the music box. It seemed as though he did not recognize the tune.
"Maybe... Let me play it again." Donnie said. Simona grabbed the music box from his hand.
"No, need. Thank you much. Come...we must show it to Mari, Iveta and Urte." She said and stood up walking outside the barn, Donnie followed her.

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