The Invasion 1

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"You have done well, my daughter. You have made me proud."

Memories flashed through shredder's mind as he mourned the loss of Karai. Suddenly his thoughts were broken.
"Master Shredder, the hour grows late. Have you made your decision?" Tiger Claw walked towards him. "They are dangerous allies. But they have provided us with much technology, asking little in return."
"They will betray you.You know this. They care nothing for the human race."
"Nor do I. Leave me, Tiger Claw." Shredder ordered. Tiger Claw bowed and left. Once Tiger Claw was gone, a device beside his throne projected a large screen.

"Kraang Prime."
"One called Shredder. Kraang must have your decision."
"If I help you, will you uphold your end of the bargain?"
" Kraang will deliver the ones called Splinter and the Turtles."
"And once I find Karai, you will mutate her back to normal?"
"Kraang agrees to this. But in return, Shredder must then help Kraang conquer the city known as New York City. And then the world!"

During the day, it snowed. Irma and April walked along the streets of New York City.
"It's just that, why can't you introduce me to your secret friends, April? I don't get it." Irma stopped her friend.
"One of these days, Irma.uhm..maybe. They're really good, uhm, people. Anyway, what I wanna know is, how can you go out in this weather without a coat?"
"Eh, I hardly ever notice the cold.But seriously, if we're friends, friends should introduce friends to friends and-" Suddenly they were surrounded by
"Footbots!" April shouted, scanning each bot.
"These aren't the types of friends I meant! Move, Irma! Run!"April said as the two girls sped off.

"Who are these freaks, April?"
"Doesn't matter! Run!" April exclaimed as they ran.

"Where are you? You gotta be out there somewhere." Raph said as he looked through binoculars scouting the city for Karai. He sighed once he didn't find anything and looked up. Urte jumped onto the fire escape beside him, down from the roof top.
"Absolutely no sign of her." She sighed. Raph frowned and looked down at Casey who was spraypainting some art on the sidewalk wall.
"Casey!" Raph jumped down, Urte following close behind. "We're supposed to be looking for Karai! What are you doing, man?"
"I'm just taking a break, peeping some awesome art. Check it out! That is so metal!" Casey pointed to his art. It was him all heroic with April beside him.
"Yeah, great." Raph said with an unamused face. Urte stared at the art in disbelief before turning around to go as her brother spoke.
"Come on, Casey. Let's move."
"Hold up, Raph." Casey made the turtle stop, making Urte stop as well.
"Uh, got a question for ya. So, uhm, April ever talk about me? Like ever?"
"It doesn't matter. You know how Donnie feels about her." Raph turned to him with narrowed eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, it's cool. When you've got that man/woman thing going on in a team, it just screws everything up. I'm not that into her anyway." Casey said and walked past them.
"Right." Raph took one last look at the art before turning to walk away from it. Urte watched the two walk away before looking at the art. She looked at it for a moment before thinking back about the love triangle for a moment. Something felt off. For a while she's been noticing that the triangle was a little odd. Before she could return to her thoughts, Raph's call broke her out of her trans.
"Urte, you coming?"
"On my way!" She shouted as she ran after her brother and friend.

"Ah! I'm so worried, I can't even eat." Donnie said as he tossed a piece of pizza. Mikey grabbed it and spoke with a mouthful.
"Me too, totally." Mikey said stuffing his face with more pizza.
"Don't speak with your mouth full, you may choke." Iveta said as she placed a glass of water in front of Mikey.
"Maybe we set them back more than a day? Right?" Simona chuckled awkwardly.
"You have a right to be concerned. The Kraang invasion is imminent.What plans have you devised to stop it?" Sensei walked into the lab.
"I give you our latest invention the-" Donnie started pulling out a board pinned with many sketched, but Simona interrupted him.
"Donnie's latest invention The Turtle Mech!" She pointed to Donnie's board, he looked at her, confused. She continued "It's fully armed with rockets, flame throwers, and an electro harpoon. Guaranteed to stop a massive Kraang invasion army, or your money back."
"Giant robots are awesome! I vote Turtle Mech!" Mikey smiled.
"But that thing's not even ready. It could damage New York more than help it." Leo spoke firmly.
"It's ready... enough." Donnie stepped forward.
"There's gotta be another way. We need to establish a second base outside the city." Leo kept his tone firm.
"There is no time for that, Leo. The Turtle Mech is solid. If I were leader, I'd-" Donnie started.
"But you're not leader, Donnie! I am." Leo snapped.
"Oh, snap." Mikey snapped his fingers as Leo's and Donnie's eyes narrowed to each other. Mari, Iv and Sim watched their brothers closely before Sensei interfered.
"Enough! Your egos fight one another when we should be preparing to fight the Kraang."

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