The Pig And The Rhino

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"Look at me! You you you turned me into a dang pig! I don't want to be a pig! The ladies don't love pigs!" Zeck complained. "Can't you turn me into something cool? Like a mongoose?"
"Oh, you mutate me into giant, talking rhino? You will pay for me, Shredder!" Ivan stood tall ready to attack. Shredder's henchmen were ready to fight back, but the master raised his hand. 
"No. I will deal with them myself." He said as he began to fight the two, now mutated men. 
"Eat this! Ha!" Zeck shouted as he shot his lasers at Shredder, he and Ivan attempted to fight the master. But Shredder defeated them both with ease. Dropping them to the floor, Saki walked to them. 
"Ivan Steranko, Anton Zeck, you will either serve me or fall by my hand."
"Uh, being a pig does have limited employment options." Zeck sat up. "The bacon's in."
"Da. We serve you, Shredder. For now." Ivan said with shame. "What is you want us to do?" "You found my daughter once. You will find her again. Fail me, and I will introduce you to new forms of pain." Shredder threatened. 

"I'm gonna crush you, Crognard."
"Let's smash him in the head, brother."
"Oh, no. Crognard, look out!" 
"Evil Grom and Grum, no more will you trouble the village of Magooloorooroo! By the power of Lobnarr! I have the energy!" The TV was shut off by Simona, Mikey looked at her before groaning and getting up. 

"Let's get this meeting started." Leo said.
"All right, I got things to do and bad guys to mess up." Raph clenched his fists. 
"Karai's still out there.The last thing she said to me was the word "comet."" Leo explained. 
"So, what's that supposed to mean? A giant comet's coming? The earth's doomed?" Raph asked. 
"It feels like it could be a location. Maybe where she's hiding out." April interupted.
"Donnie and Simona found three locations with the word "comet" in them. D?" Leo looked at his brother who was sitting by the computer. 
"We've got Comet Cleaners on Bleecker Street here." Donnie started pulling up the locations. "Earth vs. the Comet Creeps is playing at the Argosy Theater here. And then we've got the Coney Comet roller coaster on Coney Island here." 
"So one of these places could be her lair theoretically." Simona said.
"Ooh, ooh, ooh! Can I check out the Comet roller coaster? Please? Come on, Leo, hook a turtle up." Mikey jumped to Leo. He sighed and pushed Mikey behind himself.
"Donnie, Simona and April, you take Comet Cleaners." Leo ordered. Donnie smiled at April, she smiled back. Casey appeared to be annoyed, causing Simona to roll her eyes and cross her arms.
"Raph, Urte and Casey, you take the movie theater. Me Mari and Mikey will check out Coney Island."
"Yay!" Mari clapped and slightly jumped up and down.
"Oh, yeah, boy! Thanks, Leo." Mikey smiled.

“Wait, what about me?!” Iveta stood there shocked. 
“You haven’t been feeling well, it best you stay here with Master Splinter.” Leo turned to his sister.
“What, no please…I want to go.” Iveta explained. Leo was about to speak, but Raph stepped in front of it. 
“Iv, sweetie, I’ve always been the nasty one to you so I shouldn’t say this, but if something happens to you, it will slow them down and worse. What if you collapse and Leo or Mikey or Mari aren’t able to help in time?”
“I understand that, but I assure you all, that I am much better now. It was just a small mishap.” Iveta explained, hoping they’d let her come. Leo sighed deeply. Iveta frowned and looked over at him. “Please?”
“Fine, but if you get sick Mari is taking you home.” Leo turned back to Donnie, while Iv let out a soft sigh. 

Donnie took out some doses of retro mutagen. "I have just enough retro-mutagen brewed for three doses. Each team gets one. It'll be weeks before I finish more." He handed them out. Raph took it.
"So in other words, don't waste it. Got you." 
"Karai's condition is unique. There's no guarantee this will even work on her." Donnie frowned slightly. April walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder.
"All we can do is try, Donnie."

Steranko and Ivan were making their way on the roof tops.
"Man, Steranko, you are one ugly, horn-headed, Jurassic-looking fool." Zeck said to him.
"I am rhinoceros. Listen, Comrade Zeck, forget Karai. We must destroy turtles instead for what they did to me.I mean, us." Ivan turned to his friend.
"You're right, big S. If they hadn't interfered at the docks, none of this would have happened.
I say we comb those turtles' wigs back, flip it and comb the wig back again!" Zeck walked to him.
"I say we splits up, track them down and sqwoosh them where they stands."
"Shoot, my piggy nose is better than a bloodhound's. Whoo-hoo!" Zeck said before jumping to another roof top and sniffing out the air. "I just need to catch a whiff. Whoo-hoo! Hmm. Oh, snap! I distinctly smell the aroma de turtle. Whoo-hoo!" He headed on his way.

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