Operation: Break Out

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The guys were training, along with April.
"Don't worry, Donnie.I'm in a good mood today.I'll go easy on you." Raph smirked
"Don't do me any favors, Raph." Donnie looked over at April
"Um, in fact, maybe you'll be the one who gets gone easy on by me.So yeah."
"Worst smack talk ever." Mikey whispered to Leo
"Hajime!" Sensai orderd
Donnie managed to kick Raph down
"Hey! I got him! April, did you see?"
April smiled at him, but Raph quickly got up making Donnie a puppet
"Say hi to Mikey." Raph got his high-pitched voice "Hi, Mikey!" "Donnie, ha ha! Amazing! I didn't even see his lips move.He's like a puppet who can throw his voice to himself.Wait..."
Raph sat down on top of Donnie
"Ya mae! Raphael, that is enough." Sensai said
"Thanks for going easy on me." Raph patted Donnie

"What the heck was that?" Donnie ran after Raph
"What? Just having fun.You know how much Mikey loves the Donnie puppet."
"Dude! April was watching." Donnie said
"Pretty sure she liked it too." Raph turned to Donnie who was frowining
"Wait, you still think you have a shot with her? " Raph asked
"Well I mean, I..."
"Wow! That is so adorable! And sad.It's "sadorable." If you want to impress April, better leave me out of it." Raph said
Scrambled electronic sounds could be heard from April computer
"Not bad! Needs more drums!" Mikey said walking over to her
"What was that?" Mari asked
"I don't know.Some random e-mail I got.It just started playing by itself." April awenserd
"Sounds like some sort of telemetric sine wave sub carrier." Donnie said
"Uh, dumb that down a notch?" Leo said
"It's an interference modulation used to encrypt covert transmi..." Mikey put a finger to Donnie's mouth
"Not enough notches."
Donnie smacked finger away
"A secret message!"
"Who would be sending me a secret message?" April wanderd
"Donnie?" Mari said, everyone looked at her "What?" She was confused
"Shut up" Urte said

Donnie spent all night trying to decode the secret message. His sibblings asleep in the living room and Simona by his side
"April, it's dad."
"Mr.O'Neil!" Donnie was shocked
"I pray you get this message.I've been moved to a secret Kraang facility.Send help, April.If you can, send help."
"Oh, man.Guys?" Donnie stoped for a moment, Raph's words played in his mind
"If you wanna impress April, better leave me out of it."
Donnie grabbed his staff  after getting the location and walked out
"We'll see who's "sadorable.""

Later in the morning Leo was the first to wake up. He looked around. After not seeing one of his sibblings je spoke
"Anyone seen Donnie?"
Everyone slowly woke up
"Not since yesterday.Wait! Do dreams count? 'Cause last night, I dreamt Donnie and me were rodeo detectives, and there w..." Mikey said
"Can it, Mikey. I'm serious." Leo said
"Okay.But you'll never find out who stole the buckaroo diamond!" Mikey said
"You through?" Urte said
"Yeah.It was the clown!" Mikey smiled
"Donnie?!" Leo called out. They got up and went to the lab. They found Simona franicly doing something on Apirl's computer. Her eyes where red
"Simone what happend? Where's Donnie?" Leo asked
"I don't know, I don't know" Simona feel to her kness and grabbed onto her head
"Whoa" Leo ran up and stood her up  "Calm down and tell us what happend."
"He went alone.." Simona said pressing a button
"I thought you had no idea what happend" Urte looked down at her
"I don't know what happend after he solved the secret message" she awenserd
"Obviously, he followed it." Leo said, Simoma clicked play
"April, it's dad.I pray you get this message.I've been moved to a secret Kraang facility."
"Dad?" April had walked in at that moment

"Huh.Doesn't seem very Kraangy." Donnie said as he jumped down and picked the lock, he walked in into the car repair shop, he seemed to be alone until a kraang walked up behinde him
"It is one of the ones called the turtles."
Donnie avoided him, smacking him down with a car
"Looks like you could use a tune-up, huh? Yeah.Right? Am I right? Who's the hero now?" Donnie said
"Ho-ly cow!" He avoided the kraangs lasors
"No response necessary." Donnie jumped down, a kraang shot a button and Donnie fell deep to into the ground

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