Plan 10

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"Okay Sim, what is so important that we had to have a meeting at four am when everyone is asleep." Urte rubbed her eyes grumpily. 
"Well, I've been rummaging through the books that Twilight has given me, on our dimension and I found something pretty interesting." She smiled and opened up a certain page on one of the books, she pointed at a photo of a young man. "Here."
"Okay?" Urte crossed her arms. 
"Henry Willows?" Iveta read the name beside him, raising a brow at Sim. She looked at her sisters. 
"Yes I know, there is a tone of people here, but he is different. He is not from our dimension. He is from this world!" She smiled. 
"So?" Mari said, nuzzling Mice for comfort. 
"So, this means if we find him we can ask about our dimension...and we can learn more things about ourselves." She suggested.
"What?!" Urte was shocked. 
"We..we can' would be like...going behind the princesses backs. Besides they tell us...." Iveta explained.
"Does teaching us how to use magic and then not letting us practice it on our own seem like telling us about our past or our world?" Simona said.
"She's right....we don't know much about this world. For all we know we aren't even princesses." Urte proclaimed. 
"Yes, but-" Iveta tried to state her truth. 
"I think Simona has a point. Besides it never hurts to try, what if Henry's not even around anymore." Mari looked down at the photo. 
"Exactly." Simona said and picked up the book. "I just need to use some of my magic to trace him in this world..this will speed up the process." She looked up at her sisters.
"We can't do that! The princesses have stated very clearly that we can not use our magic." Iveta said calmly and sadly.
"What they don't know won't hurt them." Urte smirked to Sim who nodded. 
"Besides, it will be just a short split. Looking for him manually would take months..."
"Or not..." Iveta frowned.
"Well I think it is settled. Simona you find out his whereabouts and tomorrow we go hunting." Urte said.
"Yeah...besides the guys don't want us to go on that mission tomorrow. Leo said we need to rest or something." Mari said.  A pause came. 
"I guess we are going after all." Iveta sighed before all four returned to bed after Simona put everything back into hiding. 

The next day the boys had snuck into the kraang lair. 
"Kraang, prepare the plan which is called plan 10, the switching of Kraang mind with lesser human mind."
"Kraang will switch minds with Earth leaders who will mutate Earth for Kraang."
"Then all that remains is for Kraang plan known as plan 10 to be tested. Bring in test subject x." Kraang spoke to each other. Raph was ready to jump down, but Leo stopped him. 
"Not until we know what they're up to." 
"Does it matter? They're not baking cookies."
"Ew, what would Kraang cookies taste like? Chocolate chips and brains?" Mikey asked.
"Quiet. Here they come." Donnie shushed them. 

"Take it easy, guys! This has gotta be a bad dream.You're not gonna probe me, right?" A man freaked out as Kraang dragged them to the maschine, they were previously looking at.  "I'll do anything, but just no probing.That's too big to be a probe, right?"
" The Kraang neuroswitcher will switch test subject's mind with that which is called A pigeon."
"Uh, I think I'd prefer the probing." The guy said as he and the pigeon were attached to the machine. 

"Okay, now!" Leo ordered as the guys all jumped down. 
"Turtles!" Kranng shouted and started the brain switching. Midway, Raph saved the man pulling him from the maschine. 
"Hey, mister? You okay?" He asked as the guy slowly sat up, he responded to Raph by cooing at him. The man started acting like a pigeon, indicating that he had switched brains with the animal. 
"You gotta be kidding me!" Raph groaned. 
"Ugh, why do I have the urge to eat bread crumbs and poop on statues?" The man awoke in the pigeon body, he soon realized. " No! No!"
"Kraang test, successfully tested. Kraang, exterminate Turtles for Kraang." The Kraang started shooting the turtles. 
"Dude, it's too freaky! That guy's got the brain of a pigeon!" Mikey said as they fought, the kraang.  "Which still makes him a lot smarter than you!" Raph said to Mikey. 
"Don't let him get hurt. Take those Kraang down fast." Leo said before charging at the Kraang. 
"Get me out of here!" The pigeon screamed.
"I'll save you, Mr.Peepers!" Mikey said freeing the pigeon and running with him. 

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