Follow the Leader

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The next morning Iveta woke up too early as usual, she turned to the clock Donnie had made for her and Mari.


"What a time to wake up" she thought to herslef  while laying back down, she then realised that last night she didn't fall asleep in bed, she feel asleep on the couch. She remembered that Raph was there, she figured he mostlikley carried her to bed when she fell asleep. But she still couldn't believe it. She sat up looking around the room. Mari was in deep sleep and so was Mice. Aria was also soundly asleep in her open cage. Iveta hoped out of bed and exited the room. Her stomach asked for food, but she ignored it, going into the bathroom to get ready.

She got into the shower, brushed her theeth, fixed her hair, got dressed.

When she was done she again looked at the clock.


Her family was only going to start waking up in 30 minutes, but Mikey should be awake by now. She walked out of the bathroom and went over to the kitchen. No sign of Mikey. She knew he must still be asleep.

She went over to the frige and got out the milk, she thought of making Mikey coco, it would still be a fun way for him to wake up. After she finished she headed to his room.

She quietly opened the door, holding the cup in front of her. As expected Mikey was fast asleep. Iveta smiled

"Rise and shine!" She giggled, Mikey didn't seem to hear, she walked over and sat down next to him "Wake up"
He rolled back over to her
"Is it morning already?"
"Yes it is"
"Ugh" he nuzzled into his pillow
"You should get up, I'll help you with the breakfast. We don't want Raph mad again"
Mikey sat up
"I made you a cup of coco" She handed it to him
"Oh, thank you, you're so sweet" Mikey smiled and took it, Iveta smiled and got up to get his mask.

"Did you again woke up to wake me so Raph wouldn't shout at me?" Mikey asked as he sipped his coco.
"No." Iveta awensered taking his mask
"I've been awake." Iveta said walking over to Mikey 
"Since when?" He asked
"Since 4.24" she said putting on and tieing his mask.
"That's so early!" Mikey was shocked
"It's never too early, now get up." Iveta said walking twards the door, Mikey follwed.

After that it was all the same. After the food was ready and everyone sat down to eat it was the same thing. Leo  looked at Iveta if she'd eat. She did, but hardly.

And before training, she spit it all out.

She went to the dojo, her stomach hurting.  Sensai noticed her looking weak.
"Iveta?" He turned to her. Her sibbling lifted there eyes up.
"Yes, father?" She let go of her head and smiled at him
"Are you feeling alright?" Sensai asked
"Yes, of course!" She faked a smiled
"Hmm" Sensai thought "Donatello, I let you free of training today, but only to assist your sister before the search of mutageon" Sensai said
"Hai Sensai!" Donnie said and walked over to Iveta
"But, Sensai I'm fine" Iveta tried arguing
"Go with Donatello" Sensai said and turned away. Iveta sighed as Donnie walked beside her.

Donnie sat her down in the kitchen and made her a cup of green tea.
"You know I'm fine right?" Iveta looked up at Donnie
"I don't know, you look very pale to me" Donnie sat down beside her, Iveta sighed.
"" Donnie started
"You want to ask about Simona?" Iveta raised a brow, Donnie was a bit shooked, but noded. "I don't know." Iveta awensered, Donnie fround.
"Sometimes you just have to figure things out just between yourselfs" Iveta put a hand on his shoulder.

Later in the evening.

"Come on, Donnie.Don't get so bent out of shape about April.She'll come around." Raph said
"Yeah, I guess you're right." Donnie awensered looking around
"No sign of any mutagen, but you're not gonna believe what I found!" Mikey poped out of a dumbster
"An iguana wearing a top hat.Isn't that cool? I mean, why would you throw this out? 'Ello, gov'nor.How do you like my mon-acle?" Mikey pointed the iguana at Leo
"Monocle." Donnie corrected him
"Whatever." Mikey awensered
"You realize that could be a distant cousin?  And he's stuffed with sawdust." Raph said
"Eww, sick." Mikey sais and threw it away.
"And you think we have a normal family ?" Urte turned to Mari who smiled awkwardly
"Quiet, guys.My ooze scanner is going crazy again.I told you a mutagen was close-by." Donnie said
"You're scanner's about as useless as a trench coat on a turtle." Raph said
"Hey, just give him a chance, Raph.It's our fault those containers went missing.We got to find 'em before some random Joe ends up mutated." Leo said
"This way." Donnie pointed

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