Mazes & Mutants

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"No! You can't! No! No! No! No! My +1 ring of awesome didn't save me." Mikey screamed "Avenge me.Ahh, avenge the beloved elf." He hugged Raph
"Guh!" Raph pushed him off
"Relax, Mikey.Your elf is fine.For now.But suddenly, your party is attacked by evil, vicious monkey goblins!" Leo said
"You have to roll a 2 or higher, to avoid being bitten." Don and Mikey rolled the dice
Raph rolled 2, and rolled out 1
"Critical fail, dude! " Mikey said
"The monkey goblin bites.Raph loses 11 hit points." Leo said
"Give me that! I'm gonna use my magic sword +3 to strike." Raph grabbed the dice
"Hmm.What is all of this?" Sensai walked in getting a chessesicle from icr cream kitty
"It's called Mazes & Mutants.We found it in the trash up top." Leo showed Sensai
"A game? Don't you have mutagen to find?" Sensai asked
"But, Sensei, we just beat the Kraang and Shredder's forces.We could use just one day to relax." Donnie said
"I cannot understand why you play a fantasy game.When your lives are already fantastic." Sensai said
"Me next! Everyone's favorite elf wants to attack goblins too.Aw, yeah! +1 ring of awesome!"
"Uh... Mikey please don't scream." Urte looked from the other side of the table.
"Just ignore it,Urte." Mari fliped a page of her fashion magazene
"Yeah! Look at Simona! She is perfectly blocking out all noise and she doesn't have headphones on!" Mikey pointed, they all turned to Sim, who did not look up from her book.
"That's because she is reading, geniuos." Donnie said
"Something is not right here." Said Sensai and walked out. Iveta got up from her chair to follow, but her arm was grabbed, she turnes around to see Leo holding it
"Are you okay?" He pulled her in closer, Iveta smiled
"Leo, I'm fine, you don't have to worry!"
"You didn't have any pizza.."
"I didn't want any.."
Leo wanted to continue, but he was interupted
"Come on Leo! The game!" Mikey looked at him
"I am fine. I'm just going to speak to Sensai." Iveta said and headed out. Leo turned back to the game.

Someone, was satching them
"Excellent, my fellow anthropomorphized animals.Play to thine heart's content, for thy true game is about to beginith."

Iveta entered the dojo, to see that Sensai had finished his snack.
"Oh, Iveta." He noticed her
"Sensai, could I speak to you?" She walked closer
"Of course!" Sensai sat down and pointed for her to sit in front of him, she sat down.
"What brings you here?"
"I.. I wanted to ask you something.."
"Of course, my daugther"
"Can an enemy turn out to be good?"
Sensai opened his eyes
"Are you speaking of Karai?" He asked, Iveta looked away for a moment, thinking of Tiger Claw who she had just met.
"Yes." Anothet lie escaped her lips.
"Hmm." Sensai took a moment.
"I believe in my heart that there is good in her." He stoodnup and went to his family picture. Iveta looked at him.
"Let us say.... um..what if it's a case scenerio where.. the villian is just a villian?"
"A love scenario, perhaps?" Sensai asked, She noded
"If you speak of Leo and Karai, then.."
"Would you approve?"
"Most definetly."
Iveta smiled at him, he smiled back at her.

Donnie and Raph were watching TV.
"It's mind master! Take this and so on, Dash Coolstar!"
"Dash, what's wrong?"
"Mind master.He's filling my brain with horror and madness.I'm trapped in my own mind!"
"You can fight against it, Dash! I believe in you to break free.Yes, I do! Ohh!"
"No! His mind is too very great! Boom!"

"Where did he pull out the bazooka?" Raph asked
"I have theories.None of them pleasant." Donnie said
"Hear ye, hear ye! We have seen the future, and it is larp." Mikey and Leo walked in. Don and Raph lookef confused.
"Larp: Live action role play.We dress up as our heroes, then finish our Mazes & Mutants game in the sewers." Leo explained
"Cool! Sounds like fun." Donnie said
"Sounds like stupid.Count me out." Raph said
"Come on, Raph.If you play with us, I'll let you wear my +1 ring of awesome." Mikey said
"Oh, really? Can I? That would be so keen, Mikey.Forget it.I don't do rings." Raph said
"That's three votes to one.Let's larp." Leo said
"If we're gonna larp, we're gonna need costumes!" Donnie said
"Yeah!" Mikey smiled
"Yes and we only know the best designer in town." Leo turned to Mari with a smirk
"Oh my gosh you guys! Really?!" She smilef full of joy.
"Of course!" Mikey hugged her
"Well then let's get to sewing!" Mari said draging them to her sewing room, where she kept her fabrics along with the sewing machine Donnie had fixed for her.

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