New Girl In Town

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The turtles and they're sisters were chasing Snakeweed around town, Snakeweed grabbed the pizza delivery guy and ran
"No! Not the pizza guy! Take Donnie!" Mikey shouted
"Snakeweed's getting away!" Donnie said
"Somebody help me!" They guy yellef as snake weed ran around a corner
"We've got him trapped." Leo smirked
"Good. Then let's go weed-whacking!" Raph smiled
"Tree-trimming!" Donnie said as he took out his staff
"Gardening! Boom! Ha ha! Oh, yeah.Mikey put the sprinkles on that sundae." Mikey smiled
"Your all dorks guys" Urte joked
Raph sighed " Let's go!"
"Hang on, Raph.We're not charging a 12 foot mutant from down bellow" Leo stoped him
"Then what are we doing? " Raph asked
"We'll take Snakeweed from above, Tie him up in the clotheslines.Come on." Leo said and started to climb up
"That'll take forever, and we have to stop Snakeweed now!I mean, he's kidnapping people." Raph said
"Not just people people who bring pizza." Mikey added
"We take him from above.Let's move!" Leo said
"On my count.One, two Where'd he..." they noticed sneakweed was gone
"And the award for worst leader goes to.." Raph started
"How am I the worst leader?" Leo asked
"If we did this my way, Snakeweed would be toast by now." Raph said
"Ugh.That'd be some nasty toast." Mikey said as Donnie pulled him and the girls back
"This way would've worked if you hadn't wasted time second-gueing my orders."
"Don't give bad orders, and I won't second-guess 'em."
"You know what, Raph? If you think you could do better, why don't you lead? "
"First good idea you've had all day." Theyboth growled at each other
"We'll compromise.I'll lead." Mikey said then backed away
"Fine, Raph, the team's yours.I'm out of here." Leo said as he started walking off
"Leo wait!" Iveta ran after him
"I can't believe he's gone. Mikey grabbed his head
"Aw, don't worry, Mikey.Leo, uh he just needs some space." Donnie put a hand on his shoulder, Mikey looked up at Donnie with the really look
"You meant the pizza guy, didn't you?"
"Well this is really wierd..." said Martyna
"Why? Cuz we have a better leader?" Urte and Raph smirked at each other

"I don't get it" Leo said kicking a can "Iveta, tell me, what makes me such a bad leader" Leo turned to her
"Absoulutley nothing"
"Are you saying that just to make me feel better?"
"No, I'm saying what I am feeling"
"Do you think my orders are...stupid?" Leo asked
"Your orders are well thought out, not to mention you come up with such great plans in seconds." Leo smiled at Iveta's words
"Leo, Raph always wants to get straigh to the point, no thinking no nothing" She put a hand on his arm
"That's just who he is"
"Thanks"Leo smiled, they heard jumps behinde them
"Foot clan?" Iveta was surprised, Leo scoffed
"You guys just made my night." Leo took the foot out with ease, Iveta watched from a corner as she knew her brother needed to cool off
"Ahh.I feel so much better." Iveta and Leo noticed someone watching them, she jumped down, a girl
"Not bad." She said to Leo, Iveta's jaw dropped
"Uh, thanks?" Leo looked at her, she chuckled
"You might actually be a challenge" She said as she smoked him and threw him down holding her katana up to his face
"Guess not." She took off her mask off "My name's Karai. See you around." She said and ran off "Ugh.What was that?" Leo said as he got up and turned to Iveta who was smiling like no other and squeling
"Well that's a first" Leo said to himslef out loud
"I saw it I saw it!!" Iveta smiled
"Saw what?" Leo looked at her
"The way you looked at her, just like Donnie did to April!!! Awee my big brother found a girlfriend" Iveta smiled
"Okay no, dream on sweety dream on" Leo said as he started to walk off, Iveta rolled her eyes

"Donnie, we have to find Snakeweed's lair." Raph said
"Working on it." Donnie awensered "Then work faster! " Raph yelled
"Do you think yelling is gonna help?" Donmie asked
"No, I think hitting is gonna help." Raph awensered
"I'll work faster."
" That's the spirit." The doors opend
"Leo's back.And he's been crying.Aw, you missed us." Mikey ran up to him and hugged him
"I got hit with blinding powder." Leo pushed him off
"Sure.Big softy." Mikey smirked
"And where have you been?" Raph asked
"Don't see how that's your business." Raph said
"Dudes, can't we just be cool with each other? Let's hug this out." Mikey said as Raph hit him
"Ugh! Okay.Now the healing can begin."
"Leo, where is Iveta?" Martyna asked
"She is in the living room, if you need her" Leo awensered, as Martyna started to walk
"Hey, I think I figured out where Snakeweed's hideout is." Donnie stood up
" Where?" Leo asked
" Okay The radial pattern of recent Snakeweed sightings indicates his lair is at the epicenter of 47th and" Donnie said
"Actually, you're on a need-to-know basis.And guess what.You don't need to know." Raph said
"Hmm." Leo didn't respond, Raph noticed the girls heading out the door
"And where are you three going?" He asked
"To talk to Iveta?" Simona was confused
"Get back here!" Raph told, they did. Leo left slaming the door shut

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