Metalhead Rewired

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"Ah.I give you the new and improved Metalhead!" Donnie smiled at his sibblings
"Whoa." Mikey looked at him
"We've been upgrading his artificial intelligence.So he'll be the perfect training tool." Donnie looked over at Simona then back at the rest of his family
"You sure? Training with Metalhead.Usually ends in him breaking something." Leo said
"We've programmed him to simulate dozens.Of fighting styles, including the foot and the Kraang." Simona said
"Pssh, can't simulate my fighting style." Urte smirked
"Let's just go already." Raph said and attacked, they started fighting
"Wah!" Mikey's head was grabbed by Metalhead's flying hands
"Get it off!" Mikey shouted
"Ya me." Sensai walked in. They all sat down in front of him
"Can I get off the ride now?" Mikey askes
"Donatello." Sensai said, Simona looked at Donnie
"Metalhead Stop training program." Donnie said
"Oh! I think he put my chin on my nose." Mikey said
"I'm sorry, Sensei, but overall, I'd say that was a pretty successful test." Donnie smiled
"Successful? Metalhead almost ripped Mikey's face off." Leo argued
"Please.I had it all under control." Donnie said
"And when you don't?" Leo got angry
"Donatello has created a powerful tool.It is to our advantage to study an enemy's techniques.But you must use that tool wisely." Sensai said. Metalhead started beeping
"What's wrong with him now?" Leo asked
"Something tripped the security wires.It's approaching the lair fast." Simona said
"Do you think it's footbots again?" Leo asked

"Ow!" The voice was familar
"Was that Nah, couldn't be." Raph said
"Spider Bytez!" Mari shouted
"You frogs got to help! Those foreign triplets are after me!" Spider Bytez ran to them
"We are not frogs.Wait.What?" Leo was confused, the kraang knocked them over as they ran past them after Spider Bytez
"They're heading for the surface." Leo headed after them

"Help! You can't do this to me! I want my phone call! I got rights as a spider.Help! Help!" Bytez shouted
"They're getting away." Leo.said as they drove off
"Why is that our problem? That slobbering bug gives us nothing but trouble." Raph said
"He asked for our help.The Kraang want him, and I want to find out why." Leo said
"Fine.So how are we supposed to catch up?" Raph askedn, the shellrazor stopped in front of them
"I called for backup." D smiled

"Nice, Donnie.When did you teach him how to drive?" Mikey asked, Metalhead hid a corner
"Ah! You did teach him how to drive, didn't you?" Raph asked
"Huh.That's new." D said as he saw the kraang van had updated their protection sistem
"Evasive maneuvers! Deploy garbage cannon!" D said
"Garbage beats Kraang rocket." Mikey smiled
"Pull up alongside." D said
"Now we're talking." Raph smirked

"This bug better be worth it." Leo said as they climbed out of the shellraizor
"A little help?" Donnie said as he fell over the side, holding onto the vans with his staff.
"Whoa!" Donnie was about to fall
"Gotcha." Raph grabbed him
"Get me out of here!" Spider Bytez shouted
"Oh! Watch out." Simona shouted as a kraang came up to them. Urte shot the grabage can at the kraang. Don and Raph jumped back to the shellraiser. The van drove into a garage.
"There's no way out of there." Leo said as they climbed out of the shellraiser
"Metalhead, stay with the Shellraiser.Before you blow anything else up." Leo ordered
"He stopped the truck, didn't he? The Kraang know we're coming.He can help." D argued
"Ugh.Whatever." Leo said as they ran into the garage
"What? Huh?" Leo looked around
"They just disappeared?"
" That's impossible." Simona said
"There must be a secret door.Or a hidden passage somewhere.Fan out." Leo ordered
Mari smiled at the chance to out in her headphones
"Martyna! What did I say about headphones durning missions?" Leo crosses his arms, Martyna sighed
"Not to wear them durning the mission because I won't be able to hear the enemy coming."
"Correct, so please put them back." Leo said, Mari said and did as told
"Why must you be so bossy Leo?" Urte smirked
"I don't want you getting hurt." Leo awenserd
"And besides we have to watch out for our little princesses." Raph said as he ruffled Martyna's hair
"Are you kidding me, Raph! You messed it all up!" Martyna said angirly
"Don't worry, I can fix it." Raph said as he let out her braid and put it in a very messy bun "Perfect!"
"Yeah, now I see were you learned your bun look from." Mari said as she looked at Urte who giggles
"Leo, can you please fix it?" Mari turned to Leo, he smiled and walked over to her.
"13 and still has her hair done by her brothet." Raph giggled

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