Within the Woods

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"I'll never forget the night we left New York City. The Kraang defeated us. Leo got badly hurt. Master Splinter is. Gone. We lost. We had nowhere left to go. So we came to the old farmhouse I grew up in, miles away from the city, a place we could all be safe in. The first thing we did was take care of poor Leonardo."

They guys laid Leo in the tub and turned off the faucet. "This will keep him hydrated, help him heal faster." Donnie said everyone left, but Iveta.

"Iveta doesn't leave Leo's side for practically anything. She is constantly watching him, waiting for him to wake up.  She doesn't eat, sleep or do anything else. Raphael keeps a constant vigil over the two. Taking care of Iveta to the best of his ability. She's been pushing everyone away, but that hasn't stopped Raphel from trying." 

Mikey walked over to the chickens humming old MacDonald had a farm. He poured out the food for them. 
"Michelangelo goofs around a lot, but he does a ton of chores around the house."

The chickens clucked at him. "Back off, chickens. That's all I got. Easy, easy." Mikey screamed as he was now being chased around the property. "Help! Aah!"

"But mostly, he goofs around a lot. Donatello built a lab in the barn, trying to create a mutagenic medicine to heal Leo."

"One last drop, and I think I've done it. Aah!"  Donnie looked at the vial that just exploded in his face. Casey laughed as he went under a car. 
"This baby's gonna need a lot of work." He wrenched as the car fell on him and Donnie started laughing hysterically. Simona sighed and rolled her eyes at them.

"Simona has been working on a herbal medicine for Leo. She has done a lot of research. Sadly her and Donnie have been arguing about the matter. They both disagree on what's best for Leo. Martyna found my grandmother's old sewing machine, after Donatello fixed it for her she has been sewing non stop. She actually put it to good use. Making bedsheets for everyone and decorating the home by sewing new curtains. Urte has been playing her guitar most of the time, it's therapeutic to everyone. If she's not playing she's training. And then there's me, April o'Neil. I spend most of my time training with the Turtles and writing in my ever expanding journal. I miss New York, my Sensei, my dad. Hopefully Leo will recover, and we can all go home soon, if there's even a home to go back to. But life, as Master Splinter would say, must continue on." April finished writing as she looked up. 

The day grew hot as turtles, April and the girls were training. Donnie walked up, looking at everyone, when suddenly. "Goongala!" Casey attacked him and the two started sparring. 
"You gotta be quick to train with ninjas. Sorry, April." Raph said as he kicked April down. April quickly got up and kicked Raph down. 
"I'm almost a fullon Kunoichi." April exclaimed. 
"Aw, yeah! Gotta be quick if you wanna be hanging with the ninjas, dog." Mikey leaned over to Raph. April looked up at Casey and Donnie who were fighting. 

"Sweet moves, Donnie." Casey said as Donnie knocked his hockey stick from his hands. "Eat this." Casey said as he pulled out a slingshot. 
"Ow! Cheap shot!" Donnie said as he threw his staff at Casey before jumping on him as the two started wrestling. 
"Okay, you two.Enough! You guys are acting like a bunch of caged animals." April ran to them. 
"We're just blowing off a little steam, red." Casey said.
"Yeah, things are just kind of tense lately. Right, old friend?" Donnie said as he put an arm around Casey's neck.
"You got that right, old pal." Casey said, shoving him off.
"We're all just a little frustrated, April. No offense, but we're Turtles.We don't belong in a farmhouse. We belong in the sewers." Raph stated.
"Okay, not entirely accurate but, uh, apropos." Donnie said.
"Guys, come on...can't we appreciate what we got?" Urte crossed her arms. 
"Yeah, that's all good. But like Master Splinter would say, we must accept the hand that the universe has dealt us." Mikey said.
"Wow, that's deep, yo." Casey said. 

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