Panic in the Sewers

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It was night, the streets were full of fog as the turtles and there sisters made there way through, they cornered.
"Shredder could be anywhere.Stay frosty guys." Leo said
"FYI: Frost can't accumulate unless it's below freezing, except during a process called..." Donnie continiued
"Maybe he's got an off-switch somewhere." Mikey whispered to Raph, he smacked Donnie
"Found it!" Raph said, Mikey giggled
"And I've found four pathetic turtles with only seconds to live." They heard Shredder
"Wouldn't wanna be them." Mikey said
"We are them." Raph turned to Mikey. Shredder came from behinde and grabbed Martyna who the grabbed Urte "Martyna!" Urte screamed as she and Martyna where pulled into the darkness
"Girls!" Mikey ran for them
"Mikey!" Donnie screamed and Ran for Shredder, but he kicked him off
"Donnie no!" Simona ran before Shredder threw her into the darkness
"Raph, take him down!" Leo said as they attacked the Shredder
"No!" Leo screamed when Shredder beat up Raph and threw him off, Leo turned only to see Iveta being beat by him
"There is no place you can run, no place you can hide, where I will not find you!" Shredder said as he dragged his knifes against the wall twards Leo
"You think you are ready to face me?" He yelled before destroying Leo.

Senai woke up in fear, it was just a dream. He got up and went to cheek on his childreen

"Come on!" Leo said
"Where are you going?" Sensai asked
"Heading out for our evening patrol." Leo awenserd
"There will be no patrol." Sensai said
"Sensei?" Leo asked
"Last time you fought the Shredder, you barely escaped with your lives." Sensai said
"But, Sensei, next time, we'll be ready." Raph said, Sensai grabbed Raph and tied his arm behind his back
"Yes because you will stay down here until you are ready.No patrol, no games, no rest." Sensai said then threw Raph back to them, Mikey and Iveta caught him
"There is only training starting now!" Sensai said, the girls and boys both looked scared

"More, Sensei?" Mikey asked
"Yes, more!" He awenserd, Mikey and Donnie, attacked Leo and Raph, but they fliped them over easly. They where all very tierd
"There is no intention in your strikes.Do it again!" Sensai looked over at the girls
"Iveta kick harder, Urte straigthen your legs. We will practice all night if we have to." Sensai said
But we have been practicing all night." Donnie said, they heard snoring, Mikey was asleep on the ground
"Pizza, mmm."
"Wake him up!" Sensai said
"Gladly." Raph said and picked up Mikey and threw him down
"Ahh! Shredder's here!" Mikey scareamed
"Relax." Leo put a hand on his shoulder
"You were just having a nightmare." Leo helped Mikey up
"Aren't we all?" Raph said. Martyna and Urte came and hugged Donnie, the both leaned on him as they where tierd, Donnie hugged them back, Martyna fell backwards as she imedatly feel asleep, she would have fallen, but Raph cought her and held her in his lap, Iveta leaned on Mikey. Simona tried to stay still, but she was just as tired as they all where
"Sensei, can we rest for a sec?" Donnie asked
"Rest? Hmm, the Shredder will not rest until you are all dead!" Sensai shouted
"Sensei, we've been training nonstop for weeks with hardly any sleep. They need a break." Leo said
"Oh, like you don't?" Raph said as he handed Martyna over to Donnie and steped to Leo
"That's right, Raph.I don't." Leo said
"Ah, well, then, I'll give you a break." Raph said before Sensai kicked them all down
"If I were the Shredder, none of you would be breathing right now. Understand?" Sensai said, they all nodded, Simona craweled to Donnie and sat behinde him as she hugged him and fell asleep on him, Martyna and Urte where also asleep on Donnie's lap
"Okay why am I the pillow here?" Donnie asked, Iveta and Mikey  yawend as they held each other up, Raph took Martyna from Donnie, so he'd be less of a pillow
"Perhaps a brief rest is in order.We will resume later." Sensai said as he walked out, the boys and girls all fell asleep in one big pile. This may seem wierd, but the girls where used to sleeping with there brothers, that's how it always was.

Later Iveta woke up in tears, she looked at her brothers and sisters realising she was the first to wake up, she got up and looked at the time. Midnight.
"I guess we have been sleeping here for a while" she thought to herself, she looked down and them all, realising her sisters where shivering, so where her brothers. Iveta walked to they're rooms, to grab some blankets and pillows. When she walked back in, she first put a pillow under Raph's head, then put a blanket over him and Martyna, it was funny to see Raph hugging Martyna in his sleep, she then put a pillow under Simona's head, again after everything that happend it was quite odd to see Donnie sleeping on Simona's chest, she was hugging his  head tightly, he was hugging her entire body, Urte was right asleep on Donnie's side, Iveta put blankets on them, then turned to  Mikey, gently  she put a blanket over him, a pillow under his head, and slid his teddy into his arms. Softly she kissed his head. Iveta turned to Leo who was sitting up and smiling at her. He spread his arms and motioned for her to come over, she did. He took the blanket from her and wrapped it around himslef pulling Iveta into a hug so they both would be under the blanket.
"Why are you up?" Leo asked as he nuzzled her
"I.... I had a nightmare" she whspired back
"Tell me about it?"
"Shreeder...." she teared, Leo hugged her tighter "He.. killed us all.." Iveta quietly cried
"Shhh" Leo wiped her tears
"Shredder won't kill us" Leo looked at her, Iveta was looking down, he lifted her chin so she'd look at him
"I won't let anyone hurt you, okay?" He smiled at her, she nodded
"Now, we should go back to sleep before more training" Leo said grabing the pillow, he held Iveta close as they both fell back asleep. Iveta felt safe with Leo. To her, she always trusted Leo, he was always there for her, helped her and protectef her. She wasn't scared with him beside.

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