Rise Of The Turtles 2

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Iveta's POV

We all stood there..
*all "wow"*
"So that's the..." Leo started
" Mutagen that mutated us" Donnie continiued
"Wow let's drink some!" Said Mikey
"What?!?! Why would you do that?" Asked Raph
"Cuz, if you mutate a mutant you get a super mutant!!" Mikey responded
"Or a pile of goo on a side walk" Donnie stated
" Or a scary looking thing" said Simona
"Either way it's an improvment" said Raph
"Ya think?" Urte gigled
"Guys, this is huge, who ever kidnaped the people are somehow coneted to what happend to us 15 years ago" Leo said
"How is that possible?" Asked Donnie
"Everything's possible!" Said Martyna
"Not everything" said Simona
"For alein robots anything is possible" Mikey inturupted
"Stop that there are no such thing as alein robots!" Donnie said
"Oh yeah?!?" Mikey walked up to the man " Well if there's no such thing as alien robots" he grabed the man's head " How do you explain this!" The man wimpered "ahh my face!"
" Man this mask is glued on tight " Mikey said as he tried to pull the mask off that honestly wasn't a mask
"Mikey stop! It's not a mask!" Said Leo
"Okay he's in the clear" he threw the man down "But those other guys were totally alien robots!" Mikey continiued
" Mikey there are no such things as alein robots!" Said Simona
"Oh yeah! Well if you have seen it yourslef!"
"Engouh!" Said Raph as he grabed the can of mutagen from Donnie's hands
"Time to get some awensers" he said as he grabed the man "Who are you and what's going on!" Raph asked the man
"Name's Snake and I ain't got nothing to say to you hideous freaks!" The man responded
"Well" Raph grabed the man by the collar "That's cuz you don't know us yet" Raph said as he trew the man to us, then Donnie and Mikey grabed him and held him down, as Raph walked up to him
"See we were just regular guys until we got hit with a little of this" he said as he undid the lid of the mutagen can
"What are you doing?" The man worried
" Playing a little game I like to call mutation roulette, now you could turn out handsome like me" said Raph as he slowly turned the canister
" You mean ugly" said Simona
" Hey! Take that back" Urte punched her
Raph glared at Simona
"Or you might end up disgusting and deformed like Mikey here" he continiued
" Hey!" Mikey and Martyna yelled
"So.. ya feel lucky" said Raph as he turned the canister completele. The mutagen driped down to the man's face as he screamed " OKAY! OKAY! They call them selfves the krang, they've been grabbing scientist from all over the city!"
"Well that worked pretty well" Leo said
" Impresive" I said
"Thanks and Leo, of course it did would you want to look like Mikey" he responded to 
"I'm right here" said Mikey
"Don't worry Mikey, you're not ugly" Martyna said
" Who are you kiding of course he is" Urte comented
"Oh yeah?! They why is Raph handsome?" Martyna snaped
" He's not" Urte responded
"Hey I heard that!" Raph yelled, they giggled.
"What do they want with Scientists?" Leo asked the man
" I don't know" the man responded
Raph then shaked the can in his face
" All I know is that there taking them out of the city tonight, but I dont know where!" The man responded
"This is Awesome. That girl's dad is a scientist, I'm a scientist, oh she's so going to like me!" Donnie happily said
" am.. Donnie dear let's not forget we have to save her first!" Simona added
"I don't think you're her type" the man said
"OMG! Donnie roasted!" Martyna screamd
" Hey love is love !" Simona yelled at the man
"Let's not hurry with the love shall we ?" Said Urte
"Where are they now?" Leo asked as our brothers got closer to the man


He told us and we held him captive,
Mikey made dumb moves to ""scare him"" the man shook his head. Leo kept watch of the krang lair
"There's gotta be like 20 of them down there" Leo said
"Yeah and that's just the ones we can see" Donnie responded
"You think there's a whole army" Simona asked
"I'm not sure" Donnie responded
"Alright and all you can beat Buffet!" Said Raph
"We can't just rush in there, we need a paln" Leo stoped him
" Don't you think we would run out of time?" I asked
"Why?" Raph asked
"Thank you shell brain their innocent lives down there if we screw this up there all goners!" Donnie said
"Raph I'm sorry but I have to agree with Donnie on this one" Urte said
"Then we won't srew it up" Raph said
"Boy I can sure go for some of that pizza right now, huh?" Mikey poped up
Our brothers glared at him as we screamed "Mikey!"
"What I can't be the only one that's hungry" he said
"Where's Snake?" Leo worriedly asked
Mikey gasped as he relaized what he had just done "Oh gezz" Snake ran off laughing.
"Get him!" Leo commanded
"Next time I'm watching him!" Urte shouted as we ran after Snake.

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