Enemy of My Enemy

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[Warning: Singing ahead]

The night wind was lightly blowing in the air. Leo was keeping watch over TCRI.
"Nothing happening at TCRI" he said looking at his siblings
"Yet." Donnie said
"It's TCRI we are talking about, something's bound to happen" Urte said

"This game is awesome.The combat is so realistic." Mikey said as he played on his Tphone
"You want me to make it more realistic?" Raph asked
"Guys, stop messing around." Leo ordered
"We aren't messing around, we are just bored" Simona lifted her head from her book
"Simona, I get that you love reading, but is it really nessacary to bring a book everytime we are going to spy?" Leo smiled awkwardly, Simona raised a brow, Leo laughed nervuosly "Or like Martyna, never takes her headphones out" He pointed to Mari who was laying in the edge of the roof top
"So?" Simona asked
"He wants us to stay alert" Urte said
"Well Iveta doesn't stay alert!" Simona pointed to Iveta who was also sitting at the edge of the roof top looking up at the starts.
"Okay, don't bring Iveta into this. At least she is listening to her surrondings" Leo stated
"Yeah, but her eyes her elsewhere" Raph joined in. Iveta heard all, a warm tear streamed down her face. Maybe she was over sensitive, but she couldn't help it
"Guys. According to the Kraang storage device that I decrypted, some kind of scouting ship is coming through the Kraang portal tonight." Donnie broke the tenssion
"So we all have to stay alert." Leo said looking at Mari, Simona and Mikey "Yeah, you never know what could sneak up on you." A girl jumped down. It was Karai!
"Cute, Karai.But I'm not in the mood." Leo said as Karai attacked him
"We don't have time for this.Guys!" Leo ordered as his siblings came to help
"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouted
""Booyakasha"? What does that even mean?" Karai asked
"I don't know.But it's fun to yell." Mikey said befote Karai knocked him out
"You really know how to make a girl feel welcome.I heard the scrawny one mention the Kraang.What's going on?" Karai asked
"None of your business." Leo awensered
"And I'm not scrawny.I'm svelte." Donnie stated
"Oh, come on. Let me in on the fun." Karai said
"Look, we're a little busy trying to stop the beginning of an alien invasion here, so do us a favor and get lost!" Raph shouted
"An alien invasion? Are you serious?" Karai was shocked, then something started coming from the krang portal
Mari and Simona screamed as they jumped and hugged Donnie
"This can't be good." Leo said
"YEAH! You don't say!" Urte was mad
"Uhm, guys I think i need to change my shell." Mikey said
"Eww" Mari looked at him judingly

"The ones who are called turtles have been detected by the scanner which scans for turtles.They are knowing too much of Kraang's plan.Attack."The Kraang spoke
"I hope you have a plan for fighting that thing." Karai said
"Of course I do.Step one ....Run!" Leo said
The kraang started shooting at them as they ran
"Wait up guys!" Martyna shouted as she couldn't keep up
"Oh for lords sake!" Raph said grabbing her and putting her on his back "Hold on" he said as she hugged him tightly.
"Donnie wait!" Simona said as she grabbed Donnie's hand
"If we die..." Urte started
"Less speaking more running!" Raph grumbled her
"What the heck was that?" Karai asked
"I don't know, but off the top of my head, I'd say they use it for flying and shooting at things." Leo awenserd
"Like at our shells!" Mikey shouted

Soon the turtles and Karai split. Karai hid in the shadows. The rest if them hid behinde the car. Mari was hugging Raph close. They where all cuddled close.

"You think it knows where we are?" Mikey asked
"Yeah, maybe." Leo asked, just then the car was lifted by the ship.
"Man, we gotta get underground." Donnie said as they jumped to the side
"I'll draw their fire.Over here, cyclops!" Leo said and ran. They guys let the girls go first
"Leo, come on!" Raph said as they went underground

"Gosh darn aliens.Every time." A homeless man woke up and turned around to sleep again.

The turtles and the girls watched from the sewer. The alien ship suddenly turned invisable

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