Mutagen Man Unleashed

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"Oh, no! Super bad times for all!"
"Does great danger arrive? Where?"
"Kill-beast-bots from planet seven are here with steely resolve! Captain Coolstar, what are we going to do? Ow!" A smack
"Get a hold of yourself, man!"
"Don't worry, Squeakums.We'll blast 'em with mighty super robo mecha!"
"Team! Combine in teamwork mode! Super! Robo! Mecha! Force! Five! Team! Five! Go!"

Another cartoon came from the TV

"What the heck is this nonsense? It's terrible!" Raph asked
"Terribly awesome! I found these old tapes in a dumpster."
"Tapes?" Simona took a look
"Check it out." Mikey smiled
"Dude, this is awful." Raph said, Urte noded
"And you guys complained about space heroes." Leo said
"Their lips don't even match what they're saying! I could never watch a show this bad!" Raph said

"There are too many of them, Captain!" The TV spoke.

"So she's the princess of an entire planet? Cool." Raph smiled
"Yep, and she also pilots the robot's left leg. She rules! But that scientist dude made the robot." Mikey told
"The story has such an intricate, layered plot.Four stars!" Donnie smiled

"P-p-princess, I'd like to invite you for space dinner if you please, yes?"
"What? I, date a weakling like you? Not for 10,000 Zarkon crystals!"

"Donnie, that is so you and April, dude!" Mikey smiled
"It is not! Meh, this show is lame anyway.The plot makes zero sense! I'll be in the lab." Donnie said walking off.

Simona was already in their lab, reading and taking notes. From the way the door closed she could tell Donnie was upset.
"Just try ignoring them, D" Simona didn't lift her head from her notes.
"Ignore? How can I ignore comments like those!?" Donnie walked to his table
"Could you pass the yellow highlighter?" Simona asked, Donnie picked it up and threw it to her, she caught it
"Thank you!" She smiled
"What am I to April anyway?" He sat down and picked up a photo of him and April. Simona looked up at him.
"I'm worse than a nerd.I'm a freak! We're all total and complete freaks." Donnie grabbed onto his head
"Sorry, Timothy. You too" he turned to Simona. She picked up her bunny and walked over to Donnie.
"You aren't a freak Donnie, being a mutant does not change who you are on the inside." She said handing him Fluffy. Donnie looked at her confused.
"Ever read beauty and the beast?" Simona smiled
"Yes, ever since I learned to read, I'd read it to you everynight, before bed." Donnie smiled and peted Fluffy.
"And then I would say?"
"I hope one day you'll find your beauty. Not that you are a beast, but every girl could learn to love a mutant, they are the best" Donnie smiled
"And then you'd kiss my head goodnignt and shut the lights" Simona giggled. Donnie's little smile quickly changed back into a frown and he put Fluffy down on the table.
"Ah, doesn't matter anyway.April blames us for her dad's mutation.I have to find an antidote a retro-mutagen!" Donnie turned to Timothy
"And pretty soon you won't have to be a barely sentient glob of intestinal goo any longer. Now, let's see."
Donnie pulled out his supplies, Simona went back to her table and sat down. Donnie's attemt failed and the batch froze
"Oh! Frozen? Oh, great.Another batch lost! I swear, if it's the last thing I do, I'm gonna find a cure and win April back." Donnie said getting up and walking over to his and Simona's cabinets. Simona sighed looking at him. Neither of them noticed Tim drinking the mutageon from the open canister on Donnie's table.

"This is it, April. A new start. Just pretend you're a normal girl.Don't talk about alien-robots or mutant dads.And don't even think about turtles whoa!" April feel backwards
"Are you serious?" She said laying on the floor
"Nice job stopping my puck like that.You got some moves, Red." A boy with brown eyes smirked at her
"Umm, you could start with "sorry."" April got up and picked up her book.
"Sorry you got in the way! What were you doing blocking the hallway like that anyway?" He walked around her
"Blocking the Exactly who do you think you are?" April got angry
"You signed up for extra cred, right? Well, rejoice, 'cause I'm the guy you're gonna tutor." He smiled at her
"Ugh, great." April looked down
"Look, if I don't pass trig, they'll kick me off the hockey team.Nobody else wants to tutor me.They're all intimidated by my supreme awesomeness."
"So this is you asking me for help? Charming."
A moment of silience passed
"Fine.Meet me at the park at 7:00.Don't be late!"
"It's a date, then.Nice." he said before hitting his puck with his hockey stick and hitting the trashcan "Yes!" But it flew off and hit s guy in the face. He shruged and contiuned on
"So what's your name anyway?" April asked
He turned around with a wink
"Casey Jones."

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