Vengeance is Mine

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TW: Gore in this part.

The door of the dungeon opened as Xever made his way over to Karai's cell.
"Well, if it isn't the sushi I ordered." Karai smirked and watched Xever slip her food into her cell. "Ugh, and whatever that is. Can't you lay some masago for me?"
"This is a dungeon, not a bed and breakfast.You will eat whatever I bring."
"You mean whatever Tiger Claw tells you to bring." Karai said, Xever growled.
"If master Shredder didn't need you, I would teach you some manners."
"Oh, really? And what does he need me for?"
"Just watch your tongue, girl."

Xever scoffed and walked out the dungeon. Karai got back up and continued scraping at the metal bar of her cell. Soon she broke it and opened the door, escaping and heading to the exit of the dungeon. She looked around and opened the gate. She was almost back till someone suddenly yanked her back. Looking up Karai saw Tiger Claw.
"Where do you think you're going, little one?" He asked before the two started fighting again, no doubt Tiger Claw won, pinning her down as he growled and let his claws out holding them up above Karai.

"Stop! You will not harm her. " Shredder stepped in.
"As you wish, Master Shredder."

Later Karai awoke, in a more secure cell, with her hands cuffed. She struggled as she heard the door open behind her.
"Karai, I wish you could understand. Everything I have done is for our clan's honor. Why do you insist on hurting me? Have you nothing to say to me, daughter?" Shredder asked, Karai stood up and slowly turned to him before screaming at him.
"I am not your daughter!"

"This is the only way it can work, Raph." Leo said as him and his siblings were trying to devise a plan to save Karai. Using different types of figurines.
"Yeah, look, I'm on board for the whole "rescue Karai" thing, but if we're going through the trouble of invading Shredder's lair, we gotta take him down once and for all." Raph stated.
"It's too risky." Leo said.
"Hold up, dudes. Why do I have to be the bait while Donnie and Simona sit in the Shellraiser?" Mikey asked as he slurped his noodles.
"Someone's gotta be the getaway driver." Donnie said looking over at Mikey.
"And a third eye never hurt anybody." Simona sighed.
"Look, everyone is important here." Leo said loudly.
"Disagreement about a mission is never a good way to begin. Leonardo, may I speak with you?" Splinter said as he walked by. Leo followed him aside.

"I know you are anxious to free Karai, but a plan that leads to confrontation with the Shredder is doomed to failure."
"Even if we have to face Shredder, isn't it worth it to rescue your own daughter?" Leo asked.
"I am not willing to risk your lives or my daughter's." Sensei said firmly and walked out. Leo sighed deeply.
"Hai, sensei."Leo said before walking back to his siblings.

"So is that a "no go " on operation: Rescue Karai?" Mikey asked.
"No, Splinter's wrong. We can't wait." Leo said.
"Let's do this!" Raph smirked.

"Donnie and Sim, you monitor from the Shellraiser and give us some cover. Mikey will distract them with his mad skills.While Shredder's henchmen are distracted, Raph and I sneak in through the sewers. Urte following from the vents." Leo explained the plan before they all headed to Shredder's lair.

The three of them finally made their way into the dungeon, destroying any foot bots that may land in their way.
"Karai, it's us." Leo called out.
"Leo?" Karai said as Leo ran to her cell, pressing his face to the open part of the cell and smiling. "Took you long enough." She narrowed her eyes.
"Well, we got tired of waiting for you to escape on your own." Leo leaned back and smirked.
"Is this a rescue or a romantic comedy? Come on." Raph said, making Urte chuckle. Leo turned back to them, giving the two a 'really' look. He got out two tiny blades and knelt down to the lock.
"Just keep an eye out for Foot and Shredder." He said as he started picking the lock.

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