I, Monster

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It was a dark and stormy night, only the evil laughs of an evil villan could be heard inside his lab
"They all thought they could stop me.The corporate fools who pulled my funding.The scientific community who shunned me.Those turtle freaks who thought they got the last of my mutagen.But they were wrong.Even with this tiny amount and nothing but these disgusting sewer rats to experiment on, I have nearly recreated my psychic neurochemical.And when I do, the shortsighted idiots who rejected me will tremble before the power and genius of Dr.Victor Falco." He laughed as the rats chewed through a cord, it fell causing a huge fire
"No, no! Help me! Please! Help! Help!" He yelled with his mind, vontroling the rats

"Okay, here's the plan.Donnie, you're going to strike first." Leo said
"No, wait.You want me to come at Splinter? I'll get pummeled." Donnie arggued
"Well, getting pummeled is your specialty." Raph smirked
"Trust me.It's all part of my plan to catch Splinter off-guard." Leo said
"Uh, Leo, don't take this the wrong way, but against Splinter, your plans always get our butts whipped." Mikey said
"Okay, new thought.Mikey, you attack." Leo stated
"He took it the wrong way." Mikey turned to Donnie
"Enough talk.Let's do this." Raph said as they all attacked Sensai, they all lost expet, Leonardo managed to hit Sensai in the face
"Ah! Sensei, I'm sorry.I " Leo started to apologize, but Sensai fliped him over
"Oh, man.Leo's a goner." Donnie said
"Oh, nodie dodie." Mikey said
"Oh my gosh..." Martyna said as her and her sisters were watchimh from the coner
"Leo hit Sensai" Urte said, Iveta quitly watched as she was concerned for her brother
"Well done, Leonardo.But just when you had the advantage, you hesitated, and that made you vulnerable." Sensai said helping Leondaro up
"Hai, sensei." Leo said
"Now, that is all for today.Unless you care for a rematch." Sensai said before steping in to his room
"No, thanks."
"I'm good."
"Yeah, I think we're all set here."

"Leo!" Mikey ran to him
"Not bad." Raph said
"Dude, I can't believe you actually tagged sensei." Donnie said
"That was epic." Mikey said
"The hand that punched Splinter.You know, you can never wash this again." Mikey said looking at Leo's hand
"I gotta say, guys, it was all teamwork.We are definitely getting better." Leo said
"Think we might be catching up to Splinter?" Donnie asked
"Yeah, maybe soon, we won't need him to train us at all." Mikey said, little did they know sensai was listening

"Pirouette, girls" Sensai said to Iveta and Simona as they spuna around
"Be more gentele Simona, your turns show that your heart is not at piece" Sensai turned to her
"How can my heart be at piece when.. Agh!" Simona fell backwards knocking Iveta down as well
"You need to learn that April is no villan" Sensai extended hands for them both and helped them up
"Donatello is not going to forget you over a girl"
"Master Splinter,I apraccate the say, but he clearly is forgeting me" Simona stated
"Because you are letting him" Sensai stated
"How?" Simona asked
"Donatello does everything, to keep his bond with you, and all you do is reject. If you do not accept April for who she is, atleast accpet your brothers compassion." Sensai finished
"See it's not that bad" Iveta smiled
"Oh just wait till Leo finds a girl, you will know how terrible it feels!" Simona shouted at her
"Leo won't forget me" Iveta looker at Simona sadly
"Oh we will just see about that" Simona said
"Enough! Let's start this over. First position" Sensai banged his staff

"Through your eyes, brothers, I finally see the world for what it really is.This city is infested.Scrambling around in their pointless lives, spreading disease, forcing us to live in the shadows, like vermin.No more.They are the true plague.Together, we shall rid this city of humanity and reclaim it for ourselves.And no one, not even those vile turtles, shall stand in our way." The rat king spoke

"Citizens are fleeing the city in droves, but authorities say that while the rash of rodent activity is unusual, it's no cause to get rat-tled.For channel six news, I'm Carlos Chiang o holy moley! Get them off me! Get them off"The news reporter yelled

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