Eyes Of The Chimera

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It was late at night when Iveta was using the necklace powers once again, trying to contact Luna. It had been days since she had seen the princess and days since she tried contacting her. She was confused as to why the necklace wouldn't work. It always worked, what was different? After a couple of useless tries, she sighed and looked to the stars. Something felt off. Very off. While looking at all the constellations Iveta noticed a small spark appear. She focused her eyes on the thing. What was that? Soon the spark glew and in came princess Luna. Iveta stood up with a smile.
"Princess Luna?"
"Oh goodness, what..." She looked around. "Where are we?"
"The farmhouse..." Iveta helped her up. "Well actually the top of the farm house." Luna raised a brow at Iveta. Who smiled awkwardly. "Well, it looks like I have an awful lot to tell you."


"So this is how you've been, for the past 4 months..." Luna looked around, looking into the forest. Iveta nodded. "Wow...and your sisters finding out about Tiger Claw and you..."
"Yeah, I'm surprised you didn't know....I mean you always know what's happening." Iveta rested her head on her arm, as she just finished filling in her friend and guardian in on the situation.
"Yes, but...ever since the invasion..something happened...You were still in New York...and it was as if something interfered with the dimensions...I lost all contact with this world." Luna turned to Iveta.
"Do you think it's the kraang invasion's doing?"
"No." Luna shook her head. "No matter what dimension they would've invaded, it wouldn't have caused me or the other guardians to lose all contact. Something of higher power must have interfered."
"What...what is higher power than.."
"Only you and your sisters could close dimension travel or only us four combining our magic." Luna explained.
"Me and my sisters? But we would-"
"Never do that, I know. Neither would we. It was something else interfering."
"Well what?" Iveta asked, faithfully.
"I don't know, Iveta." Luna looked up to the stars. "I just don't know."

The next day Donnie was running a new experiment.
"Umm, Donnie, is this thing safe?" April asked as Donnie hooked her up to the machine.
"Absolutely. Now let me adjust the straps and plug this baby in" Donnie said, adjusting a few things. "Whoa, April. Check you out. Is that a tiara? I love tiaras." Mikey walked into the barn house.
"It's not a tiara. It's a psychic neurotransmitter." Donnie explained as he fixed the device on April's head.
"Whoa. That was my second guess." Mikey smiled.
"Donnie salvaged it from the Kraang ship. He's going to use it to test my psychic powers." April smiled at Mikey.
"Cool." He responded.
"Okay, starting now." Donnie said and turned on the machine. "You feel anything?" He asked as he messed around with the controls.
"Hmm mmm. Nope." April responded. Simona looked at the machine.
"Turn it up a little, more."
"Okay. How about now?" Donnie asked.
"Nope.That tingles." April responded.
"Okay, April. Now, focus on the card. Close your eyes and tell me what you see." Donnie said as he picked up a card and held the back of it, facing April.
"I see I see..." She focused. "A bird!"
"Ooh, so close. It flies like a-" Mikey stood behind Don, trying to help April.
"Shh. You'll spoil the test. Try again." Donnie picked up another card.
"Hmm. I'm gonna say..." April tried focusing.
"Ooo ooo ahh ahh!" Mikey imitated the monkey that was on the card.
"A fish?"
"Ooo ooo ahh ahh ahh ahhh!"
"Mikey!" Donnie rasied his voice.
" Just trying to help."
"Well, stopbeingannoying!" Donnie sat back down. Simons sighed.
"You don't need to help April. It is part of the test." she explained.
"Okay, this one's easy." Donnie took a card with a photo of him and raised his brows at April.
"It's It's... A worm! Definitely a worm." April looked at Donnie's displeased face. "No? Really? But these images in my head, they feel so right.

"Come on, let's get to it .I'm feeling a lot better." Leo said as hr walked out to train with Raph and Casey. "Today, I'm taking you both down."
"Ha! In your dreams, Leo." Raph smirked before Casey whispered to him.
"Dude, the guy's been down for, like, ever. Cut him some slack, okay?" Casey and Raph fist bumped each other.
"Yeah, Leo. I bet you take us both down. Casey, anyway." Raph smiled as they got ready to spar.
"Let's find out." Leo said before they all started sparing. The beginning was good all was going well until Leo landed on his injured leg.
"Ugh! No, no, not again." Leo ached as he held onto his knee.
"Leo!" Casey and Raph ran over to him.

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