The Pulverizer

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In the evil of kraang
"Why is the location of the power cell still unknown to Kraang?"
"The place where the power cell is is a place of hiding.Kraang must have this power cell to reopen the portal to the dimension of Kraang so the true mission can finally begin."
"So Kraang asks Kraang, where is this place of hiding?"

"Perfect." Donnie said as he finished up, he stood up and turned to Simona
"I'm really glad you helped me with this, without your help this would have taken weeks amongst weeks"
"Donnie I love you too" Simona said  grabing his head and kissing his cheek
"But we have to show everyone else! Come on!" Simona smiled, Donnie giggled at her enthusiasiam

"Ugh, what's taking so long? Donnie knows I have a short atten..Ooh, gum!" Mikey said, Raph smacked his hand away from the gum
"Man, this better be worth it."  Raph said
"It should! Simona and Donnie have been working on someyhing, I think it will be great" Iveta smiled
"Or not" Urte said as they heard brakes squeal, they all gasped
"Worth it." Martyna smiled
The door opend and there stood  Donnie and Simona
"So?" They both smirked
"You turned Leatherhead's old subway car into this?" Leo smiler
"Donnie, Simona, have I ever told you guys how awesome you are?" Raph asked
"No, you haven't." Donnie awensered
"Well, I'm seriously considering it." Raph said
"What do you call this thing?" Leo asked
"Well, it's a transaxled, multi-armored, electromagnetic.." Donnie explained
"The Shellraiser." Mikey said
"What?" Urte looked at him
"The Shellraiser.It's the perfect name." Mikey smiled
"That is the perfect name." Leo said
"Of course it is, bro.You guys always underestimate me.Ooh, gum!" Mikey got distarcted
"Whoa." They all looked around
"Now, we've assigned everyone to a station based on your individual skill sets.I can't drive because my station's in the back, so..."
"Driver!" They all screamed and started fighting over the drivers place
"Leo drives." Simona said
"Why?" Mikey and Raph asked
"He's least likely to hit something just for fun." Simona awensered
"True" Mikey and Raph said, Raph and Mikey took they're stations
"What about us?" Martyna asked
"You four replace us if anything happens" Donnie smliled
"You have got to be kiding me" Urte said
"No, trust me way more fun that way!" Simona said as she walked up next to Donnie
"We all get to help our brothers with they're stations" she smiled
"How can you find that fun?" Martyna asked
"Well, I am busy with the computers, Simona reads extremly fast, so who better to read the emegency book  incase of an emegency if not her " Donnie smiled
"Ha, say that ten times fast" Mikey giggled
"You made an emegency book?" Raph asked
"Mhm" Simona smiled "And an instruction manual"
"Besides she is the only one who knows how to use my station" Donnie smiled
"Now I want you girls to go sit next to your brothers and watch closley" Donnie pointed at the seets, Simona had a chair right next to Donnie, Martyna and Urte sat in between Raph and Mikey, and Iveta sat next to Leo
"You know you made it sound like we aren't important to you" Martyna said
"Non sense, of course you are, I love you all very much" Donnie said playfully  blowing a kiss at Martyna
"Ewe stop it! Donnie your gross" Martyna said covering her face, everyone laughed
"So, how do we get this baby going?" Leo asked, the monitor turned on and Leo and Donnie could see each other
"Okay, just ease the throttle forward ever so sli.."  Donnie started explaiining but they whooshed away
" Whoo!"
"What is powering this thing?" Iveta asked
"The Kraang power cell we got from Leatherhead." Simona awensered
"I thought you said that was dangerous, like the Kraang could track it." Urte said
"That's why we put it under a lead glass shield." Simona said
"Now I can regulate the output and prevent the Kraang from detecting its signal." Donnie awensered
"I hate to interrupt, but dead end!" Mikey shouted
"Uh, Donnie, how do I stop this thing?" Leo asked
" Don't!" Donnie said
"Trust me!"
They all screamed as the tunnel opem and they drove out into the city
"Donnie, Simona you guys are awesome!" Raph shouted

Mikey kept huming a tune
"This thing have a stereo?" Mikey asked
"What good would this thing be without some tunes?" Donnie said as he played classical piano music
"Are you serious?" Raph asked
"Check out the second movement." Donnie now played heavy metal
"Oh boy" Urte smiled
" Yeah!"
They were all having fun when Raph opend the roof to look around
"Leo, pull over!"
"Purple dragons?" Leo laughed as they watched through the camera
"Oh, this night keeps getting better and better."
"Oh, yeah, it's like candy for my knuckles.And tonight's Halloween." Raph said
"Oh, wait a minute. Who's that?" Iveta pointed out
"Excuse me, boys.I think you forgot to pay for that.But don't worry.I accept cash, check, or teeth." The guy spoked
"Huh." Fong was surprised
"That was a pretty good line." Leo said "What are you gonna do?" Fong asked
"There's one of you and three of us."
"Oh, you want to call a couple friends, make it even?" The guy asked
"This guy's got guts." Urte smiled
"It's time to face the wrath of the Pulverizer!" Said the Pulverizer
"This is gonna be great." Mikey smiled
"Hyah! Judo! Punch, punch! Hyah!" The guy did nothing
"Or not." Martyna said as they purple dragons syarted beating him up
"Oh,the Pulverizer's getting just Well, I don't know the word, but we gotta help him." Mikey said before they all ran to help

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