Race With the Demon!

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"Ahem! So why am I always stuck in the back with the groceries?" Donnie asked as Casey drove them all home after another trip to the grocery store.
"Somebody has to make sure the eggs don't break, dude." Casey answered.
"We don't even buy eggs! We have chickens! I know what you're up to, Jones! You always get to drive! I wonder why." Donnie argued, Simona rubbed her temples, frustrated by the two.
"Well, maybe because a giant turtle driving a hippie bus seems a little suspicious!"
"All right, guys .I'd just like to have one peaceful trip to the store where the two of you aren't at each other's throats." April disciplined the two. Casey and Donnie both shut up and looked away. "Now that's better. Peace and quiet." April said as they continued to head home. Simona smiled and sighed in relief.

As they drove, a purple car came out of nowhere and hit the van. They all moved around a little from the hit.
"A little chip 'n chase, huh?!" Casey started to speed after the guy.
"Just pull over, Casey. Get out of the way!" April said.
"Nobody forces Casey Jones off the road!" Casey said and drove into the other car, but it wasn't a good idea as they all went flying in the van. Casey couldn't control the car anymore and they crashed into a nearby tree.
"Ugh Everyone okay?" April asked, looking back at Donnie and Sim. Donnie leaned over with a piece of meat on his head.
"Nobody forces Casey Jones off the road, huh?"
"Ugh!" Casey hit the steering wheel making it honk.

"Muurg has the jewel of Koweewah!"
"Heh-heh.You'll never catch me, Crognard! What's this?"
"Give me back my mystic jewel! Rah!"

"Dude! That centaur doesn't stand a chance against Crognard the Barbarian!" Mikey said climbing onto the couch.
"Breaking news! A word of warning for those planning on driving tonight Stay home! Reports are coming in of a mysterious driver running people off the road." The TV turned to news.
"That qualifies as breaking news out here?" Raph leaned his head on his arm.
"Back in the city, every driver's a reckless driver. Bring back Crognard!" Mikey shouted.
"It was him! That's the maniac who nearly trashed us!" Donnie said, walking in with the food. April, Sim and Casey following close behind.
"You ran into that nut?!" Leo was shocked.
"More like he ran into us! Over and over. We gotta get back out there and teach that guy a lesson!" Casey explained.
"Casey, it's not worth it. Just be glad we're all okay." April said.
"Yeah, we're ugh mostly okay I got shell-lash trying to save all the food." Donnie said, rubbing his neck.
"A noble sacrifice, D!" Mikey said, hugging the bag of food. Donnie frowned and rubbed his neck. To Casey's shock April walked over to him and started massaging his neck.
"Your neck okay, Donnie?"
"Ooh. Ooh, yeah, a little lower Aww, yeah, that's hittin' the spot!" Donnie said. Casey grumbled and turned away crossing his arms. April just smiled and rolled her eyes. Simona stood there with arms crossed, confused by all. Maybe her and Casey having something was all in her head and she shouldn't have kissed him that night. She was later with Iveta on the roof.

"I don't know...I feel like us having anything is all just in my head." Simona explained.
"Well... you know...April has been giving mixed signals to Casey and Donnie. Maybe he's really confused."
"So that means April is better than me...and I am plan b?"
"No..Sim I'm not saying that. What I mean is April's been giving mixed signals and...you kinda do too. Besides I don't think it helps that you have four brothers who could beat him up easily if they wanted to do so. I think he's just lost in his own thoughts, that's all." Iveta tried comforting her.
"I guess you are right...besides I shouldn't be talking about me...what about you? How are you feeling after the entire Tiger Claw situation?" Simona asked. Iveta sighed.
"Stressed...worried that Urte may change her mind or that it may slip out of Mari's mouth accidently. But maybe I am just overthinking it all."
"Iv...do you have feelings for him?" Simona asked, her sister stayed silent for a moment.
"I don't know....I don't think I do." Simona nodded at her sister's response. "By the way, I've given some more thought about Henry's case and I think he might have just left to our dimension...I think the only time we will get back on track is when we go back to New York...if all the books and files we collected are still there." Iveta explained, Simona nodded and looked back into the open.

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