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"If you won't be silent I'll silence you." Karai said as she swung her sord at Leo. Tc grabbed her arms
"What?" She looked up at him
"Master Shredder desires them alive.He wants the pleasure of finishing the turtles and the girls himself."
"Fine.Let's deal with the rat first." Karai said
"Leave him alone, Karai! Or you're gonna answer to me!" Shouted Raph
"My children, go.Now!" Sensai said as he threw a couple of throwing stars and let his kinds lose
"Run!" Sensai said as Tiger Claw kicked him
"Splinter!" Leo shouted
"We got to come back for him, Leo." Raph said and dragged him back.
"Don't let them escape!" Karai shouted. TC ran after them. Mikey got ready to throw the smoke bomb. Before he could Iveta took a good glance at Tiger Claw as they all dissapeared into the night. TC growled
"At least we still have the rat." Karai said

Meantime Casey, Simona, Donnie and April where trying to out run the giant worm that was chasing them.
"Run! Faster!" Donnie shouted
"We got to slow it down." Said April as she ran
"Yeah, no kidding Simona awensered
"I'm on it!" Casey said and rollerbalded back
"Casey, no!" April shouted
"Eat this!" Casey said throwing a can of spray paint into the worms mouth, the worm fell
"Yes!" Casey cheered, but the worm soon got up again
"No!" Casey ran
"Casey, hurry!" April shouted. Donnie saw a leader and jumped up on it, he extended his staff to April
"April! Grab on!" He said as April grabbed it and Donnie pulled her up next to him, he extended it out again
"Simona, grab it!" She ran, jumped and grabbed on, Donnie pulled her up as well, then he turned to Jones
"Jones! The staff!" He shouted. Casey jumped, but wasn't able to grab the staff as the worm swolled him.
"Aah!" Simona screamed
"No!" April screamed
"Casey!" Donnie shouted.
"He's gone.He's gone." April hugged Donnie and cried
"I'm so sorry, April.I truly am." Donnie said as he hugged her back. Simona frowned in worry, for the first time her heart ached and she was very worried.. but this wasn't for family, it was for a complete stranger to her, all she understood that this feeling was new to her.

"Ow.Ow, ow.Ow!" Mikey owed as Leo banseges him up.
"This your fault, Leo.If you hadn't called Splinter, we wouldn't be in this mess." Raph started arguing
"I didn't have a choice, Raph.It was him or Mikey.I thought... I thought Sensei would take care of him." Leo awensered
"Well, you thought wrong!" Raph argued
"Oh my god, will you shut your loud mouth up for just once?!" Urte got furiuos
"Hey, don't speak to me like that!" Raph argued back
"Don't tell me what to do, Raph! You are constantly getting on Leo, when he has done absolutley nothing wrong!" Urte argued
"He put Sensai's life at risk!"
"And you apperantly would have rather had Mikey killed!"
That made Raph think for a moment
"Zip it, nobody want's to hear a big baby whineing, so shut up and leave Leo alone, because he does not deserve this treatment you are giving him." Urte said and turned around. Raph was hurt, she had never acted like this before.
"Wow.." Mari sais very quietly, Leo looked at Urte with a shoocked expression, but he didn't say a word. Then Mari finally broke the silience
"We have to save Master Splinter!"
"We know where they took him Shredder's lair.We do this for Splinter! There comes a time, brothers and sisters, when history is forged like Melted cheese.It sticks together as one! But is still soft and squishy in the middle.Mm." everyone looked at him wierdly
"Are you with me?" Mikey asked
"Lamest speech ever.But I'm with you." Raph smiled
"Let's do this!" Mikey smiled

D, April and Simona made their way out, away from the worm up to the surface
"Okay. Coast is clear." Donnie said
"This is so terrible.Poor Casey.We have to find a way to stop those Kraang worms once and for.." the earth started to shake as they all fell down
"You're right about that.And we know one man who knows more about the Kraang than anyone." Donnie said as he helped April up. Simona sat their with a frown, it was like she was invisable. But then that hand she trusted was extended to her
"Come on." Donnie smiled looking down at her, but Simona pushed his hand off and made her way ahead of them. It was not Donnie who forgot her, it was Simona blocking his care and love. April was shocked, but didn't say anything.

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