In Dreams

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Once upon a December, the tune of the music box was playing. It was night time as a warm wind breezed through the castle. Iveta was running through the halls. She was now a lot smaller in size. As she ran down the halls, she followed a woman. She was graceful and soft. Floating like a cloud. Iveta was captivated by her beauty and the warmth that she felt from her. She walked into a room, which Iveta ran after her. Once she entered the room it all turned dark.

Suddenly she awoke. Her eyes landed on the music box. It was morning and she was in the farmhouse. It was a dream. Somehow, for the first time in ages, she slept peacefully, without any nightmares or night terrors. She sighed and got out of bed to get ready for the day. It wasn't long before she was downstairs having breakfast with her siblings. After breakfast, the boys went to spar. She and her sisters were back in the attic, discussing the music box.
"I researched the music box and the lullaby itself. According to the internet there is no such song called "Once upon a december."" Simona explained.
"That's strange...then where did the music box come from? If Leo was the one to come up with the song, how would someone else know it?" Mari asked.
"Maybe the song comes from our dimension....but it doesn't make any sense on why Leo would know it or how he'd know it." Urte said.
"I think we have a connection to that lullaby...I think Henry is somehow connected to us." Iveta said.
"You are basing that theory off the fact that he had a music box with the tune of the lullaby our brother used to sing us? What if we are just wasting our time here, there isn't a connection between us and Henry...we don't even know much about him and all we had is stuck back in the lair. All the way in New York." Urte got up.
"We do have his missing person's flier and I still have my laptop. We can see what they say about him online." Simona offered.
"That's a good idea." Iveta said.

Donnie was running, frantically trying to get away from something. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked around. "Wait how did I get here?" He was back in New York. He looked around. "Something's out there. But what?" Suddenly he was being chased by a giant monster. "Aah!" Donnie screamed, trying to get away from the monster. He kept running and hiding, but no matter where he went he couldn't escape the monster.

Outside the boys were sparing. "So is Donnie coming down or what?" Raph asked as he and Mikey were fighting.
"I couldn't wake him up, so I put some dirty underwear on his face." Mikey laughed. The two kept fighting. Till Raph decided to ambush Leo who was training alone. Luckily Leo swiftly beat him.
"Nice. Looking good, Leo. You're really coming along." Raph smiled.

"Hey, guys? We're heading down to the store." April said as Casey, Mari and Urte hopped into the van.
"Any requests?" Casey stuck his head out the window and asked.
"Ooh, ooh, ooh! I need some spicy gummy worms. Need!" Mikey said.
"Yeah, he's not going to have that." Casey shook his head.
"That store is tiny, Mikey. It's the kind of place that has peanut butter or jelly." April said and got into the van.
"Be back in a few." Casey shouted to them.
"Okay, let's do this." Leo said and started sparring with Raph, yet this time Leo's injury got in the way.
"Aah!" He knelt to the floor.
"Leo, you were hurt bad, bro.You gotta give yourself time to heal." Mikey walked over to him.
"Yeah, but how long? This is taking forever." Leo stood up, limping to the farmhouse. Mikey wanted to help but Leo pushed his little brother's hand away. "I'm fine! I'm fine! I'm just...Just gonna take a minute."
"Good.Some rest should help." Raph said.
"You sure you don't need anything Leo?" Iveta asked as he walked into the farmhouse.
"No, I'm fine. Thanks girls." He smiled at her and Sim before walking inside. Simona and Iveta turned to Mikey and Raph.
"You girls wanna spar?" Raph asked.
"No thank you, rather take a walk." Simona said as she and Iveta walked towards the barn house.

"Aah! Sleeping isn't gonna help." Leo stood up from the couch. "Guys? I'm going for a walk." he shouted.
"Rock on, bro!" Mikey shouted to him. Leo took a walk in the woods. It was dark already.
"Ah, taking forever. I'm never gonna get better." He said and looked up at the sky. Just then a meteorite came flying down towards him. "What?" Leo was surprised. He dodged it, but was infatuated by it when it landed. Curious, he walked over to it and touched it. His entire body started to glow before being zapped back. "Whoa!" He was smacked against a tree and fell down. "Weird. That didn't hurt." He stood up. "And my leg, my leg doesn't hurt either .I feel fine! In fact I feel great!" He said and started sparing by himself in the woods.

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