It Came From the Depths

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The krang where chasing a mutant trying to escape, but they where no match for the creture, who soon hid in the sewers

"Who wants to try my latest creation? We all love pizza.We all love milkshakes.So I combined them." Mikey walked in caring a blender
"Okay, that could not be less appetizing." Said Donnie
"I call it a P-shake." Mikey presented
Donnie gulped  "I stand corrected." "You guys just have no sense of adventure.Blech! Ugh." Mikey spat out his mikshake "Ugh.Where did I go wrong?" Mikey asked himself and chuged down his milkshake
"Like um eww?" Urte looked at Mikey
"Like um go away?" Mikey looked at her, Simoan squeled, they all turned to her
"What has gotten into you?" Raph turned to her
"He told he loved her! After all this time!!!!" She scareamed
"What?" Raph was confused
"She mean's the book, Raph" Donnie pointed
"Princess of the ice?" Leo read the tittle
"One of the if not best love storys out there, if I do say so myslef" Simona smiled
"Gosh you are such a book worm" Urte said
"GUYS!! GUYS!!!" Martyna ran out wearing a simple but cute orange dress
"What do you think?" Martyna gave twirl
"Oh did you make it yourself?" Raph asked
"Why yes dear brother yes yes I did" Martyna smiled
"It's lovely" Leo smiled
"Oh! Who should I make a dress for next?" Martyna said looking at her sisters
"You should make Raph a dress first" Urte smiled
"Oh that is a really good idea" Martyna smiled
"URTE!" Raph jumped on her and started to play fight her, Leo clicked on to the next TV chanel

"In all my travels, I've never seen anything as cute as these trumpets. But I'll be darned if they're not the most annoying species in the cosmos."
"Captain, we've got to find a humane way to get rid of them"
" If there's one thing I'm known for, it's my humanity.Open the airlock."

Leo smiled at the TV
"You have to be the only person in the world who likes this show." Raph said
"No way.There are millions of spaceniks out there." Leo smiled, as Rapb took the remote and turned on the news
"I'm Joan Grody, with a sewer shocker.City workers attacked by mutants?" The reporter said, they listened in
"It was like part man, part reptile, and all monster! It came out of nowhere and attacked me." Said the sewer workern, everyone turned to Raph
"Wasn't me." He said
"Take a look at this terrifying footage." The reporter continiued
"So some people think the sewers are dark and scary, but actually, it's a lot of ..... Somebody help me! " The guy was scared
"Are malicious mutants menacing Manhattan? Find out next on Grody To the max."
"I got a bad feeling about this."said  Simona
"The last thing we want is some mutant causing trouble in the sewers." Leo said
"Or some news crew down here looking for him.We've got to track this guy down and stop him ourselves." Raph said
"Wait, let's rewind this.Think I saw a tunnel number." Donnie rewind the tape "There, tunnel 281."
"Let's go." Said Leo as they all ran out

"Whoa, check this out.What the heck made these footprints?" Leo studied the foot prints
They heard distant roaring, lasers zappin
"Whoa." Said Martyna as they sae a giant alligator beating up the krang, who were struguling
"I never thought I'd feel sorry for the Kraang." Donnie said, the krang started electricuting the monster
"Tell Kraang in what place can be found the power cell that Kraang wishes to find the place of." A kraang stated
"Never!" The monster rored as the Kraang continiued to zap him
"We have to help him" Martyna said
"I agree" Mikey turned to his brothers and  sisters
"Come on, we gotta help him." Mikey pulled on Raph's arm
"I think "gotta" is a strong word." Raph said
"Mikey, we don't know anything about that guy." Simona stated
"He could be way more dangerous than the Kraang." Leo said puting a and on Simona's shoulder
"That gator dude needs our help." Mikey said
"Come on guys, please" Martyna looked at them
" We can't wait around for you cowards." Mikey said as him and Martya ran to help the gator
"Do you know what you're getting into?" Raph asked
"Booyakashaaa!" Mikey attacked
"Well, I guess that settles it.Let's go whack some pinatas." Raph said as the rest of them went to attack, they beat the krang with ease
"So what do we do now?" Asked Simona
"We get out of here before more Kraangdroids show up." Leo looked at her
"We can't just leave him here." Martyna hugged the creatures head
"What if the Kraang find him?" Mikey helped her
"Well, what do you want to do? Take him back to the lair?" Leo asked  Martyna and Mikey whimpered
"Oh, no.Oh, no.Did did you see what he did to those Kraangdroids? We are not bringing that monster home with us." Leo stated
"He's not a monster! He's a giant, Kraang-crushing mutant alligator monster.I said monster, didn't I?" Mikey tried to defend
"Sure did."
"Well, you know what I meant." Mikey said
"I thought you meant monster." Donnie said
"Me too." Urte looked at him
"Yep.Fine.We'll bring him back ourselves, right Mari?" Mikey turned to Martyna
"Yep" she smiled, they tried to move the creature, but they where unsusesfull
"Um, Donnie, you don't happen to have a forklift, do you?" Mikey asked
" No?" Donnie said
"Okay."Mikey and Martyna continiued pulling
"It would be the nice thing to do, he is hurt" Iveta said, Leo sighed and pointed to the creature, all 8 hardly dragged him back to the lair.

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