Monkey Brains

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Mikey and Donnie where pratcing in the dojo
"Dude, what are you doing? You don't defend against Seoi Nage with back flips." Donnie said as Mikey backfliped
"Why not? Back flips are where it's at." Mikey smiled
"The best defense is to roll along my back, then take me to the ground and put me in an armlock. Unless, of course, I counter with a.." Donnie stated
" Hey, man, you can't take the fire out of hi.. yaah!" Mikey fliped over "Dr.Flip-enstein!"
"I don't even know what that means." Donnie said as he noticed sensai walking by
"Master Splinter, what would you do if someone tried throw you with Seoi Nage?"
"I don't know." Splinter awenserd "Come on, you must have planned a response for every attack." Donnie stated
"If you think too much about what is coming, you lose sight of what is.You must be fully in the moment so you can fight without thinking."
"Why would I want to fight without thinking?" D asked
"Allow me to demonstrate.Prepare to defend against Seoi Nage." Sensei attacked Donnie
"Ow! That wasn't Seoi Nage!"
"No, but you thought it would be. Now, would you like to prepare to defend against a spinning back-kick?" "No, I'm good." Donnie said as Splinter walked away
"Know what would have worked there? Back flip." Mikey said

"Hey guys! Cheek out this cool survey webiste I found where you can make cash!" Simona ran out her room caring her laptop
"OH! Let me see!!" Martyna smiled
"Are you sure these are safe?" Raph asked
"Who's smarter?" Simona looked at him, Raph glarred and rolled his eyes
"Did you show Donnie?" Leo asked
"Why would I show Donnie?" Simona asked arrogantly, everyone looked at each other
"Um because, he's your one and only big brother nerd like you?" Raph asked
"Now he's April's one and only" Simona said as she walked into the lab
"Well speaking of Donnie we should go see what he is up to" Urte said as they got up to go to the lab

"What you up to, Donnie?" Leo asked
"Just putting the finishing touches on my master plan." He awenserd
"Master plan?" Raph asked
"Yeah, to get April to hang out with me." Donnie stated
"Try this, "April, do you want to hang out with me?"" Leo said
"Yeah, you see, it's not that simple.I have to prepare for every possible response to maximize my chances of success." Donnie said as he hung his plan
"Aw, that's so romantic!" Mikey said
"Yeah, for instance, if April says she can't because she has homework, then I will suggest an informal study session and serve healthy, brain-stimulating snacks." Donnie presented
"Well, what if she says she can't because you're a total nerd?" Raph said Urte snickerd
"Ah, that's this thread here. I will list my many non-nerdy qualities and suggest activities that will highlight my coolness, such as skateboarding or shark wrestling." D said
"Guys!" April came in
"Hey, hey, Ap hey, April." Donnie hid his master plan
"You guys gotta check this out." She sat down and opend up her lap top
"Renowned neurochemist Dr.Tyler Rockwell has been reported missing.I spoke with Rockwell's colleague, Dr.Victor Falco." The video said
"I hadn't heard from him in days, so I stopped by his lab.The place was a mess and he was gone.I fear the worst." Said Dr. Falco
"Police say they have .."
" So?" Martyna asked
"So the Kraang have been kidnapping scientists from all over the city, including my Dad! Maybe that's what happened to this Rockwell guy." April said
"Or they may not be connected at all." Urte said
"There's only one way to find out.We should go to that lab and look around." April said
"April's right.We should go check it out.What's that? You guys are busy? Guess it's just the two of us, April." Donnie said as he started to take April
"HEY! I'm not busy at all" Simona smirked to Donnie
"Great the three of us can go" April said as she started to walk out, Donnie glared at Simona and she glared at him as they walked out
"But.... we have ballet pratice..." Iveta said
"I'm seriuosly concerned for those two, ever since April came in.. it's like they could pick a cat fight anytime" Raph said
"So does Simona really hate April" Mikey asked
"Hate her? No not at all... she just really really... really dislkies her" Urte said
"That's the same as hate.." Raph said
"..oh I know..." Urte laughed awkwardly
"I bet that wasn't on his flowchart." Leo turned the board
"Whoa.It is! That is spooky."
"Well I guess... ballet class alone for me... " Iveta said
"Oh silly! I'll dance with you" Martyna smilled and hugged her sister as everyone left the lab
"Haha.. thanks.." Iveta said as they went to the dojo

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