Soon [Mayuzumi Chihiro x Reader]

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A/N- here's a Mayuzumi oneshot! And since I don't know him THAT well, i sincerely apologize if he is extremely ooc.

You sat in class with a bored expression while the teacher droned on and on about a subject you already knew well about. You looked at the clock in front of the room. It was only two more minutes until lunch. Sighing with a bored and slightly tired tone, you turned your head and looked out the window.

After two minutes, the bell rang signaling it was time for lunch. You immediately packed up at your stuff and left the classroom and headed towards the roof, where you are expecting to see Mayuzumi reading a novel, as always.

You walked up onto the roof and looked around. Looking to one of the railings in the roof, you saw Mayuzimi leaning against it, doing what he always does, which was obviously reading.

Mayuzumi was slightly surprised when he saw you sit down next to him. He wasn't that surprised since you had often came up to the roof to talk with him.

"Yes?" He asked, not looking at you, but at the book he was reading.

"Well hello to you too, Mayuzumi." You replied.

"What do you want, [L/N]" he asked.

"What, I can't come up here and talk to you?" You asked with a small chuckle.

"The only person that came up here was Akashi. He wanted me to do something. So if you're up here and you notice me, you want something." He spat back with a calm tone.

"Well, I wouldn't say 'want something' least, in my case." You explained. You honestly didn't know why you liked him or how you came to like him.

"Then what do you want from me." He questioned.

"Nothing. I just want to be around you, I guess. Plus, you're a complete loner and it looks like you have no friends."

"That doesn't mean I need any."

"Oh, shut up. You can't be alone forever."

"I can."

"You're gonna need someone in life, Mayuzumi."

He just ignored what you said and continued reading his novel. You just continued talking to him, though you knew that he didn't care, didn't listen, ignored you, or any of the sort. For the most part, you didn't care. It just made you happy that he was next to you. (I'm so sorry, that was so corny)

When lunch ended, you got up to leave do you can go to your next class. You grabbed your bag and was currently heading to the exit of the rooftop when Mayuzumi stopped you.



"When you said that you wouldn't say you 'wanted something', what did you mean?" He asked with a blank face.

"Well I wanted to say something. That's what I meant."

"What did you want to say?"

"You'll find out someday, Mayuzumi." You answered.

"When exactly, [L/N]."

"Soon." You said as you flashed him a mysterious smile.

A/N- sorry once again if he's too ooc! I just imagine him as being slightly cold. And I am actually thinking of making this a two part story. I don't know. Should I do it?

Well, see you guys next update!

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