Not As Good [Midorima Shintaro x Reader]

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"Mother?" Your seven year old stopped you before you left his room for the night.

"Yes? What's wrong?"

"Can I tell you something?" He asked shyly. You closed the door and walked over to him with an assuring smile.

"We had gym class today at school and we were playing basketball. Everyone tried to pick me to be in their team because they knew father was a really really good player so they thought I was one too," he said and looked at you for a reply. You looked at him in a 'go on' manner. He continued, "so when they chose me, we started playing and I saw that I was really bad. I wasn't making any of my shots and I kept on getting the ball stolen from me. I felt really embarrassed because father is such a good player and I'm anything but good. Do you think father will get mad at me?"

"Mad? No, I don't think so. Your father loves you for who you are. Whether you can play basketball or not doesn't lessen the love he has for you. Your father isn't like that," you reassured him with a soft smile. [S/N] looked down shyly.

"If you want, I'll tell him to teach you tomorrow since it's Saturday. It's his day off so he might be able to teach you," you said as you tucked him into bed once again.

"Is it okay if you don't tell him? I don't want father to know I'm bad at basketball. Him and uncle Takao were so good and I feel sad because I'm nowhere near as good,"

"Alright. Don't worry. My lips are sealed. He won't know," you ran your fingers over your lips in a zipping/sealing gesture. You turned off his lights and walked over to your bedroom where Midorima was already sleeping. You climbed in and fell asleep.


The next morning, Midorima some up early like he always did (a permanent habit of his) and went downstairs to make some coffee. As he was, the conversation between you and his son came back to him.

'I felt really embarrassed because father is such a good player and I'm anything but good'

Midorima obviously knew how good he was, judging by all the photos, magazines, and awards he's received over the years. He honestly didn't care if his son wasn't so good at the sport. He never really was a sporty kid. His room was filled more with books than sporting gear or any of the sort. Midorima loved [S/N] and never wanted to see him sad, even though he never really admits it. Since it was his day off, he decided that he would teach him today to try and make him believe that he's not bad or that not being able to play doesn't affect the affection he gets from him.

You came down the stairs and saw Midorima reading through the news on his laptop. You went over and gave him a quick peck then went to cook breakfast.

[S/N] came downstairs not long after and sat down next to his dad.

"Good morning father,"

"Good morning, [S/N]," Midorima glanced at your cooking form then looked at [S/N].

"[S/N], today I'm going to be teaching you basketball okay?" He smiled slightly at him.

"W-What?" Your son looked at you. You shrugged at him.

"After breakfast I'll teach you how to play,"

"But father, I'm...I'm not so good with basketball. I don't want to disappoint you," he timidly replied.

"Don't worry. I don't care if you're good or bad at basketball. But I figured that I should teach my son something that I grew to love as a child," [S/N] smiled at him then nodded.


Midorima and [S/N] went to the backyard to play. You watched from inside as [S/N] timidly shot the ball and missed. You saw Midorima pick up the ball and bend down (which wasn't much) to [S/N]'s height. He placed the ball in his right hand and positioned his left around to the right spot. Midorima said things to him and then told him to shoot. [S/N] made it and his form was very much similar to Midorima's. Midorima made him repeat it many times. Once [S/N] was smiling and confident about his improved shooting, Midorima helped him with his defending (which was kinda hard since he's like three times bigger). You decided to leave them alone to practice.

When you returned two hours later, Midorima and your son were already having an intense 1v1, [S/N] moving quick and expertly, courtesy of Midorima's teaching. [S/N] moved around Midorima and made the winning shot. The two stopped, breathing heavily.

"Good job [S/N]. You did very well. I'm proud," Midorima praised his beaming son. He saw you by the door and ran over to you.

"Mother did you see that?! Father taught me and now I'm a lot better!" You laughed.

"Yes, I saw everything. Good job," you ruffled his green hair as his smile grew. [S/N] went back to playing while Midorima went over to talk to you.

"You overheard us last night didn't you," you nudged him.

"I just happened to hear it on my way to the bedroom,"

"Well, whatever happened, thanks for teaching him and making him feel better," you kissed his lips, a slight blush forming on his pale cheeks. He always blushed whenever you kissed him, despite being together for so long and married. You thought it was cute.

"Do you think that he will be just like you?"

"Well, however our son turns out, I will still care for him because our my son,"


A/N - this is so OOC pls kill me :')))))))) I'm sorry for not really updating this book :( hey, on the bright side, I'm ending school on the 9th and all my major projects are done so I have a whole summer to update :)

Also, I've been obsessed with Love Live School Idol Festival :')) that game ruins my life but it's so fun and THE ELI, MAKI, KOTORI, AND UMI CARDS ARE SO CUTE I FCKING CANT


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