Prom [Aomine Daiki x Reader]

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A/N- lol from the title you already know what this is about. I should write this towards the end of the year, but I have a sh*tty memory so yeah. Enjoy!

You sighed in annoyance and rolled your [E/C] eyes as you witnessed another guy asking a girl out to prom. Honestly, you thought it was pretty stupid.

'Who the hell wants to spent a load of money for one night they'll probably forget?' You thought.

-time skip-

"Come on [F/N], you have to go to prom! It's your last year here at Touou!" Your friend urged you.

"Why should I? It's stupid and useless. You just dance with somebody, talk, then leave. Id rather stay home and [Favorite thing to do at home]." You spat back.

"Oh come on, I think Ao-" she said when you cut her off by putting your hand over her mouth.

She continued to beg and beg you to go until you had enough.

"Okay okay! If I agree to go, will you stop begging me?!" You yelled, giving up. Your friend nodded.

"Fine. I'll go." You said with a pout as your friend started bouncing up and down happily, then grabbing your arm and pulling you away.

"Wait, where are we going?!" You said while trying to tank your arm away.

"To the mall! We're buying dresses!" She said as you just let her pull you away.

-time skip-

You walked behind your friend as you both entered the venue of the Touou High School prom. It was dim with lights strobing everywhere. There were dancing people, as well as socializing, talking pictures, music, and food.

'*sigh* it's just like every high school dance.' You thought.

Your friend told you to sit down at a table while she met up with her date. You did, and sat there boredly, looking at yourself wearing a [favorite style] dress with [F/S/T].

After 20 minutes, you decided to leave prom and head to the gym instead to play basketball, regardless of what you were wearing at the moment.

You reached the empty, dimly lit, gym, the bright moonlight as your only source of light. You saw a basketball lying on the ground so you picked it up.

You were about to play basketball when a low voice interrupted you.

"[L/N]?" A tall male with dark blue hair in a black and white tuxedo said.

"What, Ahomine." You said in annoyance.

"I couldn't recognize you after I saw you wearing a dress and look fancy." He teased with a smirk.

"Stop looking, you pervert."

"Why are you here though. I thought you hated this type of trash." He said, going back to his bored expression.

"[B/F/N] made me go. And how about you? I thought you'd rather sleep or read your gravure magazines." You said in a bitter tone since you were a little jealous that Aomine liked those type of girls, and that you didn't have that 'big' quality.

"True. Satsuki made me." He said with a sigh. You never really liked Momoi.

"Oh." You said as he walked towards you. You never really liked Momoi.

"While we're here, let's play basketball. But I don't know. I don't think you can play on this state." He teased.

"Oh yeah, bring it." You said with a smirk.

You both ended up playing basketball together the whole time, instead of dancing. Aomine quite enjoyed himself, taking advantage of the sight of your slight cleavage, even though you weren't as busty as the girls on his magazines.

A/N- Oh my lord. Thank you so much for 11K views. I was gonna say thanks for the 10K when I saw I got 11. I was like 'holy crap, people like my writing this much?*cries tears of joy*'

No seriously, thank you. I didn't know Id get this far :,)

Anyways, see you guys next update!

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