Extinguish [Firefighter!Kagami Taiga x Reader]

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A/N- so here's a oneshot that was requested by my friend Tran (AnimeLoverr16) 😂 I knew you were gonna request him lmao but anyways, I hope that you guys are okay with this firefighter AU cx

After graduating from Seirin High, you had decided to live on your own. It has been at least 2 years after you made that decision. Though you have matured a lot more after high school, lost habits, and knew how to be fully independent and such, some things didn't change. For example, your high school crush on Seirin's former ace, Kagami Taiga. You two were great friends in high school, both of you having many things in common with each other. Though you had 3 years to confess, you didn't. You were simply afraid of rejection and the chances of your current friendship with him, disintegrating to just awkward conversations. So you kept your mouth shut. You gave him hints, but you knew how Kagami was.

After high school, he said that he was going to pursue a career or being a professional basketball player or a firefighter. Knowing those two jobs would be time consuming, you thought that he would have less free time. You still didn't know what career he had chosen, but you know it was taking up his time, since he hasn't talked you as much. Maybe about 3-4 times a month he's only talked to you.

One day you walked into a convenience store to buy a drink before you headed to play basketball with some of your friends from college. You were on your phone listening to music and [thing you usually do on your phone], so you didn't notice anything until you had bumped into someone in your way.

"Move you piece of-" you cut yourself off when you looked up and saw the familiar red hair of a tall male. He turned around.

"Kagami?!" You said in surprise, seeing the man in front of you in a firefighter uniform, without the equipment of course. He had a slightly different hairstyle now, his build became more muscular, and his jawline became sharper. Though he had a couple of changes since the last time you met, you thought that he had gotten cuter. [lmao at that point he would've been called hot]

"I knew I heard a familiar voice." He said with a smile.

"So you became a firefighter?" You said looking up and down his figure.

"Heh, yeah. I can see that you still play basketball." He said with a slight smirk.

"When have I not?" You replied.

"Hey, we should play a one on one, you know, for old times sake." He said with a mischievous smile plastered into his face.

"You're challenging me aren't you? Well come on then!" You challenged him.

"Let's-" Kagami was cut off when his coworker/partner, Makoto Tachibana walked in [tbh I'd call the fire dept. right now if Makoto was the person coming for me, cause I'm feelin hot right now ohoho *slaps self*]

"There you are Kagami! Come on, the whole team is waiting." He said nicely as you looked at the tall brunette with green eyes wearing the same uniform as Kagami.

"O-okay, I'll be right out!" Kagami replied. Kagami bid you farewell, and left.

"So Kagami, is she your girlfriend?" Makoto asked with a kind smile.

"N-no..." Kagami said with a tint of red, visible on his face.

-later that week-

You had found out which fire station Kagami worked at, so you decided to go visit them.

You walked in and a the same firefighter that you saw a couple days ago, confronted you.

"Hey, you're that girl from a couple days ago! Was your name.....[L/N]?" Makoto asked nervously, hoping he wouldn't get it wrong.

"Ah, yes, I am. How do you know my name?"

"Well, Kagami always talks about you." He said with a smile.

"He talks about me?"

"Yup! Like a teenage girl in love." Makoto replied, while leading you to where Kagami is.

You walked into a room and saw him.

"[L/N]?" He said with his mouth slightly open in surprise.

You waved at him with a smile on your face.

You two had started talking again, like how you both did in high school, as his coworkers all looked at you two, thinking you were both a good looking couple.

Kagami offered to show you around the firehouse since he had time and you had took his offer politely.

-during the tour-

While you guys were going around, Kagami showed you the firetruck. He told you about the inside of it, the bottons, panels, etc. You were both going to a different area in the firehouse now, but then Kagami tripped over the hose they use to put out for fires. You were right behind him, so it was sudden when he fell, causing you to trip over and fall on top of Kagami.

"[L/N], are you-" he stopped when he saw you on top of him. He started to blush madly at the sight.

"Hey guys, looks like we need to put out a fire right now!" One of his coworkers teased him, looking over at Kagami whose face was ready to combust into flames.

"Just ask her out already!" Another one said. Then you got off of him. Kagami looked at you.

"So......" He said quietly. You tilted your head to the side, almost teasingly, waiting for the next few words that were gonna come out of his mouth.

"Yes Kagami?"

"Will you...you know...."

"He wants you to be his girlfriend." Makoto said, popping out from behind Kagami and looking at you with a smile.

"Yes, Kagami, I'd be happy to." You said and hugged him. He immediately wrapped his arms around your body. For your own pleasure, you decided to tease him a little. You grabbed his collar, yanked it down, and have him a peck on he lips. Once again, kagami's face became as red as his hair.

"Okay boys, turn on the water! We got a fire to extinguish!" His coworker said, obviously talking about Kagami and his current state of embarrassment (the good kind).

"Sh-shut up!" He retorted back as you chuckled at your boyfriend's cuteness.

A/N- I'm actually feeling confident on this one lmao

Anyways, thank you guys, for 5K reads!! I am so flattered, glad, and surprised people actually like my sh*t writing *nervous laugh*

Once again, thank you so much, and see you guys next update!

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