Supply Room Confession [Sakurai Ryo x Reader]

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It was a regular sunny day at Touou Academy. Students were bustling around the halls, going to classes, taking with each other, and all. At the moment, you were walking to your first period class along with your friends, Sakurai and Aomine. You liked them. Sure, the two boys had completely contrasting personalities, but you didn't mind. The bond between the three of you was strong, and you knew you'd always love them like they were brothers to you. Well, at least Aomine. Sakurai though, you loved him more than the "brotherly" type. You had romantic feelings for him.


The day has gone by fine, as usual. Currently, you were at your club activity while Aomine and Saurkai were at basketball practice.

"Seriously, Sakurai, when are you going to confess to [L/N]." Aomine said to him, yawning at the end.

"I'm sorry Aomine-san! Sorry, but I don't know if she'll feel the same way," Sakurai said quitely, looking down with his brown eyes, while poking around his bento.

"If you don't hurry up, someone else is going to ask her out. I heard another guy likes her," Aomine informed him as Sakurai stiffened a bit at hearing it. Right when he opened his mouth to respond to Aomine, Imayoshi asked for them to both get something from the supply rooms in the other gyms. They both agreed to go.

"I would confess to her, but she might not feel the same way..." Sakurai replied quietly. Aomine rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Don't worry, she won't reject you or anything, geez." Aomine assured him. He wasn't wrong though. Aomine knew that you liked Sakurai. The only reason why he hasn't told him was because you threatened him if he did. You were always kinda scary when you were mad or something so that's why Aomine has never told him.

When they both arrived at the gym, they looked for the supply room connected to it. Once they had spotted the twin doors that led to the supply room, they walked on closer and saw a familiar figure with [H/C] [H/L] hair. You turned around and saw your two friends and smiled at them.

"Hey guys! Are you here to get some supplies too?" you asked as Aomine nodded. Once you opened the door, you all stepped in and started looking what you guys needed to get. Aomine didn't really feel like looking so he just stayed behind you and Sakurai. So then he got an idea on how to make Sakurai finally confess to you.

While you and the brown haired male were looking for things you were told to get, Aomine backed away and exited the room. Then he placed his hands on the doors and slammed them both closed and leaned his whole weight on it, trapping the both of you in the room. As soon as you and Sakurai heard the doors slam close, you both whipped your heads to the closed door and banged your fists on it.

"Aomine, you piece of-" you yelled out.

"I'm not letting you both out unless Sakurai tells you." Aomine cut you off as you saw Sakurai panick and freeze up from the corner of your eye.

"Tells me what?" you asked Aomine as he smirked from the outside.

"I'll let him tell you." he said, then you turned to the panicking male.

"What do you need to tell me, Sakurai?" you told him calmly. Seeing that Sakurai had no choice, he just decided to tell you.

"IvelikedyouforalongtimeImsorry!" he jumbled together and bowed in perfect 90 degree angle.

"Huh? Can you say that slower?" you asked with a raised eyebrow as Sakurai's face started to grow red with embarrassment.

".......I like you, [L/N]-san........" he said quietly and looked up slightly at you and saw you with a expression of surprise.

"I'm sorry!! (x 20)" he apologized.

"I-I..." you stuttered.

"If you don't feel the same way, it's okay! I'm sorry!" he said continuously bowing. Obviously, you were surprised that he liked you back. Placing your hand on his shoulder, you told him to stop bowing. Once he looked at you, he was tempted to bow and apologize again. Knowing that he was already thinking on doing that, you stopped him by grabbing his hand and yanking him towards you, and placing a kiss onto his lips.

"I feel the same way, okay?" you smiled at him, as you heard Sakurai give out a relived sigh. You gave out a small laugh and placed another kiss on his lips, making him redder than a tomato, if that was possible.

"Oi, you guys done?" Aomine said in a bored tone. You actually forgot that he was still there.

"Hey! He told me already! Let us out!" you yelled at him.

"If you don't let us out, I'll burn all of your gravure magazines!" you threatened. Aomine, of course, knew you were serious, so he immediately let you both out.

The next 15 minutes was spent you, lecturing while beating Aomine while your new boyfriend, Sakurai was trying to calm you down.

A/N- lmao I spent 5 hours on this because I got distracted.

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