Life Choices [Hanamiya Makoto x Reader]

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A/N - enjoy this extra oneshot lol


No one ever expected Hanamiya Makoto to be a father. And if he was one, people thought he wouldn't take care of the child. They were proven wrong however when you and Hanamiya had your first child together. A cute baby boy to be exact.

Now, there was a saying (?) that a child is placed with various items in front of them. Whatever they chose will affect what they want in their life. For example, if they chose money, they would have money in the future. If they chose a bandaid, they'd have health. Hanamiya was never one for those type of things. However, he agreed to do it since you wouldn't have stopped begging him if he hadn't done it with his child.

So here he was, back against the couch and various items separating him and his son. In front of son were a coin representing money, a bandaid representing health, a small basketball representing athleticism, and a pencil representing intelligence. Hanamiya watched the baby boy eagerly as he smiled and giggled and started crawling towards an item. He quickly saw him head towards the coin, but was confused when his son had passed it and crawled into his lap instead. Hanamiya's mouth hung slightly open in genuine surprise at the the choice. For the first time in forever, he was genuinely touched by the choice of his son. Mainly because it struck home since he never had a father growing up. Hanamiya cradled the boy in his arms protectively, something out of character for him. When you had walked in, you were surprised to see Hanamiya so close with his child. You bent down to Hanamiya's level and saw that his cheek had a visible straight wet stain.

"He chose you didn't he," you asked with a smile. Hanamiya didn't answer.

"That means he wants you in his life," you said with a grin.

"He didn't know I was a choice but he chose me anyways," Hanamiya stated as you laughed.

"See, you can be a good father. You just need to be there for him when he grows up,"

"I will. I'll be here for him even if he'll act like a brat. I'll be a better father. Better than mine who was never there," he vowed sincerely. The little boy giggled at the sound of his father's voice. He heard you laugh softly.

"That's something I'd never thought I'd hear you say,"

"Shut up,"

"But aside from that, are you seriously crying?"

"No you idiot,"

"Then what's with the wet face?" You teased.

"[S/N] played with my face when I gave him a bath,"

"You're forgetting that I was the one who gave him a bath," you corrected with a victorious smile. Hanamiya just scoffed and looked away. You laughed out loud at the adorableness of your husband.

A/N - it was better in my head but I REALLY wanted to write this lol.

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