Recital [Akashi Seijuro x Reader]

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A/N- this was requested by AquaticSunshine! Sorry if I went with piano, I'm much more familiar with it than violin!

I suggest you listen to the piano pieces that were mentioned in this oneshot. (It sets the mood)


You and Akashi Seijuro have been rivals since birth in many areas. Academics, athletics, and especially instruments. Ever since you both were children, you both competed in the same competitions for everything. Both of your families wanted you both to be at the top. You both were first place on everything, so if you got a first place trophy, so did Akashi and the other way around. You didn't care about academics and all, since you thought it was boring. Athletics were okay, but you definitely didn't want Akashi to beat you in the field of instruments. Especially piano. Not piano. Piano was one of the few things that you love and put extra effort in. But in every piano recital and competition, you and him were tied up.


You lifted your fingers from the piano as you completed the newest piece you were currently practicing for the winter recital that was coming up. You looked out the window as you saw snow falling. Looking around the empty room, you sighed quietly as you replayed the beautiful piece once again. You certainly loved that Rakuzan had multiple empty unused music rooms. Alone time was a good thing to you.

Meanwhile, at Akashi, he was practicing his piece as well. His fingers gracefully traveled across the piano with ease as he played professionally, not making a single mistake that could potentially ruin the whole song. While he playing, he was thinking about you. Akashi was actually thinking of asking you out at the winter recital. And he had a full plan already made up in his mind.


The winter recital finally came up after practicing for about two weeks. You waited in the auditorium in your [F/C] [F/D] dress. It was then that Akashi entered the auditorium, clad in a fancy black tux, with a tailcoat, with a matching black necktie. He walked over to you.

"Are you ready to lose?" Akashi asked you.

"Shouldn't you be asking that to yourself?" you retorted. He chuckled a bit.

"Oh, [F/N], I don't lose." he replied back smoothly.

"Want a bet?" you asked, crossing your arms.

"Gladly. If you lose, you have to fulfill my one request." he stated.

"Alright. Agreed. If you lose, you have to fulfill my one request." you said as Akashi nodded. You both sat down next to each other since your performances were next to each other.

Finally, the recital started. It went on and on with other peoples' performances. They were all well played and beautiful, you had to admit, but you were quite confident about your performance. And at last, your performance was next.

"Next up, is [L/N] [F/N], performing on the grand piano." the host said as you went up to the stage and walked in front of the piano. Before you sat on the bench, you bowed and said,

"Hello. Tonight, I will be performing Yuriko Nakamura's Winter Romance." you said as you went and sat on the bench. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, opened your eyes once again and started to play on the beautiful instrument. While you were playing, tears were brought up on the audiences's eyes as they heard you play perfectly. (go on YouTube and search up Winter Romance Yuriko Nakamura)

When the song ended, you stood up from the bench and you bowed. You looked back up and saw that more than half of the audience was standing up and clapping. You smiled out in the crowd and then walked off the stage. Akashi was up next.

"The last performance for tonight is Akashi Seijuro, performing on the grand piano." the host said then Akashi walked onto the stage. He walked to the piano, and before he sat down he bowed and said,

"Hello. I will be performing Kan R. Gao and Laura Shigihara's To The Moon." Akashi said smoothly then went sat on the bench and swiped away his tailcoat. Akashi didn't waste any time and he started to play on the piano, the beauty of the piece already coming out, and bringing tears into everyone's eyes because of the emotional sound of the piece Akashi was playing. (vid is in media)

By the time Akashi finished his performance, everyone in the room was already standing up and clapping for him.

Akashi bowed and smirked at you. Before he was going to walk down he looked at you and said,

"Are you ready to go on a date with me, [F/N]?"

A/N- I hoped you guys liked this batch of requests!

See you guys next update!

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