Goodbye [Mayuzumi Chihiro x Reader]

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"Hey, [F/N]. It's been some time since we've talked." Mayuzumi said, clutching the novel he was holding at his side. 

"I haven't been able to find happiness since you've left me back in our first year of college. My life has been gray as it's always been." the silver haired male said. 

Mayuzumi sighed heavily then slid down the tree that was next to him. Looking at the horizon, he took a deep breath and said,

"Why did you leave me." he asked sharply, talking to you as if you'd answer. 

"You know how much you meant to me, and now I can't see you anymore. For the first time in my life, I've felt happy with someone rather than being alone." he confessed. Mayuzumi wasn't exactly angry at you, but himself. 

"If I had been there, maybe you'd still be with me. You would've never left me." Mayuzumi confessed as he was trying to hold his tears back. But the painful stinging in his eyes were making it nearly impossible to contain. Not wanting to burst into tears, he quickly got up. 

Mayuzumi looked at the book  in his hand as a sudden flashback came to him.


"Hey, Mayuzumi, you should read this book. You said that you like reading light novels right?" You said as you handed him the book. 

"Is it about romance?" he asked in a slightly irritated voice.

"Nah, not into that stuff." you replied with a bored look on your face. 

"Okay. I'll read it." the male agreed as he saw a smile form on your face. Mayuzumi didn't know why his stomach felt like it was doing back flips, or why he kept on glancing back at you. It was such a foreign feeling to him, so of course, he didn't know. 

"You can keep it once you're done, okay. I've got another copy." You said with a friendly wink as you punched him lightly on the arm then left. As you were walking out of the room, Mayuzumi had this feeling inside him that something was going to happen.


When the flashback ended, he said, 

"I came here to return the book after 5 years. It's pretty long, but I'm returning it. It keeps on reminding me of you." he said in a pained voice, then set the book on the ground. Before taking his leave, he rummaged through his pocket and took out a box. 


It was a couple weeks after your guy's graduation from college, when Mayuzumi had finally mustered up the courage to ask you to be his forever, after being together for four years. He wasn't the most romantic or lovey-dovey guy, and you didn't mind that. But despite that, he wanted to bring you to [Favorite Place In Japan] to propose to you privately. 

When he had gotten to the destination where you guys would meet, he blankly looked at his watch and waited for you to arrive. 

Mayuzumi had started to feel nervous and slightly angry as he looked at his watch again and saw that you were 30 minutes late. He decided to call you, but as if on cue, his phone rang, and he answered it, thinking it was from you. 


"Mr. Mayuzumi, please come to the hospital quickly, your girlfriend has gotten into an accident." a stern and urgent voice said, as he started to run to the nearest cab that would get him to the hospital the fastest.

When Mayuzumi ran through the doors, he asked the lady at the front desk where you were.

Once he had gotten to the emergency room, he saw you on the stretcher, all bloody, and nearly ready to die in any second. He wanted to be with you, but he was pulled back by nurses and forced to wait. 

After five agonizing hours, the doctor finally came out and said,

"Sir, she's-" 


Mayuzumi winced and closed his eyes, shutting out the other part of that painful scene. He opened the box and took out a diamond ring, still sparkling brightly. 

"I wanted to put this on your finger two years ago, [F/N]. I wanted to show you this, but not in this way. Not when I don't even know if you're paying attention to me." 

He didn't want to stay any longer, because it was getting more painful by the second, and he couldn't bear it anymore. The silver haired male placed the ring back in the box, and set it down on the ground as well. 

Before Mayuzumi could leave, he took one last look at the book and ring that was set in front of your grave, then spun on his heels and walked away without saying a word, because if he did, he knew he'd start crying. 

A/N- I almost made myself cry with my crappy angst lol.

See you guys next update!

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